All Posts Tagged With: "Autism"

The truth about vaccines!

Linda Comment:  More and more folks should get involved with the truth about vaccines.

Vaccine Truth: Your Child. Your Choice.



Detoxification and other updates from Dr. Gordon

This will be an important webinar from Great Plains. Director Dr Shaw understands how toxic we all are so this knowledge will permit you to better help autism and all neurodegenerative conditions, even aging itself.

Detoxification is the goal and lab tests help motivate and educate patients to understand this is a life long fight for health we are in today .I have extensive experience helping autistic children and I have witnessed miracles with PEMF, as the Magnetically Induced Cellular Exercise releases toxins.

Of course those toxins can cause a Herxheimer reaction but I have mitigated against that with my total detox formula, otherwise called my power drink with Zeogold added. Of course everyone needs high dose well tolerated vitamin C and nothing competes with BIOEN’R-G’Y C. Use the urine test strips called VITA CHEK C for 20 cents a test to convince yourself that no other vitamin c based product has the delivery system found with the special form of vitamin C in BIOEN’R-G’Y C with MSM, TMG, Ribose and essential sugars from aloe vera. One slightly heaping Teaspoonful provides 4000 mg of vitamin C. Our research proves provides greater protection against free radicals than any vitamin C available anywhere at any price. This is one essential component along with zeolite and stabilized rice bran and all the organic greens from land and ocean that are all necessary if you want to have the results that I see without all the hassle when I use what I call my power drink and exercise the head and body with the PEMF.

It is high time that everyone starts to do meaningful detoxification. Without the unique ingredients in my Power Drink, you are not getting all the toxins out. And, without PEMF you are lacking the ATP for cells to engage in autophagy, IE self cleaning, where finally cells have the energy to process the toxins that the power drink then neutralizes and excretes from the body.

This approach applies to any serious condition not just autism, as I primarily use this PEMF/Power Drink/BC-I program to stop and even reverse my own aging process so I am Now healthier than I have even been in my prior 77 years of living.

I hope you can listen to the free webinar October 10. See attached to learn more and register with Great Plains.


Dr. Garry F. Gordon, MD, DO, MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute


Autism is a complex, multifactorial disorder of uncertain etiology. Initially described as a psychological disorder involving communication failure, relationship dysfunction, and ritualistic, repetitive behavior, autism is associated with measurable defects in many organ systems.


Dr. Gordon on infections and oxidative therapies.

Linda comment:  We must all wake up and address the chronic infections…..I love the FIGHT protocol and have been on it for 3 years…..IT ROCKS….go to my file on Webinars and watch all six webinars on the FIGHT protocol…..


WE ALL HAVE SOME CHRONIC INFECTIONS; now there is another major breakthrough to prove this.

My Fight program clearly is meant to help us educate our patients that achieving optimal health is a lifetime challenge. With increasing sophistication of lab sciences, we will find many more challenges in every one of my FIGHT categories but with the epidemic of people with chronic fatigue, you now have even more reason to want to learn about Oxidative therapies like OZONE/UVB/SILVER.

However, a unifying approach to enhance our bodies ability to deal with the multifactorial nature of any chronic disease should increase our interest in learning more about Energy medicine. This broad topic includes Homeopathy, Accupunture, Prayer, Microelectric Current therapy, Magnetic Healing, Oxygen, Hyperthermia and much of what is now called Alternative Medicine.

The exerpt below is just one line from the great overview of viral infections and XMRV that is found in Autism and Prostate Cancer and Chronic Fatigue. This area of research is all new this year but we can expect that someone will soon find many more fungi issues or parasites issues. Of course tying impaired health to our toxin load is just beginning to be seriously considered. Do not fail to look for a moment at this article, as when you tell patients they need to deal with the chronic infection component of their current symptom complex, many feel you are off the wall.

Unless they have heard of Candida or Chlamydia, or CMV, or Herpes, or Lyme, they are not attuned to the need to lower their total body burden of pathogens. No one needs to spend the money to chase down which of these infections they have, as no one will test negative for one or more of these infections if adequately tested. So testing for most patients is impractical except to get their attention as to why they must do something about the infection component of my FIGHT program if they are to achieve optimal health.

“XMRV (xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus) is strongly associated with chronic fatigue syndrome/ME. The earlier study published in the journal Science was a joint study by the Cleveland Clinic, the National Cancer Institute, and the Whittemore-Peterson Institute of the University of Nevada with Drs. Vincent Lombardi and Judy Mikovits as lead authors. Here the lead author of the NIH/Harvard/FDA study, Dr. Harvey Alter, noted in a press conference that he considered his study a confirmation of the earlier WPI study, even though they had detected different MLV-related viruses (MRVs), rather than only XMRV. There does seem to be a greater variety of MRVs in chronic fatigue syndrome/ME patients than first understood. The WPI’s original study also showed some evidence of additional MRVs.”
Read more:


Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

Electromagnetic Therapy with comments from Dr. Gordon

Linda’s comment:  This is an outstanding article on the success of the PEMF machine…OUTSTANDING results with our Autism kiddos too…..Some of the treatments are also FDA approved…..


