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Chronic Illness in US Kids Has Increased

Double the number of children with chronic health conditions from 12.5 to 26% in just the past 8 years. At that rate, it can double again in another 8 years and the health care crisis will be upon us and the costs can bankrupt everyone. What are the causes of this epidemic of poor health?  I hope all of you know by now, it is not a deficiency of drugs!

This paper incriminates the obvious issues about life style. Note that they cannot dare mention the increasing number of vaccinations being administered to children in the United States and also cannot mention lead, mercury and the long list of toxins proven to be in every child from birth.

We need a new medical paradigm that recognized the causes of illness rather than suppressing the symptoms with dangerous drugs.

Please go to Google and view TEN AMERICANS video. Once you see this, you will want anyone that you love who is planning on a pregnancy to learn detoxing and my FIGHT program so that their child has a chance to really be healthy when born.

So just add these two ignored contributors, vaccines and toxin overload to the obvious diet and related life style issues they are willing to mention here. Note to get published they must stay politically correct so fast food gets mentioned but not toxins or vaccinations. This is their comment about the terrible report about the health of children in our country today. 

“So has the “social ecology” of childhood, the editorialists suggest, citing exposure to higher levels of toxic stress, increasing rates of absent parents, more sedentary lifestyles, more television and multimedia use, and high-calorie, high-fat diets.”

Now you can understand why a health care plan for everyone will be very expensive, as they will only be cleaning up the mess the above factors cause and never shutting off the ongoing contribution to this epidemic of chronic health conditions.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

Full article:


February 16, 2010 — The rate of chronic health conditions among children in the United States increased from 12.8% in 1994 to 26.6% in 2006, particularly for asthma, obesity, and behavior and learning problems, according to results of a new prospective study published in the February 17 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
“Understanding prevalence and dynamics of chronic conditions on a national scale is important when designing health policy, making accurate clinical predictions, and targeting interventions to prevent chronic conditions,” write Jeanne Van Cleave, MD, from MassGeneral Hospital for Children, Boston, Massachusetts, and colleagues.
Patterns of how these health conditions have changed have not been widely examined, the authors note. The aim of this study was to examine fluctuations in the prevalence of obesity and other chronic conditions over time.

The investigators used data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth-Child (NLSY) Cohort (1988 – 2006) to estimate changes in prevalence, incidence, and rates of remission of obesity, asthma, other physical conditions, and behavior and learning problems in 3 consecutive cohorts of children in the United States.

The children were 2 through 8 years old at the beginning of each study period, and each cohort was followed up for 6 years. Cohort 1, followed up from 1988 to 1994, consisted of 2337 children, cohort 2 consisted of 1759 children and was followed up from 1994 to 2000, and cohort 3 consisted of 905 children and was followed up from 2000 to 2006.
Health conditions were reported by the parents and included any condition that limited activities or schooling or required medicine, special equipment, or specialized health services and that lasted at least 12 months.