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Dust & toxins with comments from Dr. Gordon, Linda

Linda’s comment:  ListenUP folks…this is all the more reason why a lifelong daily detox is important…I have been on the FIGHT protocol for 2 years now and it is the best thing I have done for my wellness journey…
You can find the FIGHT  webinars on this website…watch all 6 of them….they explain the why’s, how’s and need’s, of this important protocol…
Dr. Gordon’s Comments:

Please read this very carefully. Dust is really a bigger contributor to heavy metal burden than anyone understands until now. Notice the mention here of PTSD and even a mention of ALS in young soldiers.

We are on the right track when we emphasize toxins including heavy metals but this front page story on May 12 in USA Today will help educate your patients about the need for ongoing life long detoxification efforts!

Notice how quickly the agencies that may have to pay for the care for these exposed military personnel are to deny this link to impaired health that is becoming epidemic. Remember last month’s front cover of Discover magazine announced that 1400 tons of mercury are coming to us from China. 

There is a common thread here; we are all toxic unless we take steps every day like oral chelation, zeolite, fiber, high dose ascorbic acid etc. We will sooner or later have degenerative diseases that are clearly triggered by these toxic exposures we all face daily.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

Navy researcher links toxins in war-zone dust to ailments

By Kelly Kennedy, USA TODAY

U.S. troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait have inhaled microscopic dust particles laden with toxic metals, bacteria and fungi — a toxic stew that may explain everything from the undiagnosed Gulf War Syndrome symptoms lingering from the 1991 war against Iraq to high rates of respiratory, neurological and heart ailments encountered in the current wars, scientists say.

“From my research and that of others, I really think this may be the smoking gun,” says Navy Capt. Mark Lyles, chair of medical sciences and biotechnology at the Center for Naval Warfare Studies at the Naval War College in Newport, R.I. “It fits everything — symptoms, timing, everything.”

Insanity virus — a crazy idea?

This research about the “insanity” virus has not stopped, and in fact, the more you read up on endogenous retrovirus the more you will see that this all further reinforces my FIGHT4yourhealth concept. The June Discover magazine on the newsstands brings this story up to date but the more you become interested in the infection component of today’s epidemic of impaired health, the more you will see how this infection from endogenous retroviruses found in what we used to call our JUNK DNA, helps explain Bipolar and MS as well as Schizophrenia.

Maybe we all need to get toxins out so our immune system can handle these inborn infections better, and more of us will need to lower the total body burden of all infections fungal bacterial and viral using ACS 200 Silver that is proven to efficiently lower even Borrelia and Candida.

This is worth really understanding, as this is real and when we begin to understand how these virus that are in our DNA are kept under control, until certain things happen, like a severe viral infection during pregnancy, and then years later the child starts to hear voices
etc. I have covered on my website with 8 hours of webinars, the topics of Food, Infection, Genetics, Hormones, Toxins, etc but this aspect of infection was not covered. If we think about it, there could be some tie in here to the live virus given children when they receive their MMR, and subsequent development of Autism. There could be a HERV-W involved in that condition too.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute




Insanity virus — a crazy idea? / Mainstream psychiatric outcast ponders parasitic mental illness
August 05, 2002|By Keay Davidson, Chronicle Science Writer

#3: New Findings Boost Theory That Infection Causes Schizophrenia 

Psychiatric News March 19, 2010 
Volume 45 Number 6 Page 1 
© American Psychiatric Association 
1.   Mark Moran

A review of studies of maternal exposure to infectious agents and schizophrenia in their offspring suggests that eliminating certain infections could prevent as many as 30 percent of schizophrenia cases.  Continued