All Posts Tagged With: "CBC cocktail"

Liver nourishment recipe

Linda’s comments:  Those of us with chronic illness need to be nourishing our livers at all times…a simple way is to do the CBC cocktail at least 3 times weekly….during the Cancer days and active Lyme days I did one daily….here is the recipe….DO NO I repeat DO NOT alter this recipe for liver nourishment…
1 organic medium carrot….I never use the tops as it makes the drink way to bitter….you can use 2 small
                                      carrots but I don’t like the extra sugar that carrots have.
2 organic medium beets…..Use the top greens and the entire beet
1 organic medium cucumber….do not peel….cut off the tip of the cuke and take a knife and reem it down in
                                     the open end of the cuke, twisting a few times…..THEN shove a whole peeled
                                     garlic clove in  the cuke…..juicers don’t like little pieces, so this way the garlic
                                     clove gets chewed  up.
Salt to taste with sea salt or a good salt….DRINK down within 20 to 30 min. so you get all the benefits of the enzymes…
When I say do not alter, (some folks like to add lemon, apples, etc.,etc.), I mean it…. THIS IS A NOURISHMENT drink for the liver and not specifically for detox….
When you nourish the liver with this drink it will create its own flush….
There are some liver flush drinks out there, but I prefer this method, as did my Lyme and Cancer doctors.
I’m not big anymore on different flushes, except for the gallbladder, which I do once or twice a year to keep my gallbladder clean from stones….I’m more into the lifelong daily detoxing and nourishing from the FIGHT protocol….I want to keep up DAILY what my body needs and focus on a constant removal of pathogens and toxins…we get DAILY heavy metals, which our bodies that are full of inflammation are hit with….I have been on the FIGHT protocol for 2 years now and no longer have the bone pain I once did…