All Posts Tagged With: "Obama"

Monsanto plans to unleash its latest Frankenfood experiment

Linda’s comments:  THIS is criminal in my book.  Do they think we have stupid stamped on our foreheads?  We can stop this or at least make enough noise that Monsanto will think twice.  The main thing we can do is JUST SAY NO TO GMO and DO NOT PURCHASE THESE DEADLY FOODS.  The consumers are in control and need to take a stand.  We need to put our feet down and stand against these companies that have NO regard for our health and safety.  Cancers and autoimmune diseases are on the rise.  You can bet that GMO foods are part of the problem.  Think of your children and grand-children.  Don’t you want them to lead a healthy life and live to teach their grand-children??  How many more lives have to be lost to these DEADLY foods?  Stop and think about this, when your past presidents would not allow the GMO foods to be served to their families how can they allow Monsanto to continue??  Follow the money!!!

Linda or Angel

potentially harmful chemicals kept secret

Linda’s comment:  Use of potentially harmful chemicals kept secret under law…???  Sorry but this is criminal in my book….there is no wonder there are so many environmental cancers today.  What do you think this is doing to our children and grandchildren?  We are adults, we can read labels and do our own research, except in cases like this.  How dare they playing with our lives.  We elect them to be honest not hide behind some veil of secrecy!!  This is criminal in my books…Do they not know they are killing and exposing their own families, themselves??
Perhaps we should shove all these creeps in a moldy toxic room, spray it good with pesticides, herbicides and these other chemicals they are hiding, then feed them GMO foods with a diet soda chaser!!??  Wonder how many will keep their prostates?  How many will get lung, breast and stomach cancers?  Enough is enough, we the consumer have to stand up and SAY NO, WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE….
All the more reason why we must focus on detoxing and following a lifelong daily detox program.
Linda or Angel

Full article:


Of the 84,000 chemicals in commercial use in the United States — from
flame retardants in furniture to household cleaners — nearly 20 percent
are secret, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, their
names and physical properties guarded from consumers and virtually all
public officials under a little-known federal provision.

The policy was designed 33 years ago to protect trade secrets in a
highly competitive industry. But critics — including the Obama
administration — say the secrecy has grown out of control, making it
impossible for regulators to control potential dangers or for consumers
to know which toxic substances they might be exposed to.

At a time of increasing public demand for more information about
chemical exposure, pressure is building on lawmakers to make it more
difficult for manufacturers to cloak their products in secrecy. Congress
is set to rewrite chemical regulations this year for the first time in a

Genetically modified (GM) foods

Big biotech claims that genetic engineering is a necessary step towards feeding the world’s growing population.  And yet debate still rages as to whether GM crops actually increase yields at all.  Furthermore, the UN recently stated that 30,000 people a day were starving to death, but not because of underproduction of crops.  It’s simply through lack of access. Continued