The clinical spectrum of lyme neuroborreliosis

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Lyme disease is a multisystem infectious disease, endemic in
parts of Europe, including the West of Ireland. Neurological
manifestions (neuroborreliosis) are variable. Presenting
neurological syndromes include meningitis, cranial neuropathies,
myeloradiculitis and mononeuritis multiplex. A lack of
specificity in serological diagnosis may add to diagnostic
confusion. We reviewed thirty cases of acute Lyme disease in the
West of Ireland and found neurological syndromes in 15 (50%),
with painful radiculopathy (12 patients; 80%) and cranial
neuropathy (7 patients; 46%) occurring frequently.
Neuroborreliosis needs to be considered in the differential
diagnosis of these neurological syndromes in the appropriate
clinical context.