Urgent Plea from Linda

Linda’s comment:  please write letters to the below listed people ASAP….this is a serious health matter for everyone in the USA .  I had the meters removed from my home as it was causing my heart to race and skip beats, fatigue, severe headaches and not sleeping. 
PLEASE  help us to stop this ….
Complaint regarding Smart meters Letter to the commissioners VERY IMPORTANT. THIS MATTERS
To: Cindy dB <auraconnection@hotmail.com>


Please write a letter to Arizona corporations commissions with email addresses below
enter e-Docket Number: E-OOOOOC-11-0328

email this to below is all the commissioners of Arizona regarding a complaint on the Smart meters and how you want it ban from the State of Arizona and all the health problems it’s causing, example headaches, insomnia, a number of heart problems and all the ill side effects people are having. Do this ASAP! They will be voting very soon on this issues on an op out program or like California it’s mandatory in most areas for smart meter instillation. Tell them to forward it to the Docket number
IF you know anyone in Arizona sent this around on your email list.
Also in AZ they need to write a letter in the complaint department to APS AND SRP Power companies as well. This really does matter.
Thank you


Commissioner Paul Newman: Newman-web@azcc.gov

Commissioner Brenda Burns: Burns-web@azcc.gov

Commissioner Gary Pierce: Pierce-web@azcc.gov

Commissioner Bob Stump: Stump-web@azcc.gov