All Posts Tagged With: "MMR"

Vaccines and Therapies for Vaccine Damage

I am participating in the Medical Doctors Vaccine Webinar Series this Wednesday evening, 7/22/09, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM CDT with Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD.Ā  I will be speaking with him about vaccines and therapies for vaccine damage.

Sign up link is:

This is just one in an on-going series, that takes place on Monday and Wednesday evenings, and is co-produced by two great people:

Nick Haas, whom you will all one day thank, as a concerned parent who is making this lifesaving information about the dangers of vaccination available to the public.

Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, who practices in Chicago and is a prolific writer, outstanding physician and freedom fighter.

This vaccine issue is particularly pertinent now with the Swine Flu scare and the possibility of mandatory vaccinations in many countries. Continued


This controversy it too hot for the government to allow the truth to be heard! They have to defend status quo, because to admit there is even a possibility of MMR vaccines contributing (even 1 %) to the development of Autism, means that many parents will never vaccinate their children again.
Yet there is a vaccine recovery act, and without a doubt, some people react very badly to almost any vaccine. Take the Flu shot which clearly has led to the devastating development of disabling paralysis called Guillian-Barre syndrome. Continued