All Posts Tagged With: "milk"

GMO foods

Linda’s comments:  WE MUST STOP GMO FOOD PRODUCTION….OR AT LEAST LABEL FOODS THAT CONTAIN GMO….the industry knows if they label, people will not buy, except for the “sheeple”….protect your families and especially your children….JUST SAY NO TO GMO….

Monsanto GMO foods are causing symptoms like allergies, asthma, weight problems, serious digestive disorders, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and anxiety. By just eliminating all GMO foods some of these issues to responded.

I somehow feel that in the future we will need community gardens or some way to affordable get real food for people again. Just look at Mark Hyman’s wildly successful weight loss and improved glucose control etc. in people if they stop all wheat and dairy.

Now, in addition, Russell Blaylock’s current news letter reports that dairy, particularly skim milk, is the biggest risk factor for prostate cancer. What have we done to our food supply?


Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute


From: David Ponsonby

Dramatic Health Recoveries Reported By Patients Who Took Their Doctor’s Advice and Stopped Using GMO Foods
by Jeffrey M. Smith

Are genetically modified (GM) foods making you sick – I mean really sick? Up until recently, all that we could say was thank goodness you’re not a lab rat; GM feed messes them up big time. GMOs (genetically modified organisms) appear to trigger the immune systems of both mice and rats as if they were under attack. In addition, the gastrointestinal system is adversely affected, animals age more quickly, and vital organs are damaged.

Fox news Youtube video – must see

Linda’s comments:  Here is more proof of what our government does  and how much control they have over our media…..WAKE UP FOLKS….

Garry’s Comments:

Here you have proof that FDA ignored the bovine growth hormone issue in spite of Canada’s ruling against it due to the potential of increased cancer. What is so frightening is that Fox news, owned my Rupert Murdoch, states openly:  we decide what it the news. They fire employees who have the story well documented that Americans needed to know and when the employees sue Fox news, of course, Fox wins.  

This is how Monsanto seemed destined to control the world, yet consumers got the message and refused to buy their contaminated milk and Monsanto sold off the bovine growth hormone division.  

There is still power in a fully informed public! The Internet is not yet controlled by the media so there is still hope. We need to get good at getting our message to the public and articulating it in a fashion they relate to on a scientific and emotional level. 

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute
Fox News Kills Monsanto Milk Story – MUST SEE!

You may have seen this before. This would be a great video to show to any jury prior to an alleged FDA violation trial…

Rickets makes comeback among computer generation

The growth of the computer generation and changing lifestyles among children are leading to a Vitamin D deficiency and a rise in cases of rickets, medical experts have warned

Full article:


They said modern diets often lack Vitamin D and this could be a big reason – along with changing lifestyles – for the increasing health problems, in particular rickets in children. Continued

Vitamin D dosing myths

Linda’s BRAVO to yet another conventional doctors who sees the light!! This excites me….Sorry but any doctor that tells you to restrict your VitD, I would say RUN FORREST RUN!! I have battled (5) Cancers, but at the time I wasn’t paying attention to my VitD levels….it finally bit me in the back….It has taken me a few years of massive amounts of D to get my levels in a safe margin. I now take 10,000 to 15,000 units daily. to maintain safe levels……

Doc Gurley is RIGHT ON….she lists 6 VitD myths….read and learn…..


Full article:

Vitamin D dose myths – 6 fun factoids
As the mountain of vitamin D research (showing its importance) grows to Everest heights, you may be wondering about some statements that are thrown around as “truth.” Here are some fun vitamin D myths to pass along (by email, twitter or facebook) to friends, family and loved ones, because, when it comes to vitamin D, you want to get your dose (even of information) JUST RIGHT: Continued