All Posts Tagged With: "healing blod"

Linda answers a reader of the FIGHT blog

Hi James, I have put you in my daily prayer journal.  I’m sorry you are having to go through what you are!  Bless you for sharing your experience.  Heavy metals, like mercury, are deadly.  Please join the discussion at my detox/healing blog, where we discuss the importance of removing heavy metals, that are slamming us on a daily basis.
Not just amalgams but the daily slam of environmental toxins are full of heavy metals.  Thank you for sharing on u-tube.  God Bless YOU!
MICHAEL:  Please post this plea on my blog, as we are trying to educate the public on heavy metals.  Go to
JAMES:  Hopefully we can get you more help from my readers. Keep a smile on your face, love in your heart and walk with the angels, holding hands in the “Chain of Love”