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Toxins in umbilical cord blood

Linda’s comments:  I don’t know about you but I hold guilt for not educating myself before I began my family.  Unborn fetus’s are the toxic garbage can for the mom’s.  If that is not enough then we jab our babies with more toxins from vaccines, feed them processed foods and junk and we wonder why there is childhood obesity and illness.  We have got to stop thi run away train…..Mom’s can begin a detox protocol prior to getting pregnant and continue cleaning up their bodies after they get pregnant, to protect the unborn babies.  Dr Gordon is right, we MUST focus on lowering our total body burden of pathogens and toxins.  This is an on going battle and we MUST began a program to help protect our health..
Please go to and click on Webinars and listen to the Webinars that say FIGHT. Yes it takes some time, but it just might save your life….
Attached please find a couple of links that will stop you cold. The first is the toxins found in umbilical cord blood so this shows how babies are born toxic. And it is downhill for all of us after that unless you take detoxification seriously everyday of your life.

This is from  There is no one that can refute these facts so watch part one, learn the facts and go their website for the rest of the story.

We cannot hope to know much about the over 3000 high-volume chemicals we are all increasingly carrying in our bodies.

I suggest that we stick with lowering known toxins, like lead and mercury and dioxins and PCB’s in everyone that chooses to optimize their health and/or improve their response to other treatment for their condition. That way we will be helping everyone, since if those toxins, which for lead and mercury have NO safe levels and are provably present in everyone today, are significantly reduced, our body’s natural defenses will be better able to handle the other toxins we know very little about and cannot even measure.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

1. 10 Americans

2: Children’s Diseases