Season’s Greetings!
I am pleased to bring to you an excellent report on PEMF entitled, “The Missing Link to Optimal Health: Recharge Your Life with Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy”, by Scott Forsgren. (see article here: Scott hosts an informative website and blog called, and writes for the Public Health Alert and other publications on the topic of Lyme disease and related issues.
Magnetic therapy has been studied and documented throughout the centuries, from ancient times to the present. Magnets have long been believed to have healing powers associated with energy, muscle pain and stiffness. Today, scientific research in the U.S. and the world over is providing invaluable data on how magnetic fields can positively affect the nervous and circulatory systems, as well as every living cell – animal, human and plant.
PEMF therapy received FDA clearance in 1982 to promote the healing of bone fractures. It also has a proven track record in treating many of the conditions we encounter today, including incontinence, diabetic neuropathy, muscle weakness, impaired bone health and vascular issues including gangrene where scheduled amputations are no longer needed. The U.S. company that makes the PEMF device (PMT-100AT) that I treat with and use personally on a daily basis, has literally given me a new back! After more than 20 years of chronic back pain and problems, I can now move around and stand up straight without pain! (Go to to view more amazing testimonials on Autism, Parkinson’s, MS, ALS, etc.).
I have experienced amazing results through the combination of my F.I.G.H.T. For Your Health program, and the latest developments in PEMF and other energy medicine modalities such as Tesla-based electro muscle stimulation, low level lasers, and correctly designed magnetic sleep pads. I invite you to read the report from Scott Forsgren and begin to learn how PEMF can help you recharge your life and achieve optimal health and longevity!
Dr. Garry F. Gordon, MD, DO, MD(H)
Gordon Research Institute
Payson, Arizona USA

Linda & Dr. Gordon on the “T” in FIGHT

Linda’s comments: GO TO ONE OF MY BLOGS……. and watch all SIX of the free webinars on FIGHT…….if you are fighting ANY CHRONIC ILLNESS THEY ARE A MUST WATCH……we must reduce our total body burden of pathogens and toxins, IF WE WANT TO GET WELL….

Dr. Gordon’s comments:

The T in my FIGHT program is the bombshell that is largely ignored.   T is for toxins and they are ALWAYS present.  How can we move medicine into dealing with adverse effects of pesticides instead of poisoning patients with more toxic drugs? Pesticides are everywhere thanks to GMO foods where the food itself provides us with Bacillus Theringensis or BT.
Now we find this report of a small effort to reduce home and garden use of pesticides. Look at the potential benefits including lowering   incidence of:  cancers including Leukemia, cognitive disturbances, and disturbed behavior. These are just a few of the thousands of references that should wake us up to see the need to prevent toxicity by utilizing oral chelators  such as High Dose C and Fiber and Zeolite and Greens daily throughout life for those we love.
There many substantial benefits when we start to demand organic food. Our environment will be safer and perhaps we will not have one out of four children on drug treatment for some illness including Autism, ADHD, OCD, Cancer, Hypertension, obesity, or Diabetes by the time they start school.
The fact is that sperm count was 160 million in just the past 50 years and is now lucky to reach 40 million. That fact should make it clear that my FIGHT program is essential for everyone as we are all toxic; testing is expensive and optional since no one has ever passed the $4900 test at Mt. Sinai (see Ten Americans study on my website).
These toxins are why we need   the assistance of fertility specialists just to have babies
yet all we do is prescribe a toxic drug even anti-psychotics to kids because they have “problems”   so they cannot function well. We mask the problem with  some drug but clearly not 1 %  of patients with these issues are told anything about organic living or  the need for lifetime detoxification particularly critical  during pregnancy, when the mother’s toxins are being downloaded to the fetus.
Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute
David Suzuki Foundation and Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE) – Docs Talk
Pesticides bans are healthy for environment and people
Posted: 08 Dec 2011 09:42 AM PST
If you live in a province that hasn’t already banned cosmetic pesticides, tell your representative that you want legislation to ensure a clean environment for you and your children (Credit: OlivIreland via Flickr).

Autism & digestion

Linda’s comment:  children with autism and gastrointestinal symptoms have altered digestive gene….Autism parents fail to understand this, but more importantly autistic docs have no clue….

