All Posts Tagged With: "organic farms"

non-GMO shopping Guide website

Linda’s Comment:  This is the “NEW” non-GMO shopping Guide website….you can learn and help us ALL teach your families, friends, colleagues, DOCTORS and yourselves about the dangers of GMO foods.  GMO foods FEED the Lyme critters, parasites and bacteria.  When you eat GMO foods, you are swallowing pesticides, herbicides and  much more.  We are blessed to have more and more organic, “pick our own” farms sprouting up across the USA….There have been two here in Arizona in the last few months, or at least ones that I have discovered.  You will find that your pricing for pick our own organics is the same price you pay in the stores….it could very well save you from medical bills, sickness and help to keep your children safe and healthy……   Then scoot on over the Home – Seeds of Deception ( ) and join the newsletter group and you will receive the “Spilling the Beans” newsletter as it comes out.  Jeffery Smith has worked for years and years to fight the Monsanto’s of the world who are “killing” us….The concept of GMO foods was not thought out well, or they just didn’t care….Cancer is on the rise, so we ask Why?  Is it because of the deadly GMO foods?  All five of the Cancers I dealt with were environmental chemicals and foods.  Yes, I learned a hard lesson and have now turned into a preacher against these deadly foods.   Regards, Linda
