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The Little Princes of Denmark – Why do Danes have smaller nuts than Finns—are toxins to blame?

This disturbing data about testicular cancer, genital malformations, low sperm counts etc is of course only just one facet of the problem.  We all are toxic and the manifestations are hidden due to our genetic and environmental differences.  This is taken from near the end of the attached document.

“Testosterone and other male hormones affect not only the genitalia but the brain as well. In a curious study published in November in the International Journal of Andrology, U.S. researcher Shanna Swan measured young boys’ tendencies toward traditional “male” play. Those boys who played the least with toy guns were exposed to the highest uterine levels of phthalates, as measured earlier in their pregnant moms’ urine. Though no one knows what this might mean for the boys’ future behavior, SWAN says such data suggest that “prenatal exposure to phthalates, even at low environmental levels, can induce profound and permanent changes” in the brain and reproductive organs.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute


The Little Princes of Denmark
Why do Danes have smaller nuts than Finns—are toxins to blame?

By Florence WilliamsPosted Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2010, at 9:41 AM ET

It’s a source of parental pride when baby Buster needs the size “large” penis ring for his circumcision. Mother and father see their child’s life unfold effortlessly: He will be flushed with testosterone, well-hung, and yet (somehow) sensitive to the needs of others—a caring leader of great integrity. But what happens when he comes out with a genital malformation? Continued