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IDSA: Flu Vaccine Benefits Moms and Babies


Linda’s comments:  It is very hard to read this and not want to kick in my monitor!!  I wonder how much IDSA members gets in donations from the vaccine industry and the drug companies???  How many millions of children have been born and their mothers didn’t think about getting “flu” vaccines…  why all of a sudden is this urgent?  I’m 65 yrs old and NEVER NEVER have I or would EVER think about getting these toxic, deadly vaccines.  I have made it through five Cancers, two Lyme infections and several other healthcare problems and I simply don’t get the flu as I take all the preventions.  Even the doctors who don’t believe in giving the vaccines are amazed that I am never sick with the“flu”…Cancer patients are prone to flu and contiguous diseases.  Wasn’t an issue with me and trust me folks I have dealt with a lot …..Even during my nursing days did I ever take any vaccines….I refused and continued to take my preventions. 
How they can say that the flu vaccine would benefit moms and babies is beyond what I believe in AND I’m walking proof, as my children, who have never been vaccinated.  When a friend of my child got the measles, chickenpox, mumps, etc., etc. I would run my child over to play with the sick child….when they got sick themselves it was quick and easy, but then again I flooded their bodies with vitamin/supplements/herbs and they were over it with no discomfort or side effects.  They are now naturally immunized and grown adults.
If someone chooses to be vaccinated then that is “their” choice, but don’t make me believe that it is better to vaccinate than not!!  I feel it is a shame and criminal in some ways to force vaccinations on people.  If the conventional boys and girls would do some study work on preventions and stop poking “drugs/pills” at their patients and focus on good diet, supplements, vitamins, herbals, there would be a lot less toxic people walking the streets…We have enough to worry about with environmental toxins without jabbing our bodies with more….When Dr Doris Rapp, MD, spoke about and wrote about “Our Toxic World” she was directing her knowledge at parents for their children, but today it is a subject that every living human should become educated and learn preventions.
Look at the baby formulas!!  YIKESSSSSSSSSSSSSSs….they alone would make a child sickly and toxic.   Then they poke GMO foods and snacks that are laden with sugars and BPA….So tragic what is being shoved at us today….shameful IMHO….
Linda or Angel Continued