All Posts Tagged With: "probiotics"

Probiotics & mainstream attention

Linda’s comments:  Probiotics and digestive enzymes are a MUST in life today as we know it, but more importantly probiotics and digestive enzymes are vital to recovery of autoimmune disease, lyme disease, Cancer, etc., etc. etc.    What most don’t understand is the best time to begin probiotics and digestive enzymes is BEFOR you get sick….

Dr. Gordon’s comments:

Probiotics are beginning to get the attention they deserve. 

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute



Could probiotics affect behaviour?

By Stephen Daniells, 23-Jun-2009

Increasing knowledge of how the gut and brain is opening up the possibilities for probiotics. At the 5th International Yakult Symposium in Amsterdam, Stephen Daniells met Professor John Bienenstock from McMaster University to find out where the current thinking is with probiotics and brain health. 

Allergic Symptoms & Coronary Heart Disease

Linda’s comments:  I have been on Dr Gordon’s FIGHT program for 1 1/2 years and IT WORKS.  Please do not take Statin’s….Eating non-GMO foods will help to prevent colon problems….don’t forget to take your probiotics….

Dr. Gordon’s Comments: This 2.6 fold increase in heart disease in those who are wheezing suggests that my FIGHT program is needed for patients with heart disease issues.

We know we have an epidemic of asthma and that one contributor to this is food sensitivities. We can document that treating asthma or even eczema or acne with probiotics helps, as of course we are decreasing leaky gut. But if we do more than restore healthy flora and also lower total body burden of pathogens with ACS and lower food related reactions with an elimination diet, then not only will we improve the wheezing but do far more than pushing a statin on someone who needs an approach that deals with the issues. And with GMO foods and heavy metals etc today it is safe to assume you have a patient with leaky gut.

Now we can start to practice real medicine again instead of just pushing statins for big Pharma. The day is coming when someone will dare to mention the king is not wearing clothes.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

Full article:


Allergy is a disorder of the immune system which is a form of hypersensitivity. An allergic reaction is an inappropriate immune reaction to an otherwise harmless substance. Allergens can be environmental, chemical, or food-based. Common allergens include dust mites, pollen, animal dander, and certain foods. Allergens can be absorbed into the body through the skin, respiratory tract, or gastrointestinal tract. Allergens are proteins or low-molecular weight substances that the body identifies as antigenic. This creates an immune response known as a hypersensitive or allergic reaction. The production of chemical mediators in these allergic reactions may produce symptoms ranging from mild to life threatening.

In the United States, the most common type of heart disease and the leading cause of death is coronary heart disease also known as coronary artery disease (CAD). Coronary artery disease occurs when a substance called plaque builds up in the arteries that supply blood to the heart (called coronary arteries). Plaque is made up of cholesterol deposits, which can accumulate in your arteries. When this happens, your arteries can narrow over time. This process is called atherosclerosis. Plaque buildup can cause angina, the most common symptom of CAD. This condition causes chest pain or discomfort because the heart muscle doesn’t get enough blood. Over time, CAD can weaken the heart muscle. This may lead to heart failure, a serious condition where the heart can’t pump blood the way that it should. An irregular heartbeat, or arrhythmia, can also develop. For some people, the first sign of CAD is a heart attack. A heart attack occurs when plaque totally blocks an artery carrying blood to the heart. It also can happen if a plaque deposit breaks off and clots a coronary artery. 

From American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy: Probiotics

Probiotics are rapidly becoming essential for life if we want to enjoy optimal health. This may be related to the excessive use of antibiotics in agriculture, but whatever the reasons are, this 16 page attachment may provide you with the science on this soon to be essential nutritional supplement.

This IS A MUST for any patients with autoimmune or allergy related issues, including acne, autism, asthma, Auto immune disease and even cancer and, of course, all GI related issues. Use probiotics whenever there could be food sensitivities present. We can expect to see better results when we recommend a proven effective and stable probiotic.

However, whether you are using Kyodophilus, which Longevity Plus is carrying, as it is stable without refrigeration, or some other Probiotic, the need to facilitate their benefits by lowering the number of pathogens or unhealthy flora is very important.

I like the PREBIOTIC function of Beyond Fiber because it is not just the perfect combination of soluble with insoluble fiber but because it has stabilized rice bran, one of the most nutrient dense foods and that helps eliminate toxins but it also includes a special artichoke component from Germany that helps sustain friendly flora so well that over 2 months or so, Candida has been shown to significantly regress.

Please when maximizing probiotic benefits also consider the proven benefits of zeolite and silver, as available in what is called Total Body Detox, the two bottle package from Longevity Plus. The silver is needed because in many patients, the overgrowth of unhealthy flora is preventing implantation of friendly flora, so they need to be eliminated. Silver does that while the ACZ (Zeolite) component of Total Body Detox concurrently acts to neutralize many toxins, organic and inorganic. This permits restoration of a healthier gut flora and even improves immune functioning since the gut associated lymphoid tissue is
dramatically benefitted with this combined  probiotics/detox approach.

