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Clinical manifestations and neuroimaging in neuroborreliosis

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Neuroborreliosis often presents with cranial nerve palsy, aseptic meningitis or meningoencephalitis. Cerebral arteriopathy has rarely been reported as single cases. Here we present a retrospective analysis from 1997 to 2005 in the Berlin area. In this period neuroborreliosis was confirmed in 47 children through the finding of specific antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi in CSF.

22 (47%) suffered from facial palsy as a presenting symptome, in one of them the palsy was bilateral. Four children (9%) had palsies of other cranial nerves, and four patients (9%) presented with paresis of an arm, hemiparesis, or spastic paraparesis. 16 children (34%) reported headache on admission, 15 (32%) presented with myalgia and/or arthralgia. Two patients (4%) had paraesthesia, another two (4%) were atactic. Ten (21%) had unspecific symptoms such as fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, or nausea. Other symptoms included general slowdown, sensoric or motoric aphasia, agitation, confusion, incomplete Horner’s syndrome, and mucosa haemorrhage, each in one patient.

In 19 patients (40%) cerebral imaging was performed. 13 (68%) were found to be normal, or rather revealed typical lesions in a patient with an underlying neurofribromatosis type 1. In one child with hemiparesis, and in one with multiple cranial nerve palsies, arterial subtraction angiography (DAS) confirmed multifocal vasculitis and dissection of the left Aa. vertebralis and basilaris, respectively. In one girl with hemiplegia, MRI revealed an infarction of the according internal capsule. Although angiography was not done this finding is suspicious of focal arteriopathy. The girl also had a homozygous mutation of factor V Leiden.