All Posts Tagged With: "bacteriality"

Marshall Protocol Overview Video

May 10, 2008

Over the past few months, I have created one video which overviews the Marshall Protocol and one video which provides practical instructions for using the protocol. Hopefully you have found these videos to be helpful. 

Today I am going to share a video put together by Amy Proal, author of the Bacteriality
. Her video is very, very comprehensive and goes into detail on all aspects of the Marshall Protocol. I highly recommend watching it (below). Comprehensive at 89 minutes, this video is a must-see for anyone considering the Marshall Protocol.

One of the most fascinating aspects of her video, in my opinion, is that she talks about a topic which I have always known to be true: that cephalosporin antibiotics (also known as beta lactims) actually PROMOTE formation of dangerous l-form bacteria, meaning that using antibiotics such as penicillin, amoxicillin, or rocephin, can lead to a worsening of chronic disease. This is a must-watch video!

An Overview of the Marshall Protocol from Amy Proal on Vimeo.