All Posts Tagged With: "FDA"

BPA May Be Linked to Heart Disease Risk

Linda’s comments:  May be linked to heart disease??  Yikessssssssssssss….wake up folks, BPA is a deadly chemical that we are ingesting and having shoved at us for the sake of money.  This is why I preach to drink from glass bottles and not from cans or plastic bottles.  When they say “no significant association between BPA and diabetes or liver enzymes”, by whose standards???

Do I trust what they say when they say “May Be linked” very simple NO, I do not trust them…

Bottom-line BPA is NOT safe and we need to start standing up and say NO…when we stop purchasing products with BPA in them, then and only then will the industry listen…


Linda Continued

Alpha Omega Labs kidnapped

Linda’s comments:  What next??  What right does the FDA have to go after a legal business in Ecuador?  Caton has a legal and permanent residency in Ecuador so what gives the FDA the right to rip him from Ecuador, ILLEGALLY I might add?  Is the FDA afraid of hearing the truth about medicinal herbs or are they trying to protect the pocketbooks of the drug cartel that produces drugs they call medicine that kills over 100,000 a year??
This is a good example folks of what we are faced with in our healthcare today…start stockpiling and buying books that teach you how to make herbals to protect your health.  I believe that the writing is on the wall, just read the article below….<sigh> 
Full article:

(NaturalNews) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today stands accused of taking part in the kidnapping and illegal extradition of a permanent resident of Ecuador, in violation of both international law and Ecuadorian law.

Greg Caton, owner and operator of Alpha Omega Labs (, an herbal products company that sells anti-cancer herbal remedies made with Ecuadorian medicinal herbs, was arrested at gunpoint at a road checkpoint in Ecuador, then transported to an Ecuadorian holding facility to await a hearing on December 14, 2009. Caton was expected to be set free by the Ecuadorian judge at that hearing based on the facts of the case which indicated Caton’s permanent residency in Ecuador is legal and valid.

No Deaths From Vitamins or Minerals

Linda’s comment:  There has not been one death caused by a vitamin or dietary minerals.  Toxicology shows zero deaths from multiple vitamins; zero deaths from any of the B vitamins; zero deaths from vitamins A, C, D, or E; and zero deaths from any other vitamin, yet the media and the medical establishment continue to slam the use of the very thing that could keep them healthy.  FOLLOW THE MONEY folks…read the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service report from October 14, 2009.  Are we safe? I would say yes.  I would have been dead by now had it not been for the supplements I take.  The FDA and the news media are always looking for the bodies, but of course they need to protect the pockets of the Pharmaceutical industry, which btw does multi million dollar studies using 500 mg of VitC and then turn around and say the 500 mg of VitC showed no significance??!!  I guess not…what a waste of money….I take 20,000 grams of VitC daily, along with the rest of the FIGHT program….With all the health problems I suffer from it is the vitamins/supplement/herbals that keep me going…

Start standing up for your CHOICE and RIGHTS folks.  Do your research and then listen to your body as you swallow your choices of medical herbals….

Be Healthy



(OMNS, October 14, 2009) There was not even one death caused by a vitamin or dietary mineral in 2007, according to the most recent statistics available from the U.S. National Poison Data System. The 132-page annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers published in the journal Clinical Toxicology shows zero deaths from multiple vitamins; zero deaths from any of the B vitamins; zero deaths from vitamins A, C, D, or E; and zero deaths from any other vitamin. (1) Continued

FDA accused in kidnapping and extradition

Full article:

(NaturalNews) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today stands accused of taking part in the kidnapping and illegal extradition of a permanent resident of Ecuador, in violation of both international law and Ecuadorian law.

Greg Caton, owner and operator of Alpha Omega Labs (, an herbal products company that sells anti-cancer herbal remedies made with Ecuadorian medicinal herbs, was arrested at gunpoint at a road checkpoint in Ecuador, then transported to an Ecuadorian holding facility to await a hearing on December 14, 2009. Caton was expected to be set free by the Ecuadorian judge at that hearing based on the facts of the case which indicated Caton’s permanent residency in Ecuador is legal and valid.

Concern Over Canned Foods

Linda’s comment.  All the more reason why you don’t eat GMO and moving into the world of organics is the safest way to save your health.   We must begin to make the move to cook only FRESH foods.  Soups are best is home-made and we all know that.  As consumers, WE CAN control the industry.  If consumers just STOP BUYING, then the industry will change.  It happened with baby bottles, so why can’t it happen with canned foods??  JUST SAY NO to canned foods. Continued

Suzanne Somers’s Cancer Book “Knockout”

Linda’s Comment:  I’m in the process of reading this book and so far it ROCKS.  Having battled (5) Cancers myself and beaten them on using ONLY alternative medicine and adjuncts, I can relate to much of what Suzanne has to say.  Cancer is preventable, but many of us don’t pay attention until we hear those words,”You have Cancer”….Yes, it certainly gets your attention.  Many forget to stop and think about how they ended up with Cancer?  These are things you don’t think of ,UNTIL you hear those words, and then it is usually the last thing you even think about.  Once I got over the shock of hearing those words and had my treatment protocol laid out, I wanted to know how and why? No, I didn’t question God, but I questioned myself.  Thanks to my alternative doctors and friends I stepped back and began looking at what I ate. Yep, I ate a lot of GMO foods, sugar, the wrong fats and used a microwave.  I began looking under my cabinets and in my medicine cabinets, as well as my laundry room.  Boy was I shocked.  My friends, doctors and research lead me to start removing all the toxins and chemicals I had around me.  It actually isn’t hard to do, but it is a shocker that the FDA would allow the industry to sells these DEADLY products.

The chemical toxins that we use to clean and wash our clothes with are scary when you begin to read labels.  The chemicals we put on our bodies and the cosmetics that are toxic and loaded with chemicals will make you angry, as they did me.  How could the industry approve them?  How could the industry in good faith shove these chemicals at us?  I had no idea what perfume and body creams were putting into my blood stream, much less in my lungs, breasts and ovaries!!  The plug-in air-fresheners and aerosol sprays are DEADLY.  The good news is there are cleaning products, laundry products, body creams, shampoos that are not toxic and filling our bodies with additional toxins.  Oh yea, let’s not forget the pesticides and herbicides that are giving us our toxic world!!

I only wish I had known about the FIGHT program, that I began over a year ago.  Thank you Dr Gordon for developing this lifelong daily detox protocol.  IT WORKS….They talk about the FIGHT program in the 16th chapter of Suzanne’s book.  The FIGHT protocol has helped me begin to dissolve biofilms and reduce my total body burden of pathogens and toxins.  The great thing about this program is it is lifelong.  Yes, I said lifelong, but we are living in a very toxic world and are being slammed daily with hundreds of toxins from our environment. Continued