All Posts Tagged With: "mercury"

Linda answers a reader of the FIGHT blog

Hi James, I have put you in my daily prayer journal.  I’m sorry you are having to go through what you are!  Bless you for sharing your experience.  Heavy metals, like mercury, are deadly.  Please join the discussion at my detox/healing blog, where we discuss the importance of removing heavy metals, that are slamming us on a daily basis.
Not just amalgams but the daily slam of environmental toxins are full of heavy metals.  Thank you for sharing on u-tube.  God Bless YOU!
MICHAEL:  Please post this plea on my blog, as we are trying to educate the public on heavy metals.  Go to
JAMES:  Hopefully we can get you more help from my readers. Keep a smile on your face, love in your heart and walk with the angels, holding hands in the “Chain of Love”

Health advocacy group find excessive lead levels in toys

Linda’s comment:  These are two companies, that should know better.?!!  Yet, the market is flooded with toxic toys.  Many parents, grandparents and people who give gifts, do not have a clue that shoes, socks, shirts, pants, hats that have the blinking lights are shooting MERCURY into those who wear them….so, our children who love the flashing lights are getting shots of the Mercury as the lights go off.  Make sure you share this with your friends, etc., etc.  We certainly do not need to shot mercury in our bodies or our children…be truthful with the children and tell them they are shooting poison into their bodies.  Children’s toys and clothes are not any different than the BPA in baby bottles….the more education and awareness we deliver the better chance we have to protect them.

WASHINGTON – Children’s toys carrying the Barbie and Disney logos have turned up with high levels of lead in them, according to a California-based advocacy group – a finding that may give consumers pause as they shop for the holiday season. Continued

Mercury dental fillings as an emerging Toxic Tort

Linda’s Comment:  I had 14 amalgams removed last year and thank goodness I took the ACSnano Zeolite, and then added the ZeoGold at I also bathed in Beyond Clean AND took a teaspoon of the Beyond Clean once a day.  It will take me years to get all the mecury out of my body because of those amalgams.  I didn’t have a problem of mercury bouncing back, as Beyond Fiber is also a part of the FIGHT protocol and it helped to carry out the mercury toxins at a much quicker pace.  While I have had to deal with what I call “mercury” brain fog, thrown in with the Lyme brain fog, I have the FIGHT protocol to thank.

For the record, I do NOT make money off the products I talk about.  You could substitute other products, but I have tried many and none of them could meet the expectation of the products from  These products are made with the highest grade, in clean factories and most importantly, I know they are balanced.  You can make your own choice, but make some kind of choice to begin removing and reducing your total body burden of pathogens and toxins.

Our daily environment is continuously pounding our bodies with chemicals, so even if you don’t have amalgams, you are still getting unwanted heavy metals.


What about mercury and amalgams? Good progress continues to be made legally by eliminating amalgam fillings using a multi-pronged approach, as explained here in the article below.

Eventually when the public realizes the danger and that they can not pull all the fillings out in less than 10 years, they will want to know more about some form of protection and or treatment. Continued

CHRONIC Low Level Lead Toxicity and our Health

Linda’s Comment:  Dr Garry Gordon has had a great deal of anxiety over the amounts of heavy metal toxins that we are being exposed to on a daily basis….Dr Gordon developed the FIGHT program to help reduce our load of heavy metals and become more healthy.  Don’t wait until you are a dead person walking.  Do your research and find your own answers.

I personally have been on the FIGHT program for over a year and very happy I did.  For those of us with chronic illness like Lyme disease, we must do everything we can from diet, exercise and finding the protocol that will help us to reduce our load of pathogens and toxins.

Come join the discussion and learn how you too can reduce your total body burden of pathogens and toxins.


