Archive for May, 2010

Ischaemic Optic Neuropathy in Lyme Disease

Full article: … 1003687294


A 57-year-old man was referred for a painful acute inferior visual field defect in his right eye.
Fundus examination of the right eye revealed diffuse optic disc oedema compatible with a papillitis. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) findings were consistent with lymphocytic meningitis, and serologic tests for Lyme disease were positive in both serum and CSF.
After treatment with ceftriaxone and bolus of methylprednisolone, right eye inferior altitudinal visual field defect persisted despite resolution of papillitis, and fundus examination disclosed a superior optic atrophy in the right eye.
To our knowledge, it is the first reported case of a unilateral Lyme optic neuritis occurring simultaneously to neuroborreliosis and further complicated by non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy

Candida albicans Interactions with Bacteria

Full article:


Humans are colonized by diverse populations of bacteria and fungi when in a healthy state and in the settings of disease, and the interactions between these microbial populations can be beneficial or detrimental to the host [1]. Among these microbial populations, Candida albicans is the fungus most commonly detected in association with humans [2], and numerous studies have described C. albicans interactions with its bacterial neighbors [1]. Here, with a focus on C. albicans, we provide examples of how bacterial-fungal interactions can influence human health. In addition, we highlight studies that give insight into the molecular mechanisms that govern the physical associations, interspecies communication, and changes in microbial behavior and survival that occur when bacteria and fungi occupy the same sites.

The pain of Bartonella

Linda’s comments: Amazing how animals get better research and treatments than humans!!??  God Bless Dr Breitschwerft for his research …… He found “first time documented evidence that the pathogen may have been passed between family members.”  What Lida Mattman said all alone.  Then they say ,”At least 26 strains of Bartonella have been named worldwide, and the list is growing.”…..  AGAIN, a VET finds out with his continued research how deadly Bartonella can be.  This statement/quote ” Dr. Michael Kosoy, who heads the Bartonella laboratory for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Fort Collins, Colo., said scientists are only beginning to build evidence that Bartonella infections may be more common than previously thought.” WHAT, NOW the CDC is admitting that Bartonella exists??  WOW….unbelievable….Perhaps all the pressure the Lymies are putting on research, IDSA and doctors is working….

At any rate, THANK GOD this is coming to the public….there is hope folks…..we just can’t give up the FIGHT….which brings me to the Dr Garry Gordon FIGHT protocol…..I have been on it for 1 1/2 years and IT WORKS….Lyme and the co-infections do NOT have a chance if you are on the FIGHT protocol….getting control and cleaning out the total body burden of pathogens and toxins in our bodies only helps to speed along our wellness journeys….. 

Staff Writer

A bacterial infection typically spread by fleas, lice and biting flies could be more prevalent than many think, and may have been transmitted from a mother to her children at birth, scientists from N.C. State University say.

Dr. Edward Breitschwerdt, an infectious disease veterinarian and one of the world’s leading researchers of bacteria called Bartonella, has for the first time documented evidence that the pathogen may have been passed between family members.

Although more studies are needed to back up his findings, Breitschwerdt and colleagues describe the case of a mother and father who began battling chronic aches, fatigues and other symptoms soon after they were married. When their twins were born in 1998, the daughter died after nine days from a heart defect, and the son developed chronic health problems.

Using tissue from the daughter’s autopsy and blood from the surviving family members, Breitschwerdt’s team discovered that the entire family was infected with the same species of Bartonella bacteria, despite having no shared exposures to flea or lice infestations. Bartonella is known to causes such illnesses as trench fever and cat scratch disease, and it is increasingly suspected of triggering a variety of aches and inflammations that doctors have been unable to diagnose.

“I think we have stumbled across something that is of monumental medical importance,” said Breitschwerdt, whose findings were published recently in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology.

Proving the mother-child transmission could be difficult, however. Little funding is available for such research because the bacteria are still not considered a major source of human disease.

Dr. Michael Kosoy, who heads the Bartonella laboratory for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Fort Collins, Colo., said scientists are only beginning to build evidence that Bartonella infections may be more common than previously thought.

“Bartonella are circulated around the world in many animals, but there are different Bartonella species, and the question is how can they be transmitted to humans?” Kosoy said, noting that most known cases have been transmitted from biting insects. He said the NCSU findings about the potential family transmission are compelling but inconclusive.

Dozens of strains

At least 26 strains of Bartonella have been named worldwide, and the list is growing. The most notorious Bartonella infection is cat scratch disease, a fever illness passed to humans from flea-infected cats. Fleas are the primary hosts, and they spread the bacteria in their feces.

Treat magnesium deficiency by removing mercury

Full article: Read complete article, “Treat Magnesium Deficiency by Removing Mercury”


Treat Magnesium Deficiency by Removing Mercury
by Lyn Hanshew, M.D.