Lyme Disease – Topic of New Book


March 25th, 2010

(2004) I am a member of the Chelation Discussion Group, headed by the guru of Chelation therapy, Garry Gordon, M.D., D.O. It may have well over 2000 health professional members now on a worldwide basis. The theme seems to be primarily questions answered by Dr. Gordon as well as astute contributions from the members. Well, there is a tremendous number of communications per week. I used to print them all out and save them, but now I have decided to record the essence of many of the teachings in my brain.


New study says: Autism NOT Genetic

Linda’s Comments: This destroys the “expert” standing of so many autism so-called experts so do not expect overnight acceptance of the environment causation, which to anyone not involved in genetic research will find is clearly the logical explanation for not just autism but the fact that in USA one in four in school today are on drug therapy for some condition, diebetes, asthma, mental issues including depression adhd, obsessive compulsive and so on. 

Dr. Gordon’s Comments:

This is a bombshell! Autism genetic causation with millions of dollars invested in this wrong direction is all but dead when the world reads the attached in-depth report.

Of course, erroneous ideas hang around in medicine for years, as there is so much money involved in sticking with out-moded concepts. This destroys the “expert” standing of so many autism so-called experts so do not expect overnight acceptance of the environment causation, which to anyone not involved in genetic research will find is clearly the logical explanation for not just autism but the fact that in USA one in four in school today are on drug therapy for some condition, diebetes, asthma, mental issues including depression adhd, obsessive compulsive and so on. 

This latest large study moves the pendulum away from genetic causation back to environment!! This study is carefully reported here in all detail so if you are involved in autism please read the attached in its entirety, as there are important details you will want to express accurately if you are advising patients or teaching.

I have always known that what Andrew Wakefield reported on, see his website and book Callous Disregard, had merit (IE MMR triggered autism in what had seemed to be normal children up until then). I have dealt with many of these families and attended numerous conferences

However, things are not always simple A + B = C and Thiomersal may not be acting alone and there are these Epigenetic issues we know are happening when substances like Bisphenol A impair methylation, as Randy Jirtle at Duke has documented in Agouti mice. Then the issue becomes one of what are the contributing environmental toxins and they may well vary from case to case. Then when you try to study which nutrient deficiencies are contributing to the autism spectrum, you have issue including D, Magnesium etc and now issues around the need for methylation support in order to better handle the load of toxins found in every child’s cord blood (see Ten Americans at 

Then the bomb shell of cerebral folate deficiency now reported in NEJM last week where we find that some antigen is blocking the folate receptors in brain and the only hint of nutrient deficiency was documented only in cerebral spinal fluid. Now we have many potential culprits for this new autoimmune disease of the folate receptor – milk protein or whatever you want to implicate to help explain why the folate receptor in brain are blocked and cannot take up folic acid unless in the form of Folinic acid or 5’MTHF and apparently needed by some in significant orthomolecular levels.

Now we have the time line of events and a turning point in the disease was 1988, which we now find is when vaccine manufacturers turned away from egg and incorporated aborted fetal tissue for vaccine production. 

WILL someone ever make sense of all this so that we can stop this epidemic? 

I vote for anyone wanting a healthy baby to start a one or two year aggressive detox program for prospective mom and dad along the lines I advocate with oral chelation including my Power Drink with ZeoGold added along with regular exercise and some sauna exposure to enhance sweating, as a minimum.

Then hopefully start a boycott of all vaccines made on aborted fetal tissue that includes 24 of them today. That would be nice but since that in some countries is met with jail terms and a gun pointed at the prospective recipient of the vaccine, maybe we have to settle for now with trying to decrease the number of adverse outcomes by at minimum using aggressive Vitamin C based oral program. That means using a minimum of one gram per 10# of weight or roughly for year of age, as one program to try to diminish the clear risk I see in associated with current vaccine use in a world population whose immune system is compromised from birth with over 220 known toxins including an average of over 1000 times more lead in tissues than was present 700 years ago (see Cal Tech, Clair Patterson). 

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute



For over two decades now, so-called “autism experts” have been claiming that autism is more than 90% caused by genes. The influence of these claims on autism policy and research funding is hard to overstate. But few realize that the basis of these claims hangs on a fragile evidence base: two small twin studies–one from Great Britain, the other from Scandinavia–that reported high rates of concordance for autism among identical twins and no concordance at all among fraternal twins. Last week, the largest and most rigorous twin study ever conducted, the California Autism Twin Study (CATS) reported contradictory new evidence that struck a devastating blow to these claims. The CATS identical twins had lower and the fraternal twins higher concordance rates than past studies, a striking finding that suggests that instead of being highly heritable, the vast majority of autism cases stem from environmental causes.

LED light for Alzheimers?

