All Posts Tagged With: "aluminum"

The Health Hazards of Disease Prevention



The Health Hazards of Disease Prevention
A Personal Viewpoint by Damien Downing, M.D., London, U.K.

(OMNS Apr 8, 2011) “No pharmaceutical drug is devoid of risks from adverse reactions and vaccines are no exception. Vaccination is a medical intervention and should be carried out with the informed consent of those who are being subjected to it.” (Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic, University of British Columbia.) 

Martha Grout on Iodine

Linda’s comments:  Dr Martha Grout is a friend of mine…she has a great newsletter….this is an excellent read….I suggest to all to subscribe to her greatnewsletter…


Iodine – the Great Detoxifier

March 23, 2011

The family of halides is part of your family. What are the halides? Molecules of iodine, fluoride, bromine, and chlorine that silently reside in your body – in all of us. One of the halides is a good guy, but the other three wear the black hat of toxic polluters. When you have enough of the good halide on board, it pushes out (detoxes) the bad ones. 

Amalgam Risk, with comments from Dr. Gordon & Linda

Linda’s Comment….Listen-UP folks….I had to learn the hard way….it will take me a minimum of 14 years to get the Mercury out of my bones…..Damn Dental Society and the FDA…..

Dr. Gordon’s Comments:

How to prove Mercury’s relationship to health problems in the population? Is it more crucial than the lead toxicity we all have today? If treatment was as affordable as food or water, is there anyone who would not benefit from Lead and Mercury lowering therapy?

What is the determining factor in who gets treatment since total body
levels of lead are now understood to require tissue testing such as bone lead levels to really appreciate? Is there any affordable safe way to really know how much total mercury is in specific tissues or how much more toxic mercury becomes when we have low levels of selenium or high levels of lead? What about the fact that some genetic types hold on to new mercury ingested, as when eating fish, 4 times as long as others eating that same serving of fish? Continued