All Posts Tagged With: "immunological"

Autoimmunity as a Predisposition for Infectious Diseases



Autoimmunity refers to an inappropriate immune response against self-components of the host that results in pathological conditions. Autoimmune diseases are characterized by an activation of autoreactive T and B cells, are associated in some cases with the production of pathogenic autoantibodies against self-molecules, culminating in inflammation and tissue damage. The reasons for the breakdown of tolerance mechanisms leading to autoimmunity are not clearly known. However, a combination of genetic, immunological, and environmental factors plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of autoimmunity 

Almonds May Boost Immune Function, Reduce Inflammation

Linda’s comment:  FINALLY, they are acknowledging that Almonds may boost your immune function and reduce inflammation.  The alternative arena has known this for years.  Almond milk is delicious.  Buddy Butter, which is an Almond butter that tastes like Jiff peanut butter.

From Reuters Health Information

By Megan Rauscher

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) May 19 – Almonds have the potential to boost immune health and reduce inflammation, according to research reported Tuesday at the 109th annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in Philadelphia. Continued