All Posts Tagged With: "biodiversity and sustainability of crops"

Monsanto plans to unleash its latest Frankenfood experiment

Linda’s comments:  THIS is criminal in my book.  Do they think we have stupid stamped on our foreheads?  We can stop this or at least make enough noise that Monsanto will think twice.  The main thing we can do is JUST SAY NO TO GMO and DO NOT PURCHASE THESE DEADLY FOODS.  The consumers are in control and need to take a stand.  We need to put our feet down and stand against these companies that have NO regard for our health and safety.  Cancers and autoimmune diseases are on the rise.  You can bet that GMO foods are part of the problem.  Think of your children and grand-children.  Don’t you want them to lead a healthy life and live to teach their grand-children??  How many more lives have to be lost to these DEADLY foods?  Stop and think about this, when your past presidents would not allow the GMO foods to be served to their families how can they allow Monsanto to continue??  Follow the money!!!

Linda or Angel