Today, clinicians have major concerns with Toxic Body Burden, consisting of toxic heavy metals, pesticides, volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) and pathogen load, and how these poisons adversely affect the nutritional status of their patients. A particularly critical example of the interference of toxins with nutritional status and biochemical function is the competitive aspect of Mercury and Magnesium.      

Mercury, Magnesium and Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
Mercury specifically competes with Magnesium and interferes with all Magnesium-dependent metabolic pathways, such as production of energy from ATP and GTP, which directly leads to lack of chemical energy. Every cell in the body requires chemical energy derived from ATP or GTP to function, heal and regenerate. Adenosine-5′-triphosphate (ATP) is a multifunctional nucleotide that is critical as the “molecular currency” of intracellular energy transfer. In this role, ATP transports chemical energy within cells for metabolism. It is produced as an energy source during the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration and consumed by many enzymes and a multitude of cellular processes, including biosynthetic reactions, motility and cell division. In signal transduction pathways, ATP is used as a substrate by kinases that phosphorylate proteins and lipids, as well as by adenylate cyclase, which uses ATP to produce the second messenger molecule cyclic AMP. If Mercury is present, this cannot occur.

Aspartame comments – Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum

Dear Xxxxxxx,

Were you on aspartame before you started using Splenda?  Before
Splenda we thought never could anyone ever create another poison like
aspartame that is so toxic it destroys the brain, the central nervous
system, the optic nerve and the immune system, and ravages every
organ in the body.  From taking the case histories for 19 years I
can’t imagine anything more poisonous.  Even with testing on
aspartame the FDA wanted them indicted for fraud because there was no
way to show safety and its a carcinogen.  But when Splenda came along
consumers were aghast they had made something else that poisons the
system.  To make matters worse, Dr. James Bowen says that
if  consumers go from aspartame to Splenda they will maintain the
reactions from aspartame and pick up those from Splenda.

Using Splenda is like drinking bleach and today reactions and severe
ones are showing up on Splenda.    You might want to read
this: and
In today’s society with companies poisoning our food supply you have
to become a label reader.  The FDA doesn’t care about the food supply
being safe.  So you must be responsible for what you put in your mouth.

One thing we know is that Splenda interacts.  The company admitted to
Marianne Lamar that  Splenda does cause headaches and seizures.  That
means you are using a deadly drug, its not inert.  This came directly
from the company itself although there are many reactions to Splenda
from rashes to cardiac problems.  As to joint pain, yes it has been
reported with Splenda.  Read this report:

Also, Citizens for Health and James Turner, DC attorney filed a
petition to ban Splenda and they haven’t received an answer although
there is a time limit on the FDA answering citizens petitions which
is 180 days.  They haven’t answered my petition for ban of aspartame
in almost 7 years.  So you know the FDA is serving above the law and
giving their loyalty to Big Pharma and the chemical industry.  This
is something Congress needs to deal with.  In fact, I’ve petitioned
the FDA to ban aspartame based on an imminent health hazard and they
only have a week or ten days to answer that.  That was over two years
ago.   So you have an FDA way out of control who is ignoring
consumers  and scientists.  Dr. Stoller also petitioned the FDA to
ban aspartame and its not been answered.  In fact, twelve
toxicologists have written the FDA to ban aspartame, and I doubt that
they have heard either.

The email for Citizens for Health is and I’m
sending a copy of this to James Turner.  On the Aspartame Resource
Guide I sent you the physicians have detoxification help.  Then you
could have prolotherapy which cures chronic pain.

Here are some symptoms reported on Splenda:

Sucralose aka Splenda Can Cause Pain & Tension

Sucralose Can Cause These Symptoms

Abdominal pain, achiness, back pain, chest tightness, dizziness, eye
pain, fibromyalgia, headache, joint pain, leg cramps, loss of
equilibrium, migraine, numbness & tingling of hands & feet, shooting
pains in extremities, swallowing pain, tingling, unsteady gait, weakness, more.

You can subscribe to the Aspartame Information List on   (scroll down to banners) as we also take Splenda
reactions and its discussed.

Just Like Sugar ( is safe and can be gotten
in most Whole Foods.

I would definitely fill out the MedWatch form on the FDA to have your
complaints on record. Do send me a copy. Remember that Sucralose has
already been found in drinking
Read about detoxification using distilled water.

All my best,

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
770 242-2599,,
Aspartame Toxicity Center,

Controlling Sleeping Sickness w/gut bacteria of transmitting fly


ScienceDaily (May 11, 2010) — A new bacterial species, found in the gut of the fly that transmits African sleeping sickness, could be engineered to kill the parasite that causes the disease. The study, published in the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, could lead to new approaches to control this fatal infection that is becoming resistant to drug therapy.

Scientists from IRD, the French Research Institute for Development in Montpellier, France isolated the novel bacterium from the midgut of the tsete fly that also harbours the protozoan Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (Tbg), responsible for Human African Trypanosomiasis, known as sleeping sickness. The new bacterium was named Serratia glossinae after genomic analysis showed it was closely genetically linked to other bacteria in the Serratia genus. Interestingly one of the species in this genus is able to kill another trypanosome that causes Chagas’ disease in South America. This has prompted the group to hypothesise that the Serratia group of bacteria has the potential to be exploited to treat trypanosomiasis.


