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Dr. Gordon on Heavy Metals

This alarming report tells you that people are increasingly poisoned worldwide by heavy metal pollution.

I cannot fix what is going on but at least I can continue to ask you all to go to my and review even briefly the 507 published papers on oral chelation and heavy metal detoxification. The lead battery plants should not be allowed to operate without providing oral EDTA to keep blood lead levels down!

Somehow the lies about oral EDTA do not stop. Some pretend it is a waste of time; others claim it must be stuck in the rectum to work, utter falsehood countered with the published lead levels in urine and blood studies on my website. Others claim it is poorly tolerated, yet everyone taking Beyond Chelation-Improved packets twice a day receives 800 mg EVERY DAY and I have been on this for well over 20 years. But, with increasing pollution, I prefer to take more oral EDTA and suggest many can work up slowly to 3000 mg, which is about one level teaspoon of powdered EDTA.

Of course EDTA is not a cure all. Those relying on just oral EDTA are getting a very cost effective benefit but preventing heart attacks requires the blood thinning effect from the all natural heparin like action found only in Essential Daily Defense.

And with all the dangerous food I eat since I do not have the luxury in my extensive travel schedule lecturing around the world to live organically, I have to rely on zeolite and the greens found in Organic Greens from Longevity Plus and the never less than 1 slightly heaping teaspoonful of BioEn’R-G’y C twice a day providing my minimum intake of 8 gram of vitamin C along with one-two capsules of Zeogold twice a day.

Read the attached newspaper report from one country that has proven what is really happening world-wide today, as we pollute our planet more and more.


Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

I found this news in one of Nigerians Newspaper and I thought i spread the word


Abraham O Kowo

Happy New Year!

Whatever you think you know about mercury toxicity is about to be expanded ten fold. Thanks for learning all this. I have emphasized LEAD because it has been more widely studied and, of course, lead makes mercury far more toxic. I have a proven lifetime proposal to deal with the 1000 fold increase in bone lead we find in everyone born today vs. 700 years ago.

Now you will have the facts on mercury and may be more interested then in why I find zeolite so useful, as it is known to help detox mercury, as well as many organic toxins we all carry. I hope to be protected with my 8-12 grams of BioEn-R’G-y C every day and my Power Drink and the Beyond Chelation Improved packet of 9 pills twice a day along with Zeogold twice a day.

I hope this new information helps you motivate yourself and loved ones, as well as patients, to stay on a real lifetime detox program.


Dr. Garry F. Gordon, MD, DO, MD (H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

From: R S

A wonderfully informative site on all aspects of Hg…Especially see the section “The Problem With Mercury”

Detoxification and other updates from Dr. Gordon

This will be an important webinar from Great Plains. Director Dr Shaw understands how toxic we all are so this knowledge will permit you to better help autism and all neurodegenerative conditions, even aging itself.

Detoxification is the goal and lab tests help motivate and educate patients to understand this is a life long fight for health we are in today .I have extensive experience helping autistic children and I have witnessed miracles with PEMF, as the Magnetically Induced Cellular Exercise releases toxins.

Of course those toxins can cause a Herxheimer reaction but I have mitigated against that with my total detox formula, otherwise called my power drink with Zeogold added. Of course everyone needs high dose well tolerated vitamin C and nothing competes with BIOEN’R-G’Y C. Use the urine test strips called VITA CHEK C for 20 cents a test to convince yourself that no other vitamin c based product has the delivery system found with the special form of vitamin C in BIOEN’R-G’Y C with MSM, TMG, Ribose and essential sugars from aloe vera. One slightly heaping Teaspoonful provides 4000 mg of vitamin C. Our research proves provides greater protection against free radicals than any vitamin C available anywhere at any price. This is one essential component along with zeolite and stabilized rice bran and all the organic greens from land and ocean that are all necessary if you want to have the results that I see without all the hassle when I use what I call my power drink and exercise the head and body with the PEMF.

It is high time that everyone starts to do meaningful detoxification. Without the unique ingredients in my Power Drink, you are not getting all the toxins out. And, without PEMF you are lacking the ATP for cells to engage in autophagy, IE self cleaning, where finally cells have the energy to process the toxins that the power drink then neutralizes and excretes from the body.