Linda’s comment:   I have had training on the PEMF…..IT WORKS……yes it can make you herx, but the good is worth the herx. It is performing miracles with Autistic children…..make sure you watch all three of Dr Gordon’s webinars about PEMF…..   I have been working with Dr Gordon being trained on this machine….it is EXCELLENT….When a machine can turn on stem cells, it is something that needs attention paid to it…..Find a practitioner  in your area….if you can’t find one, contact me and I will find you one.…you can own a machine yourself, but the cost is prohibited for many, however, it is a machine that you need to find someone to treat you with…..Let me know if you need a practitioner in your area, who owns one of these machines OR if you have a healthcare practitioner who would like to own one….

Dr. Gordon’s Comments:

Light for Alzheimer’s?  Anything that improves circulation is now seen as having benefits for Alzheimer’s disease, why not PEMF too?

We have no shortage of suggestions that can do that including IV and Oral Chelation but now we find we can also benefit from including all forms of  Oxygen, not just HBO,  hyperthermia, even FIR saunas, all forms of  light, including  low level lasers,  and many forms of electricity  like the new one  approved for brain cancer. We also have seen great success with microcurrent devices and also with high voltage low amperage Tesla based electric muscle stimulation, as available from Renua Medical. 

Watch my three webinars on my website about PEMF or go to YouTube and see stories about dramatic successes with PEMF in Autism, Parkinson’s disease even Guillian Barre at Whatever you do should include effective PMT-100, as part of your treatment as PEMF is turning on stem cells too! Otherwise it could not heal old non-union fractures, as it is proven to do! So now it is treating depression  but it takes 6 weeks, which I believe is because that is the needed lead time to get meaningful stem cell production!  It took that long to give me a new back and better kidneys.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute



Could Light-Based Alzheimer’s Devices Be ‘The Next Big Thing’? 
Published: March 23, 2011

Not only is Alzheimer’s disease (AD) the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, it is also the only one in the top 10 that can’t be prevented, cured, or slowed, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. Although treatments for the brain disease traditionally have been drug-based in the form of cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine, recent research indicates that AD symptoms may be alleviated through the use of light-based treatments. If further studies support these claims, could light-based AD treatments soon emerge as a lucrative new medical device market segment? Will light-based AD treatments be the ‘next big thing?’

Maternal Nutrition & Other Issues Tied to Autism

Linda’s comment:  For years Dr Gordon has said that if you are going to plan a pregnancy, then it is a MUST to go on a good detox protocol.  The unborn fetus is considered the toxic dump for the mom.  When a mom eats the wrong foods, or eats foods with pesticides/herbicides, etc., etc. etc., it all goes to the unborn fetus.

Dr. Gordon’s Comments:

Maternal nutrition ties to autism?  My plan for healthy babies takes on a new sense of urgency with this latest research!! Please read if you have anyone that might go through a pregnancy this year; they need to know this.

This new study about children born less than 1 year after the last child having three times the incidence of autism suggests to me that maternal nutrition is compromised after one child. The second pregnancy following too closely does not give the needed time to
replete nutrients lost during the last pregnancy.

I point out that all planned pregnancies ideally need to be preceded by ideally a year of detoxification. But, now we can see that also we need to build expectant mothers up nutritionally with far higher levels of nutrients found in today’s totally outmoded prenatal supplement formulas.

Just more vitamin D alone would reduce this tragic incidence of autism. My preferred prenatal is Beyond Chelation Improved, as that way we also get the essential fatty acids and the total spectrum of useful minerals while gently chelating out toxins with things like garlic and dl methione and oral EDTA, which alone has 507 references about its efficacy in lowering lead levels even in occupationally exposed workers on website.

Ideally I always also recommend my “power drink” using organic greens and Beyond Fiber and Maca and BioEn’R-G’y C, one slightly heaping tsp of each in 10+ ounces of good mineralized water like Pellegrino. And, for those willing, add Quinton Marine Plasma to that program. Then you can expect to have the healthiest possible baby known as Quinton babies, as putting in ultra trace minerals found only in this sea water based nutrient mineral drink has been shown to save lives of very sick babies so let them get it from their mother while in-utero too.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute



•JANUARY 10, 2011, 12:02 A.M. ET 
Closely Spaced Pregnancies Linked to Autism Risk 

WASHINGTON — Closely spaced pregnancies were associated with an increase in the odds of a second child being diagnosed with autism, according to a study involving California children.

The study, which the journal Pediatrics published online Monday, showed the sooner conceptions followed the prior birth of a sibling, the greater the likelihood of the second child having an autism diagnosis. 

The study looked at more than 660,000 second-born children in California between 1992 to 2002. The study measured the time the second child was conceived relative to the first child, and then looked at autism diagnosis of the second sibling. 

The study found that second children who were conceived less than 12 months after the first child’s birth were three times more likely to be diagnosed with autism than children spaced further apart. Second children conceived less than two years after the first had almost twice the odds of receiving an autism diagnosis.