Antibody reactivity to Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto antigens


In the present study, we report the occurrence of borreliosis in patients from the Brazilian Amazonic region. Nineteen (7.2%) out of 270 dermatological patients with different skin diseases (no one with clinical Lyme disease), tested positive by ELISA for Borrelia burgdorferi. Serum samples from 15 out of the 19 ELISA-positive patients were further evaluated by Western blot. Presence of Borrelia burgdorferi specific IgG was confirmed in eight (53.3%) out of the 15 patients. All eight patients with ELISA and Western blot positive reactions were treated with doxycycline, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. One of them had clinical manifestations of colagenosis and was sent to the Department of Internal Medicine for further investigation. Data presented here suggested that borreliosis “lato sensu” is in the Brazilian Amazon region.

Cologne Connected to Sperm Damage

Linda’s comments:

I have been preaching this for years….People just don’t want to listen….when men and women bathe themselves in cologne I ask them if they don’t like their prostate and to women I ask them why put their ovaries and breast at risk….they look at me like I have THREE heads….You can buy good smelling things that do not contain chemicals, but I guess people would rather reek havoc on the bodies and fight Cancers…..of course, the industry would NEVER EVER give you these warnings.  Hell even conventional/western docs bathe themselves in stinky smelling deodorants…

My pulmonologist office I have to wait outside as one of the docs bathes himself in cologne….I complained to my doc and she said, well he has a bad body odor….I suggested to her and him that he flush his liver so he wouldn’t stink….they looked at me like I had lost it…sooooooooo being who I am I flooded them with research and proof….of course they were trained in western medicine and don’t have a clue….however, the last time I was in there, there was NO cologne smell….good Lord they are pulmonologists and don’t have a clue…scary thought….<shaking head>  Please read this article with great interest…
The “secret” ingredients that give colognes their particular scents could also be damaging sperm, according to a study by the nonprofit consumer advocate Environmental Working Group.:::
Researchers analyzed the chemical composition of 17 perfumes and colognes and discovered that many scented products contain compounds that have the potential to interact with hormones. One chemical, a solvent called diethyl pthalate, was found in 12 products and was linked to sperm damage in a 2006 Harvard study. Sperm damage can lower fertility.:::aoldb://mail/write/::::
What’s more, DEP is just one of 12 different hormone-disrupting compounds found in the colognes. Georgio Armani’s Acqua di Gio, for example, contains seven compounds that interact with either estrogen or androgen (female and male hormones) or both, according to the study.
“We don’t know how harmful repeated use of these colognes and perfumes are, because the emphasis in the industry is not on long-term testing,” says study author Dr. Olga V. Naidenko.
“While infrequent use could be fine, because the same chemicals show up in many different products, over time they can build up in your body and have bad effects,” she says.

Candidatus Bartonella mayotimonensis and Endocarditis

Full article:


We describe a new Bartonella species for which we propose the name Candidatus Bartonella mayotimonensis. It was isolated from native aortic valve tissue of a person with infective endocarditis. The new species was identified by using PCR amplification and sequencing of 5 genes (16S rRNA gene, ftsZ, rpoB, gltA, and internal transcribed spacer region).

Bartonella species are small, fastidious, gram-negative, intracellular bacteria that cause culture-negative infective endocarditis. Six species have been documented to cause endocarditis in humans: B. quintana (1), B. henselae (2), B. elizabethae (3), B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii (4), B. koehlerae (5), and B. alsatica (6). We report a case of culture-negative endocarditis caused by a new Bartonella species, for which we propose the name Candidatus Bartonella mayotimonensis.

Morgellons disease

Linda’s comment:  Morgellons disease is REAL and sometimes very painful.  This is an excellent article by Dr Stricker, and Ginger Savely.  A must READ…
The fiber group consisted of 122 patients. Significant findings in this group were an association with tick-borne diseases and hypothyroidism, high numbers from two states (Texas and California), high prevalence in middle-aged Caucasian women, and an increased prevalence of smoking and substance abuse. Although depression was noted in 29% of the fiber patients, pre-existing delusional disease was not reported. After adjusting for nonspecific symptoms, the most common symptoms reported in the fiber group were: crawling sensations under the skin; spontaneously appearing, slow-healing lesions; hyperpigmented scars when lesions heal; intense pruritus; seed-like objects, black specks, or “fuzz balls” in lesions or on intact skin; fine, thread-like fibers of varying colors in lesions and intact skin; lesions containing thick, tough, translucent fibers that are highly resistant to extraction; and a sensation of something trying to penetrate the skin from the inside out.

Conclusions: This study of the largest clinical cohort reported to date provides the basis for an accurate and clinically useful case definition for Morgellons disease.