All Posts Tagged With: "systemic lupus erythematosus"

Ehrlichia, SLE, & Comments by Linda

Linda’s comment:  WHEN I was first diagnosed, they diagnosed me with SLE, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia and a host of other autoimmune disease…I remember when a group member, whom I’m not close friends with, said, “no, you have lyme disease and co-infections”…I thought he was nuts….didn’t take long until I realized, after hours  and hours of research that HE WAS RIGHt….I even had carotid surgery, as a spirochete was wrapped around the carotid and choking me….the idiot doctors, argued with me that it was not Lyme…it wasn’t until 6 months later when I finally got my hands on the pathology report, with the pathologists requesting more testing using specific dyes, did I know….THANK GOD for my alternative docs who diagnosed me and alternative treatments began….


number of studies previously published, and new information presented 
here, suggest that EA infections may be an underlying, undiagnosed cause 
for these and other immune system diseases. This hypothesis, long 
overlooked, has never been subjected to adequate, rigorous study 
sufficient to prove or disprove its truth. If so, patients may be 
treated with antibiotics, and marrow transplant manipulations already 
used in treatment of diseases such as lupus and leukemia may become more 