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Sick Vets Sue Government Over Trash Fires in Iraq, Afghanistan

Linda’s comments:  Yeaaaa for the Vets….I support them 100%…we expect them to fight for our lives and freedom then make them sick and refuse to acknowledge the problems….I hope they win…

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(Aug. 6) — Hundreds of Americans who got sick after working in Iraq and Afghanistan are suing government contractor KBR, claiming they were poisoned by toxic smoke from trash fires on U.S. military bases there, The Washington Post reports today.

According to a lawsuit filed in federal court in Maryland, 241 service veterans and contractors are suing the Houston-based firm, which was in charge of burning trash — including Styrofoam, plastic, solvents, medical waste and even dead animals — at several American bases before the military limited so-called burn pits earlier this year.

Joe Raedle, An Afghan man looks through garbage as some of it burns at a dump at the Bagram air base in Afghanistan in 2002. Americans who worked in Afghanistan and Iraq say exposure to such fires has led to breathing disorders and cancers.

Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed

Linda’s comment:  People listenUP and listen to this u-tube over and over until you have it memorized.  This is the TRUTH.  Many of you have listened to me complain for years and years about the toxins we are ingesting into our bodies.  Plastic, Aspartame, Sodium Fluoride, GMO, food additives, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.  On your margarine you will find 49% plastic, but they tell you that organic raw butter is not good for you.  Even hospitals serve these things to people who are already sick with autoimmune diseases caused from BAD toxic foods. 

 I’m hoping that this U-tube will open your eyes ….save it and share it….it could save the lives of your children and grand-children, not just yourselves.  Hello Houston, WE HAVE A PROBLEM, yet most consumers are ignoring the education out there.  <sigh>