All Posts Tagged With: "needle biopsies"

Breast Biopsies reveal surgery used too often

Linda’s comments:  What Dr Gordon says is true… is tragic what Western Medicine is doing when treting Cancers….

Dr. Gordon’s Comments:

80% of breast biopsies turn out to be benign. Unfortunately greed is leading to unjustifiable open biopsies, which mean that if there was cancer present, women will have two surgeries back to back. But, with the new research about cancer and wound healing, there is more to the story. We need to carefully review those articles I have sent you and come to the conclusion that I have that even simple needle biopsies carry risk of spreading cancer. So a safe preventive approach using IV vitamin C makes real sense if the patient is you or loved one.

This article from the New York Times has some proof that greed is driving the cancer market. One doctor seeing these statistics stated that “it was ‘outrageous’ that 30 percent of breast biopsies were done by surgery.  He said some of the unnecessary procedures were being performed by surgeons who did not want to lose biopsy fees by sending patients to a radiologist”

Of course, all this can be avoided now when we finally realize that annual use of breast cancer screening tests using tests like thermography and the or the new Johnson and Johnson test for cancer. Simply throw out useless and dangerous mammograms, which are feeding these mercenary surgeons that push for open biopsies that almost no one needs!

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute



February 18, 2011
Study of Breast Biopsies Finds Surgery Used Too Extensively

Too many women with abnormal mammograms or other breast problems are undergoing surgical biopsies when they should be having needle biopsies, which are safer, less invasive and cheaper, new research shows.