All Posts Tagged With: "Canine parvoviral immunoreactivity"

Effects of Prolonged Formalin Fixation

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Three pathologists graded immunoreactivity according
to a four-tier grading system: negative, weak, moderate, strong.
Canine parvoviral immunoreactivity was markedly decreased
following 2, 7, and 10 weeks of fixation in myocardium, small
intestine, and spleen, respectively. Bovine respiratory syncytial
virus immunoreactivity was markedly decreased following 7 weeks
of fixation. Bartonella henselae had an abrupt loss of
immunoreactivity following 9 weeks of fixation. Despite variation
among time points, immunoreactivity remained moderate to strong
throughout the study period for the other 18 antigens. These
results suggest that prolonged formalin fixation of up to 7 weeks
generally does not limit immunohistochemical detection of
infectious agents. However, the effects of prolonged fixation
depend on the targeted antigen and the selected antibody. The
results of this study further validate the utility and
reliability of immunohistochemistry in diagnostic pathology.