All Posts Tagged With: " safety"

worst fears about Chinese drywall confirmed…

Linda’s comment’s:  It isn’t just Chinese drywall, drywall in general contains formaldehyde and that is just as dangerous.  There are companies that have what we call “clean” drywall.  If you can’t find one, let your drywall sit outside in the hottest sun for several days, and/or rent an Ozone machine to outgas the drywall.  You would of course have to leave your home while the Ozone machine is running.

Don’t forget that kitchen cabinets also are full of Formaldehyde.  Be careful of grout fillings, glue, and carpets.  Many are not chemical sensitive and your body might not react to these chemicals, but that is not good either, as you have NO warning.  At least if you are chemical sensitivity your body lets you know pretty quickly.  I personally am like a Canary.  I can walk into a building, room, new construction, even retail stores and sense these dangerous chemicals.  Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Target and most clothing stores are full of pesticides from the clothing they are selling.  Remember to wash clothes, etc., etc., at least 3 times before wearing.  Please don’t look at your body reaction as a burden, be thankful that your body reacts, so that you can remove yourself.  When I buy new tires for my car I react to the tires.  Bicycle shops are out.

Just remember that these are very harmful chemicals and be thankful that you react.  Being an informed person could very well save your life.  Why now and not previous years?  The chemicals that are used are made with cheap materials, that were not used years ago.  Be careful of stores like Lowe’s and Home Depot, they are full of pesticides,herbicides,paints, treated woods and more.

They say that 85% of Cancers today are environmental.  I provide my body with the right detox methods, so I am neutralizing these chemical assaults, while replenishing my body with the right herbals, supplements and nutrients.  Buyer Beware!!


Linda Continued