All Posts Tagged With: "amalgams"

Amalgam Risk, with comments from Dr. Gordon & Linda

Linda’s Comment….Listen-UP folks….I had to learn the hard way….it will take me a minimum of 14 years to get the Mercury out of my bones…..Damn Dental Society and the FDA…..

Dr. Gordon’s Comments:

How to prove Mercury’s relationship to health problems in the population? Is it more crucial than the lead toxicity we all have today? If treatment was as affordable as food or water, is there anyone who would not benefit from Lead and Mercury lowering therapy?

What is the determining factor in who gets treatment since total body
levels of lead are now understood to require tissue testing such as bone lead levels to really appreciate? Is there any affordable safe way to really know how much total mercury is in specific tissues or how much more toxic mercury becomes when we have low levels of selenium or high levels of lead? What about the fact that some genetic types hold on to new mercury ingested, as when eating fish, 4 times as long as others eating that same serving of fish? Continued

A Wake-Up Story, by Healthy Child Healthy World

Linda’s comment:  This video is simple and to the point….if you don’t care about your own health, please think about your children and grandchildren.  We know that babies are born into our world carrying 500 to 600 environmental toxins….There was a study done using 600 newborn babies within hours after birth…the blood tests results were very alarming….WATCH THIS VIDEO MORE THAN ONCE….pass it on to your grown children…show it to your place of worship…show it to everyone you can think of…This video shows hundreds of chemicals, etc., etc. etc., that are harming YOU, me and YOUR CHILDREN AND GRAND-CHILDREN….
What moms do not realize is their unborn child becomes the “toxic dump” for all the assaults and poor eating habits while carrying their child.  What needs to be done to help prevent or curtail these toxic loads is AT LEAST one year from becoming pregnant, the mother and father need to  clean up their bodies and consider a lifelong daily detox, prior to getting pregnant, AND after that year continue the detox. Your unborn child will have a better chance in life.
I personally did the wrong things when I was pregnant….I DIDN’T smoke or drink alcoholor take any medications, BUT I sucked down Diet Coke and Diet Dr Pepper and ate things that were unhealthy.  I didn’t eat organically, I took my folic, but no other supplements….I made a lot of mistakes….then I had 14 amalgams in my mouth and ALL the mercury from those amalgams were dumping DAILY into my body for my unborn child to take in as I chewed gum and ate. (the chewing of gum and foods releases on going Mercury into your bodies.  Bottom-line we are bringing children into the world who are already full of toxins and pathogens…..THIS MUST STOP…
This video, I hope, will bring education and awareness to all who care….even if the adults will not make the changes for themselves, make those changes for your children and grandchildren.
One last thing….think about those children who got “SLAMMED” with vaccinations on top of their already toxic bodies AND people wonder why we are dealing with Autism….Autism justisn’t caused by vaccinations, IMHO!!!!  However, think about it…..these babies are born with already toxic bodies, THEN they get 14 plus vaccinations within the first 2 years of their life….If you know those that are vaccinating babies, PLEASE get them to demand that those vaccinations be given ONE AT A TIME….BTW, my 30 year old daughter got her first 3 in 1 shot, got seriously ill and I said NO MORE….Yes, I took on the schools, and they backed down.  Now Arizona has 3 laws on the books to help protect parents who don’t want vaccinations….One other thing…When my daughters playmates got the chicken pox, measles, And mumps, I ran my daughter over to their house to play and get a natural exposure…..I protected her with high dosing of VitC and good children’s vitamins…PLUS, she got NO sugar…. Just be aware, if your child shows and/or showed no problems with vaccinations, they can have many problems as they go older….Don’t forget those vaccines were made and given before all the stink about nasty vaccines….KNOWLEDGE IS POWER….take charge of you own healthcare journey…some docs hate this, but alternative docs love it when you take the lead…they have a better chance of getting you well, when you lead the team….
What is more important than the health of your children and grand-children???
Keep a smile on your face, love in your heart and walk with the angels, holding hands in the “chain of love”….

Linda answers a reader of the FIGHT blog

Hi James, I have put you in my daily prayer journal.  I’m sorry you are having to go through what you are!  Bless you for sharing your experience.  Heavy metals, like mercury, are deadly.  Please join the discussion at my detox/healing blog, where we discuss the importance of removing heavy metals, that are slamming us on a daily basis.
Not just amalgams but the daily slam of environmental toxins are full of heavy metals.  Thank you for sharing on u-tube.  God Bless YOU!
MICHAEL:  Please post this plea on my blog, as we are trying to educate the public on heavy metals.  Go to
JAMES:  Hopefully we can get you more help from my readers. Keep a smile on your face, love in your heart and walk with the angels, holding hands in the “Chain of Love”

Mercury dental fillings as an emerging Toxic Tort

Linda’s Comment:  I had 14 amalgams removed last year and thank goodness I took the ACSnano Zeolite, and then added the ZeoGold at I also bathed in Beyond Clean AND took a teaspoon of the Beyond Clean once a day.  It will take me years to get all the mecury out of my body because of those amalgams.  I didn’t have a problem of mercury bouncing back, as Beyond Fiber is also a part of the FIGHT protocol and it helped to carry out the mercury toxins at a much quicker pace.  While I have had to deal with what I call “mercury” brain fog, thrown in with the Lyme brain fog, I have the FIGHT protocol to thank.

For the record, I do NOT make money off the products I talk about.  You could substitute other products, but I have tried many and none of them could meet the expectation of the products from  These products are made with the highest grade, in clean factories and most importantly, I know they are balanced.  You can make your own choice, but make some kind of choice to begin removing and reducing your total body burden of pathogens and toxins.

Our daily environment is continuously pounding our bodies with chemicals, so even if you don’t have amalgams, you are still getting unwanted heavy metals.


What about mercury and amalgams? Good progress continues to be made legally by eliminating amalgam fillings using a multi-pronged approach, as explained here in the article below.

Eventually when the public realizes the danger and that they can not pull all the fillings out in less than 10 years, they will want to know more about some form of protection and or treatment. Continued