All Posts Tagged With: "DMSA"

Nasal delivery of pharmaceuticals…and more

Linda’s comments: I have been preaching for over 2 years now about using ACS and Isotonic Quinton for your nasal problems…it knocks out sinus infections over night….Those nasty Lyme critters that like your nasal sinuses can survive this application…..BTW, I drink 3 to 4 tubes daily of the QUINTON Hypertonic, holding in my mouth for at least 5 min.  I use the Isotonic (whole tube) in my nebulizer twice daily)…works like a charm…
I have been also preaching about the FIGHT protocol that ALL chronically ill patients should be following…IT WORKS…, I have had no colds, etc., etc., etc., since going on the protocol….these critters don’t have a chance when you are slamming them down daily……For those with known Bb, I strongly suggest you go to my and read the folder on the ACS200 BYU clinical trials….the ACS200 has been proven to kick Bb to the curb…..those with heavy bug loads should consider taking the 2oz shots twice a week and 5 sprays, 5x’s daily….
The Pinella by NutraMedix is GREAT for flushing out the dead critters that get in the brain….
Nasal delivery of pharmaceuticals is well established but can it really help your chronic sinus problems too?

What about stem cells? What about ACS, Quinton, or Zeolite?  YES, this is worth learning, as people have so many sinus problems and brain issues!! Continued

Is Mercury Toxicity an Epidemic?

Linda’s comment:  Mercury is in everything….learn to read your labels…..high fructose corn syrup is in EVERYTHING and HFC is full of mercury.   I certainly believe that Mercury Toxicity is epidemic and for those with chronic illness and children are in trouble ingesting all this mercury.  I have been on the FIGHT protocol for over a year now and I am very pleased at how I feel.

I challenge all of those interested in reducing their heavy metal loads, to give the FIGHT program a 3 month try.  You might be surprised at how you feel.  We must constantly be reducing our total body burden of pathogens and toxins and this lifelong daily detox program is the way to go.

Angel Huggzzz

Is Mercury Toxicity an Epidemic?
Author: Joseph Pizzorno, ND
Source: Vitamin Retailer Magazine, June 2009

Conventional medicine has dismissed mercury toxicity as a clinical concern except in cases of obvious poisoning. This is due to the poor correlation between the various measures of mercury body load and clinical symptoms. It is also the reason the dental community has in the past so consistently denied that amalgam fillings are a health risk. (Although called “silver” fillings, they are actually about 55 percent mercury.) However, the integrative medicine community has for decades believed that chronic low-level mercury exposure is the root cause of many chronic diseases ranging from autism to heart disease to “brain fog.” Continued