All Posts Tagged With: "mouth care"

Mouth Care for those with Lyme Disease

With the recent release of Dr. Nordquist’s book, The Stealth Killer: Is Oral Spirochetosis the Missing Link in the Dental and Heart Disease Labyrinth?, taking care of the mouth is a focus of discussion lately. Many Lyme sufferers have dental issues. Normal mouth care usually isn’t enough. I’m trying to compile a list of other approaches. Leave a comment on this post if you have any tips. I believe that brushing with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda (and maybe salt) is a good idea. Here are some other ideas I just got from an email:

“All health begins in the mouth, keeping down the CRP is important.
JAQ uses GSE (grapefruit seed extract) liquid under her toothpaste along
with peppermint oil (clenzology) and a homeopathic toothpaste (unicity)
for an amazingly clean mouth, no gum disease, and braces off last year,
cavity free at 14.”

Very important topic indeed