This current review of probiotics from MEDSCAPE may prove beneficial in helping educate your patients and staff to this new nutrient related need.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

Full article:


Probiotics are rapidly becoming essential for life if we want to enjoy optimal health. This may be related to the excessive use of antibiotics in agriculture, but whatever the reasons are, this 16 page attachment may provide you with the science on this soon to be essential nutritional supplement.

This IS A MUST for any patients with autoimmune or allergy related issues, including acne, autism, asthma, Auto immune disease and even cancer and, of course, all GI related issues. Use probiotics whenever there could be food sensitivities present. We can expect to see better results when we recommend a proven effective and stable probiotic.

However, whether you are using Kyodophilus, which Longevity Plus is carrying, as it is stable without refrigeration, or some other Probiotic, the need to facilitate their benefits by lowering the number of pathogens or unhealthy flora is very important.

I like the PREBIOTIC function of Beyond Fiber because it is not just the perfect combination of soluble with insoluble fiber but because it has stabilized rice bran, one of the most nutrient dense foods and that helps eliminate toxins but it also includes a special artichoke component from Germany that helps sustain friendly flora so well that over 2 months or so, Candida has been shown to significantly regress.

Please when maximizing probiotic benefits also consider the proven benefits of zeolite and silver, as available in what is called Total Body Detox, the two bottle package from Longevity Plus. The silver is needed because in many patients, the overgrowth of unhealthy flora is preventing implantation of friendly flora, so they need to be eliminated. Silver does that while the ACZ (Zeolite) component of Total Body Detox concurrently acts to neutralize many toxins, organic and inorganic. This permits restoration of a healthier gut flora and even improves immune functioning since the gut associated lymphoid tissue is
dramatically benefitted with this combined  probiotics/detox approach.

Contaminated Food – Message from Dr. Gordon

How many illnesses you are seeing are related to food poisoning?  Many more than you might suspect. So many people have low stomach acid and yet believe that they have excess acid and might be on Nexium to increase their likelihood of succumbing to tainted food with acute or chronic GI related symptoms.

This article suggests many more than we may suspect are suffering from contaminated food. This is a quote from this very informative article and granted Congress will not “get it right” when it comes to correcting this additional source of toxins in our patients. It will require my FIGHT program to recovery.

I know that probiotics help us overcome a toxic meal and that many need to carry something with them as a first response to symptoms of food poisoning. I suggest ACS silver but sometimes it is the ENDOTOXINS being released that tend to harm the patient so having lots of zeolite around either as ACZ and/or ZEOGOLD makes sense too. However, if we look at the epidemic of clostridia related illnesses today, please look at the 1200 references about the proven life-saving power of oral and/or IV Vitamin C in the book Curing the Incurable by Thomas Levy. Always this is dose related so that is why everyone needs some well tolerated and well absorbed vitamin C on hand at all times. BIOEN’R-G’Y C has the research to prove it does more gram for gram than any competing form of oral vitamin C you can obtain at any price anywhere.

If you are stuck and have no access to those products think garlic, as the liquid KYOLIC also is shown to decimate most pathogens.

This article makes it clear that YOU NEED TO BE PREPARED AT ALL TIMES!!

“families that were devastated by a food-borne illness. A great deal of harm, inflicted on some of the weakest members of society, can be avoided with a few simple reforms. Nobody should lose a child because the Senate lacks the will and the leadership to act.”

Eric Schlosser is the author of “Fast Food Nation” and a co-producer of the documentary “Food, Inc.”

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

Full article:


EVERY day, about 200,000 Americans are sickened by contaminated food. Every year, about 325,000 are hospitalized by a food-borne illness. And the number who are killed annually by something they ate is roughly the same as the number of Americans who’ve been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2003.

Those estimates, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suggest the scale of the problem. But they fail to convey the human toll. The elderly and people with compromised immune systems face an elevated risk from food-borne pathogens like listeria, campylobacter and salmonella. By far the most vulnerable group, however, are children under the age of 4. Our food will never be perfectly safe — and yet if the Senate fails to pass the food safety legislation now awaiting a vote, tens of thousands of American children will become needlessly and sometimes fatally ill.

Almost one year ago, the House of Representatives passed the Food Safety Enhancement Act with bipartisan support. A similar bill, the F.D.A. Food Safety Modernization Act, was unanimously approved by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee in November. This legislation would grant the Food and Drug Administration, which has oversight over 80 percent of the nation’s food, the authority to test widely for dangerous pathogens and improve the agency’s ability to trace outbreaks back to their source. Most important, it would finally give the agency the power to order the recall of contaminated foods — and to punish companies that knowingly sell them.

Gluten sensitivity

Dear FACT members:

Gluten sensitivity, does everyone have some tendency to this common affliction? It is great to have gluten free foods becoming widely available and Harvard admitting this is hard to rule in or out. Not everyone has the classic symptoms yet this can be contributing to poor health for many people. Continued