This approach applies to any serious condition not just autism, as I primarily use this PEMF/Power Drink/BC-I program to stop and even reverse my own aging process so I am Now healthier than I have even been in my prior 77 years of living.

I hope you can listen to the free webinar October 10. See attached to learn more and register with Great Plains.


Dr. Garry F. Gordon, MD, DO, MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute


Autism is a complex, multifactorial disorder of uncertain etiology. Initially described as a psychological disorder involving communication failure, relationship dysfunction, and ritualistic, repetitive behavior, autism is associated with measurable defects in many organ systems.


Why people with Lyme cannot drink alcohol

Linda’s comment:  LOL….that is all we need is alcohol laden bugs in our bodies.  Our livers are important to help us detox toxins and alcohol and and will destroy vital liver functions..

Why people with Lyme cannot drink alcohol

Why people with Lyme cannot drink alcohol | What is Lyme?










Chemtrails link

Toxins in water

The Environmental Working Group link makes us realize this is the water everyone cooks with and bathes in so maybe we need to use Beyond Clean (EDTA) whenever bathing any child. But the facts show we cannot escape from these exposures, so for the safest approach, always take something everyday that helps eliminate the toxins we breath, eat, drink and absorb while bathing.

For example, aluminum uptake in brain is doubled when your drinking water contains the approved levels of fluorine, which means again a terrible need to take iodine every day if you hope to save your thyroid function! Otherwise just feel cold and tired for life and gain weight by looking at food.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

From: Russell Ranno
July 29, 2009 |
Human and animal cancer evidence prompts review of fluoride
California EPA committee designates fluoride as priority for review for public warnings about risk of cancer to consumers.

Why can’t Lyme patients drink alcohol?

Linda’s comment:  LOL….that is all we need is alcohol laden bugs in our bodies.  Our livers are important to help us detox toxins and alcohol and and will destroy vital liver functions…

Why people with Lyme cannot drink alcohol | What is Lyme?










Dangers Lurk! Watch out for new car smell…

The Purative Drinking Water Advantage

The Purative Drinking Water Advantage

Reverse Osmosis,
Activated Carbon,
Countertop Water Purification System

Dr. Gordon on Super Foods for Removing Mercury

Detoxification is my passion and no single product, no matter how good, can do what must be done. Dr Mercola has identified the fact that we are all toxic today but I do not find any chlorella can stand up to the broader based program I advocate of starting with my DETOX drink (BioEn’R-G’y C, Zeogold, and H Minus), as explained in detail on my website Then when Patients are ready for the whole program they can work into adding my Power Drink, which adds my Organic Greens. My Power Drink goes far beyond what any single green can hope to do no matter how it is processed.

I include oral chelation with Beyond Chelation-Improved and Zeolite and the most powerful nutrient dense food you can find for my source of fiber, Beyond Fiber with Beta Sitosterol, Octocosinol, etc. from Stabilized Rice bran and Artichoke, along with MACA powder in the DETOX drink.

However, we all need PEMF to increase CELL MEMBRANE POTENTIAL today since the Earth’s is losing it magnetic field. PEMF can operate at the cellular level to induce Autophagy. This is an advance exercise technique requiring a PEMF device like the PMT-100. With this form of exercise, the cell starts to clean itself.

Everyone knows we need to detox but I review all the ideas I find and they are not doing what needs to be done. The answers to detoxification being widely promoted today in my opinion are too little too late!

I hope many will understand that chronically ill patients need more than some tablets or diet change, as biochemical support is not enough. I suggest that electrons and the new physics, as described by Claude Swanson, need to be considered.

See my webinar on ELECTRON DEFICIENCY to take detoxification to the ultimate level we need for today’s toxic environment where we are born toxic. See and look for the Ten Americans study to know what toxins are in everyone tested to day. Then join me next Friday, March 23rd, for my webinar on Reversing Aging with Advanced Detoxification, Exercise, Zeolite, and Autophagy (


Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute



The History of Chlorella
Chlorella is one of the most widely studied food supplements in the world. Aside from being the subject of medical research in the USA, USSR, Germany, Japan, France, England and Israel, chlorella has been extensively studied as a food source since it is made up of a whopping 50 percent protein and is considered a complete amino acid-based food.
Even NASA has studied using chlorella as the one of first whole foods in space on the international space station!