All Posts Tagged With: "minerals"

Organic produce is nutritionally superior to so-called “conventional” produce

 Linda’s comments:  This is a great article on how to purchase organic produce and why it is important to do your best to eat organic.  I’m sure you have seen these BIG wooden tubs that folks use to plant flowers in?  These are perfect for your patio to plant your own organic produce, plus it isn’t on the ground to break your back bending over weeding, and feeding your plants…..I use chicken wire to protect it from rabbits, etc.  Zip ties are great for hooking it around the planter….Find your local organic farmers.  They are popping up all over Arizona, plus the Farmers Markets are growing like wild fire….

Full article:


NaturalNews) Organic produce is nutritionally superior to so-called “conventional” produce, according to a comprehensive review conducted by researchers from the University of Aix-Marseille for the French food agency (AFSSA) and published in the journal Agronomy for Sustainable Development.

“This critical literature review indicates that organic agriculture, as developed until now, has the potential to produce high-quality products with some relevant improvements in terms of anti-oxidant phytomicronutrients, nitrate accumulation in vegetables and toxic residue levels,” the researchers wrote.

To be recognized as “organic,” a food product must be produced without the use of genetic modification or chemical fertilizers or pesticides, and must promote sustainable cropping methods. In the United States, organically produced meat and dairy must be raised without the use of synthetic growth hormones or antibiotics. Hormones and antibiotics are banned in animal production across the board in the European Union.

Magnesium and Autism

Linda’s comments:  This is a great newsletter to subscribe to.  I’m posting this one here today as it has information that is vital to all and I don’t want anyone to miss it.  Too many people don’t take enough magnesium in their daily diet, especially children.  Magnesium is vital to those children of the Autistic spectrum…..please read and enjoy, but make sure you take notes.
Angel Huggzz

Full article:


Research published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2002 shows that when the diets of 2,566 children ages 11-19 were studied, less than 14 percent of boys and 12 percent of girls had adequate intakes of magnesium and low magnesium intake was associated with lower measures of several lung functions (including lung capacity and airway flow).[2] Continued

No Deaths From Vitamins or Minerals

Linda’s comment:  There has not been one death caused by a vitamin or dietary minerals.  Toxicology shows zero deaths from multiple vitamins; zero deaths from any of the B vitamins; zero deaths from vitamins A, C, D, or E; and zero deaths from any other vitamin, yet the media and the medical establishment continue to slam the use of the very thing that could keep them healthy.  FOLLOW THE MONEY folks…read the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service report from October 14, 2009.  Are we safe? I would say yes.  I would have been dead by now had it not been for the supplements I take.  The FDA and the news media are always looking for the bodies, but of course they need to protect the pockets of the Pharmaceutical industry, which btw does multi million dollar studies using 500 mg of VitC and then turn around and say the 500 mg of VitC showed no significance??!!  I guess not…what a waste of money….I take 20,000 grams of VitC daily, along with the rest of the FIGHT program….With all the health problems I suffer from it is the vitamins/supplement/herbals that keep me going…

Start standing up for your CHOICE and RIGHTS folks.  Do your research and then listen to your body as you swallow your choices of medical herbals….

Be Healthy



(OMNS, October 14, 2009) There was not even one death caused by a vitamin or dietary mineral in 2007, according to the most recent statistics available from the U.S. National Poison Data System. The 132-page annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers published in the journal Clinical Toxicology shows zero deaths from multiple vitamins; zero deaths from any of the B vitamins; zero deaths from vitamins A, C, D, or E; and zero deaths from any other vitamin. (1) Continued