CHRONIC Low Level Lead Toxicity and our Health

It seems from this new report that my concerns about chronic lead toxicity are destined to become the concerns of mainstream medicine. All I have to do is live to over 100 and my approach to health problems might become mainstream so perhaps I need to keep working hard to stay ahead of mainstream medicine. Continued

Mercury in high fructose corn syrup

Linda’s Comments:  The FDA knew it and sat on it!!  All sugars are GMO made unless they are organic.  They wonder why are children are sick….Mercury is toxic in all forms…Learn to read labels people…..most juice drinks have high fructose corn syrup as an ingredient.
Quantities of mercury have been found in high fructose corn syrup, the ingredient that has replaced sugar in many of our processed foods. Reports have also come out that the FDA knew about traces of the toxic substance in food, and sat on the information.

(HealthDay News) — Almost half of tested samples of commercial high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) contained mercury, which was also found in nearly a third of 55 popular brand-name food and beverage products where HFCS is the first- or second-highest labeled ingredient, according to two new U.S. studies. Continued

The Truth about Flu Shots in Pregnancy

One third of Americans, at this point, are planning not to get a swine flu shot. The whole story of course is that Flu shots are NOT INNOCUOUS!  Many have more long-term adverse effects than are widely appreciated at this time.  That will change as the public is getting more information from the internet and no longer blindly accept everything the authorities tell them. Continued

Iodine Deficiency Epidemic

Dr Joe Pizzorno, as the former Dean of the John Bastyr School of Naturopathic Medicine, still does a great job of continuing to educate. Read more about how iodized salt may be very unstable in humid environment.

I cannot say it more succinctly than he has here!  Get IODINE into patients! Continued

Mercury Amalgams vs. Breathing Particulates or Eating Fish?

How great is the contribution of Mercury from dental amalgams vs. breathing particulates or eating fish??

Why is FDA so afraid to alert consumers to the possibility that amalgams contribute to total body mercury levels and that combined with eating fish, which they refuse to require adequate labeling there also, means that consumers have no knowledge why they have so many health issues in their family. Continued

Contaminated Drinking Water in Our Schools

Drinking water in schools is clearly unsafe; lead is just the tip of the iceberg.
Once we educate everyone, then someday we will have reverse osmosis (RO) units in schools but that will take a long time. In the meantime water is merely one source of toxins now found in everyone so maybe the answer is to put Zeolite in everyone to help filter this stuff out before it gets more concentrated in our tissues like brain and heart. Continued

Military issues, related to service in the military

While I have no doubt this retired lieutenant colonel was diagnosed with Lyme disease,  my question is, has/was any thought given to how many chemical toxins he was exposed to during his military career?? 

With a full career in the military this poor guy was shot full of vaccines!!  How dirty were those vaccines.  Many say that vaccines can and has given patients, especially military personnel.

Lord knows the foods he was fed no doubt were GMO foods?

Bottom-line, we NEED to stop labeling everything with the word “Lyme”!  We need to focus on detoxing environmental toxins, and the poisons in GMO foods.   Plus, if we get word of the work “Lyme” no doubt more insurance companies would pay for treatments.  After all, Lyme symptoms can and are labeled with Fibro, Arthritis, Alzheimers, etc., etc., etc.

Keep your thinking caps on folks, there is more than one way to win this war against the diseases we are dealing with today!!

Angel Huggzz


Drwal drops election bid due to conditions
Medical issues related to service in military

Drwal, a 24-year veteran of the U.S. Army who retired as a lieutenant colonel after serving in various regions around the world, has been dealing with military-related injuries for over a decade.

“I had a couple of injuries when I was in the military,” he said. “I suffered injuries to both of my legs, which caused walking problems, and I suffered some neurological problems that affected speech and balance.”

Drwal, a member of the Disabled American Veterans Chapter 67, also suffered from a tick-related disease while he was abroad, although the symptoms did not surface until years later.

“Last year I got really sick, and it turns out I had Lyme disease, and they are finding more and more troops that have been stationed in Europe have been coming down with it,” he said. “It just came on last year, attacking my joints and my neurological system.”

Full article: