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Kids Should Play in the Dirt

Linda’s comment:  This was true several years ago, but today it can be dangerous.  Yes children need to build immunities, BUT playing is pesticides, herbicides, Round-UP, etc., etc., can be VERY toxic for our children.  Look what happened in the Lake of the Ozark.  Children were playing in a very toxic creek and didn’t know it!!  Our rivers are dirty from toxic waste dumping, even our fish are becoming Frankenstein Fish, with many unable to lay eggs.  Our tap waters, river waters, creek waters are full of the drugs many folks take.  I live in Arizona and I have a friend that works for Game and Fish, and he tells me when they test the waters around the state, they find birth control, plaxil, antibiotics, etc., etc., etc.  The local water departments can not remove these drugs, so we play, bath, cook and drink this toxic water.

Dirt today can be dangerous.  Finding a good spa that can give us great mud baths is God sent.  But, to let our children enjoy the days we had as children is all but gone.  Just be careful when letting your children play in dirt and mud, as it could also be giving them new disease.  Who know?  Just be safe and do some research to find your own answers. Continued