All Posts Tagged With: "hypertension"

ABC Responds to Article on Herb-Drug Interactions

Linda’s comment:  Amazing isn’t it that a group of doctors would embarrass themselves so tragically by the many mistakes they have made regarding Herb-Drug Interactions in Journal of the American College of Cardiology? They expect us to respect their avenues of treatment plans with using such poor judgement on making statements like they did with this article. 
This is why I preach to all of you to do research if you are not sure about taking an herb with a pharmaceutical.  Yes of course there are herbs that will react differently when taking pharmaceutical drugs.  However, there are times it can compliment one to the other.  People who are on Chemotherapy/Radiation can and do take the “organic” Agaricus Mushroom from Brazil.  In fact we have seen many cancer patients on chemo respond more quickly when taking this Brazil mushroom.  Mushrooms are not mushrooms are not mushrooms AND you need to make sure what country the mushroom came from.  Most mushrooms come from China and/or Japan and these do NOT have the potency that the mushroom from Brazil has.  This is just one example of how pharmaceuticals can work with a choice of treatment which is stepping outside of the box. 
Know your products.
Linda or Angel

Full article:


 (Austin, TX) At least several times per year an article is published in a medical journal that purports to provide health professionals and the public with useful information on the safety of herbs and herbal dietary supplements. Instead, what sometimes occurs is an article written by people with apparently little to no expertise in the subject area of herbal medicine and medicinal plant research and likewise apparently peer reviewed—if peer reviewed at all—by reviewers with little botanical knowledge or expertise. Yesterday, the Journal of the American College of Cardiology published such an article.1

This particular article has so many flaws and errors that it is difficult to know where to begin to critically review it.


High Fructose Intake Correlated With High Blood Pressure


Norra MacReady

Authors and Disclosures

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When initial antihypertensive therapy isn’t enough…
What will your patients need from their next-add on?
Explore this treatment optionNovember 4, 2009 (San Diego, California) – High fructose consumption is independently associated with high blood pressure, according to findings presented here at Renal Week 2009: American Society of Nephrology 2009 Annual Meeting.

An analysis of data from more than 4500 participants in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) showed that consuming 74 grams or more of fructose per day – equivalent to about 2.5 12-ounce cans of sugary soda – correlated significantly with blood pressure of at least 135/85 mm Hg; the relation grew stronger as blood pressure rose. The survey participants had no history of hypertension.

Fructose consumption, in the form of added sugar, has been rising in Western nations since the 1900s, and parallels the growing prevalence of hypertension, said lead investigator Diana I. Jalal, MD, assistant professor of renal medicine at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Aurora.

To examine the relation between the 2, she and her colleagues used the NHANES data to evaluate median fructose intake from food high in added sugar, including bakery products, dairy desserts, chocolate and other candy, dried fruits, honeys, jams, jellies, syrups, and sugar-sweetened soft drinks. Soft drinks alone account for 33% to 40% of fructose consumption in the United States, Dr. Jalal noted.

Fresh fruits were excluded from the analysis because they contain ascorbate, antioxidants, and potassium, which counteract the effect of fructose, Dr. Jalal said during her presentation. Using responses on self-administered dietary questionnaires, the investigators calculated median fructose intake of the participants to be 74 g/day. They then studied the relation between fructose consumption and blood pressure, adjusting for demographics, physical activity, other dietary factors, cardiovascular risk factors, and findings on laboratory tests. Data from 4528 adults were included in the analysis.

Daily fructose consumption of 74 g or more was independently associated with a 28% increased risk for blood pressure of 135/85 mm Hg or higher, a 36% increased risk for blood pressure of140/90 mm Hg or higher, and an 87% increased risk for blood pressure of 160/100 mm Hg or higher.

The relation was seen only between systolic blood pressure and fructose intake, Dr. Jalal said. There was no correlation between fructose consumption and diastolic blood pressure.

“In subjects with no history of hypertension, there is an independent and significant graded association between high fructose intake and systolic blood pressure levels,” she concluded. The mechanism underlying the relation is unclear.

Among other variables, black ethnicity and waist circumference were significantly associated with higher levels of fructose intake, independent of calorie or carbohydrate consumption. Inverse correlations were seen for sodium and alcohol consumption and fructose. “It seems that people either like their alcohol or they like their sugar, and they like their salt or they like their sugar,” Dr. Jalal told Medscape Nephrology.

This study shows that “we must pay more attention to the nutritional needs of our patients,” said Talal Ikizler, MD, associate professor of medicine at Vanderbilt University, and medical director of the Vanderbilt University Outpatient Dialysis Unit in Nashville, Tennessee.

Nephrologists rarely catch patients at the early stages of renal disease, when risk factor modification might still be possible, explained Dr. Ikizler, who was not involved in this research. However, internists and other primary care physicians do have these opportunities. Whenever possible, patients should be “warned of the consequences of their dietary choices early on.”

Dr. Jalal and Dr. Ikizler have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

Renal Week 2009: American Society of Nephrology (ASN) 2009 Annual Meeting: Abstract TH-FC037. Presented October 29, 2009.

High Fructose Intake Correlated With High Blood Pressure

By Norra MacReady

November 4, 2009 (San Diego, California) — High fructose consumption is independently associated with high blood pressure, according to findings presented here at Renal Week 2009: American Society of Nephrology 2009 Annual Meeting. Continued

Zona Plus for Blood Pressure

You really can lower blood pressure with this device, The Zona Plus, and we still have no reports of anyone having a fatal heart attack while on Beyond Chelation Improved. Looks like a perfect combination,  but when there is a history of prior blood clots, Boluoke  should be added at least for a time. Continued

Natural Health Habits: Oral Chelation Therapy for Enhanced and Extended Lifespan

Read below what internationally renowned author, entrepeneur and investment publisher Gary Scott has to say about chelation therapy and healthy living.


Beyond Chelation
by Gary A. Scott

This message outlines how and why, in the 1960’s, due to strict OSHA regulations, the government curtailed a simple (and incredibly low cost) amino acid that can help improve cardiovascular systems, increase memory, improve vision, enhance vitality, expand energy and extend lifespan. Continued

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) May Cause High Blood Pressure.



This is a crucial article in setting the stage for the need of treating the infections that everyone else is ignoring!!! This is a review of the CMV research from Harvard that I feel is short and to the point; however, I have attached the link to the full research report so that you can better appreciate the far reaching significance and new understanding of the role Infections in chronic degenerative disease.

Lyme, etc is not an adequate description; TOTAL BODY BURDEN OF PATHOGENS should become today’s focus. This report reveals that there is or has been CMV in 60-99% of everyone documented by this Harvard research so why fight over whether the pathogens we encounter are Lyme or Candida or some exotic Fungus. Let’s deal with pathogen burden and lower it! Continued