All Posts Tagged With: "schizophrenia"

Insanity virus — a crazy idea?

This research about the “insanity” virus has not stopped, and in fact, the more you read up on endogenous retrovirus the more you will see that this all further reinforces my FIGHT4yourhealth concept. The June Discover magazine on the newsstands brings this story up to date but the more you become interested in the infection component of today’s epidemic of impaired health, the more you will see how this infection from endogenous retroviruses found in what we used to call our JUNK DNA, helps explain Bipolar and MS as well as Schizophrenia.

Maybe we all need to get toxins out so our immune system can handle these inborn infections better, and more of us will need to lower the total body burden of all infections fungal bacterial and viral using ACS 200 Silver that is proven to efficiently lower even Borrelia and Candida.

This is worth really understanding, as this is real and when we begin to understand how these virus that are in our DNA are kept under control, until certain things happen, like a severe viral infection during pregnancy, and then years later the child starts to hear voices
etc. I have covered on my website with 8 hours of webinars, the topics of Food, Infection, Genetics, Hormones, Toxins, etc but this aspect of infection was not covered. If we think about it, there could be some tie in here to the live virus given children when they receive their MMR, and subsequent development of Autism. There could be a HERV-W involved in that condition too.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute




Insanity virus — a crazy idea? / Mainstream psychiatric outcast ponders parasitic mental illness
August 05, 2002|By Keay Davidson, Chronicle Science Writer

#3: New Findings Boost Theory That Infection Causes Schizophrenia 

Psychiatric News March 19, 2010 
Volume 45 Number 6 Page 1 
© American Psychiatric Association 
1.   Mark Moran

A review of studies of maternal exposure to infectious agents and schizophrenia in their offspring suggests that eliminating certain infections could prevent as many as 30 percent of schizophrenia cases.  Continued

Neuroanatomic and cognitive abnormalities related to herpes simplex

Full article:


Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) tends to replicate in the temporal cortex and can damage the limbic system. The presence of serum antibodies to HSV-1 is associated with cognitive impairment in adults with schizophrenia, suggesting that cerebral gray matter abnormalities might distinguish patient subgroups defined by HSV-1 exposure. We assessed 43 adult outpatients with schizophrenia. The assessment included clinical interviews, neurocognitive testing, anatomic brain magnetic resonance imaging and measures of serum IgG antibodies specific to herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2. We then compared 25 patients who tested positive for antibodies to HSV-1 with 15 who were seronegative for both HSV-1 and HSV-2. The seropositive patients performed significantly worse than the seronegative patients on four neuropsychological measures of psychomotor speed, executive functioning, and explicit verbal memory. Voxel-based morphometric analyses revealed that the same patients showed reduced gray matter volume in the anterior cingulate and areas of the cerebellum.

Infections – a cause of schizophrenia?

New Findings Boost Theory That Infection Causes Schizophrenia

Full article:


A review of studies of maternal exposure to infectious agents and schizophrenia in their offspring suggests that eliminating certain infections could prevent as many as 30 percent of schizophrenia cases.

Call it an instance of science being stranger than science fiction, and of nature’s unintended consequences.

In 2000, a team of British researchers published a remarkable paper in the journal of the Royal Society titled “Fatal Attraction in Rats Affected With Toxoplasma Gondii.” It seems that rodents infected with Toxoplasmosis gondi (T. gondii), a parasite that normally thrives in cats, become fatally attracted to cat urine, causing them to shed their normal avoidant behavior in the presence of a cat.

Naturally, cat catches rodent and devours it, with the result that the parasite T. gondii is again where it belongs: in a feline host.

Observing this case of attraction gone fatally wrong, the researchers, from the University of Oxford, postulated that T. gondii, one of nature’s most successful organisms, had developed an ingenious evolutionary mechanism for manipulating the behavior of the rodent—in whom the parasite would have reached a dead end—so that the rodent seeks out, suicidally, the feline host in which the parasite can thrive and complete its life cycle.

Destroying confidence in Vitamins

Full article:


How To Destroy Confidence In Vitamins When You Do Not Have The Facts

(OMNS, January 11, 2010) “Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to this year’s annual meeting of the World Headquarters Of Pharmaceutical Politicians, Educators, and Reporters (WHOPPER).

“Let us get right to the point. Many of our members and affiliates have complained about what is, for us, an alarming and dangerous segment of health care: so-called ‘orthomolecular medicine.’ We wish to assure you, although this therapeutic approach is, unfortunately, very effective in preventing and treating disease, that we will make sure the public will never learn of it. We can say this with considerable confidence, since for over 50 years we have managed to keep virtually all psychiatrists from using niacin to treat schizophrenia; we have kept cardiologists from prescribing vitamin E and co enzyme Q10 for heart disease; and we have kept general practitioners from prescribing vitamin C for viral illnesses.

“Yes, it has really been a triumphant half-century. How did we do it? It is really quite easy. Here is a summary for those of you that may have missed the last WHOPPER meeting.

Heart Disease A ‘Silent Killer’ In Patients With Severe Mental Illness

A large new study confirms that people with severe mental disorders – such as schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders – are 25 percent to 40 percent more prone to die from heart disease than people without mental illness are.

Moreover, smoking and physical inactivity – behaviors that individuals potentially can change – significantly contribute to this increased risk of death, found researchers led by Amy Kilbourne, Ph.D. Continued