All Posts Tagged With: "drugs"

Effect of cell phone usage on semen analysis in men attending infertility clinic

Infertility is epidemic today, and the drugs are not safe. Please offer this link on HOMEOPATHIC approaches to this problem. If you or someone you know could benefit from the gentle and effective support of homeopathy for infertility, you can download this show any time at 

Of course ALWAYS get all the toxins out with ZeoGold, Beyond Chelation-Improved and my “power drink”.

If anyone is still not concerned about their cell phone exposure, this study on semen analysis should change that perception now!!

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

Reproductive Research Center, Glickman Urological Institute and Department of
Obstetrics-Gynecology, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio 44195, USA.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of cell phone use on various markers of
semen quality.

DESIGN: Observational study.

SETTING: Infertility clinic.

PATIENT(S): Three hundred sixty-one men undergoing infertility evaluation were
divided into four groups according to their active cell phone use: group A: no
use; group B: <2 h/day; group C: 2-4 h/day; and group D: >4 h/day.


MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Sperm parameters (volume, liquefaction time, pH, viscosity, sperm count, motility, viability, and morphology).

RESULT(S): The comparisons of mean sperm count, motility, viability, and normal morphology among four different cell phone user groups were statistically significant. Mean sperm motility, viability, and normal morphology were significantly different in cell phone user groups within two sperm count groups. The laboratory values of the above four sperm parameters decreased in all four cell phone user groups as the duration of daily exposure to cell phones increased.

CONCLUSION(S): Use of cell phones decrease the semen quality in men by
decreasing the sperm count, motility, viability, and normal morphology. The
decrease in sperm parameters was dependent on the duration of daily exposure to
cell phones and independent of the initial semen quality.

Free computerized guide covering all nutrients

What a GREAT gift to all….thank you “Mitchell Bebel Stargrove ND, LAc”….

Full article:


Presenting detailed, evidence-based coverage of the most commonly encountered therapeutic agents in modern clinical practice, this resource is designed to help you safely and effectively integrate herbal, nutrient, and drug therapy for your patients or clients. Combining pharmaceuticals with herbs or nutrients may complement or interfere with a drug’s therapeutic action or may increase adverse effects. Furthermore, drug-induced depletion of essential nutrients can occur. Comprehensive clinical data, quick-reference features, and the insight and expertise of trusted authorities help you gain a confident understanding of how herbal remedies and nutritional supplements interact with pharmaceuticals and develop safe, individualized treatment strategies for your patients.

Key Content Features:
    * Seventy comprehensive monographs of herb-drug and nutrient-drug interactions cover the most commonly used herbs and nutrients in health-related practice and help you coordinate safe, reliable therapy.
    * Each herb and nutrient monograph features summary tables and concise, practical suggestions that provide quick and easy reference and complement the systematic review and in-depth analysis.
    * Unique icons throughout the text differentiate interactions, evidence, and clinical significance.
    * Up-to-date information keeps you current with the latest developments in pharmacology, nutrition, phytotherapy, biochemistry, genomics, oncology, hematology, naturopathic medicine, Chinese medicine, and other fields.
    * A diverse team of authoritative experts lends valuable, trans-disciplinary insight

Nutritional status in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Linda’s comment:  Isn’t it wonderful when the conventional docs find that Nutrition and proper diet is directly connected to the growth and function of children!!??  Some of you would like to scold them and say “I told you so” but I’m just excited that they are “finally” getting it!!  Just as the children of the Autism Spectrum parents have found that diet/nutrition is everything.  They also know that reducing the total body of pathogens and toxins can make all the difference in their children’s learning, sleep, and growth.  Reducing those heavy metals can help ALL, including adults.  Do your research folks and you can find the answers you are looking for.



November 3, 2009 (Honolulu, Hawaii) – Overall nutritional status in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) shows that this patient population is at risk for low trace mineral status, including deficiencies in zinc and copper – minerals that may play a crucial role in the production of dopamine, norepinephrine, and melatonin, which regulates sleep. Continued

Kids Should Play in the Dirt

Linda’s comment:  This was true several years ago, but today it can be dangerous.  Yes children need to build immunities, BUT playing is pesticides, herbicides, Round-UP, etc., etc., can be VERY toxic for our children.  Look what happened in the Lake of the Ozark.  Children were playing in a very toxic creek and didn’t know it!!  Our rivers are dirty from toxic waste dumping, even our fish are becoming Frankenstein Fish, with many unable to lay eggs.  Our tap waters, river waters, creek waters are full of the drugs many folks take.  I live in Arizona and I have a friend that works for Game and Fish, and he tells me when they test the waters around the state, they find birth control, plaxil, antibiotics, etc., etc., etc.  The local water departments can not remove these drugs, so we play, bath, cook and drink this toxic water.

Dirt today can be dangerous.  Finding a good spa that can give us great mud baths is God sent.  But, to let our children enjoy the days we had as children is all but gone.  Just be careful when letting your children play in dirt and mud, as it could also be giving them new disease.  Who know?  Just be safe and do some research to find your own answers. Continued