All Posts Tagged With: "chemicals"

Concern Over Canned Foods

Linda’s comment.  All the more reason why you don’t eat GMO and moving into the world of organics is the safest way to save your health.   We must begin to make the move to cook only FRESH foods.  Soups are best is home-made and we all know that.  As consumers, WE CAN control the industry.  If consumers just STOP BUYING, then the industry will change.  It happened with baby bottles, so why can’t it happen with canned foods??  JUST SAY NO to canned foods. Continued

Mercola comments on Monsanto

Linda’s comment….Thank you Dr Mercola for speaking up.  I had and still do have toxic reactions when around Roundup or around an area that has used Roundup.  It is criminal in my opinion that the government has allowed Monsanto to produce this deadly toxin.  Why you ask does our government allow this to happen…..easy answer….FOLLOW THE MONEY….yep, money is more important.
There are a few things you can do to neutralize the toxins your body absorbs from these toxins and that is to get on a good detox program/protocol.  I have found that FIGHT is an excellent lifelong daily detox protocol….
We are hit by 500 to 600 toxins from our environment on a daily basis….then you have them shoving GMO foods and vaccines at you….Our bodies can’t handle these daily assault’s and therefore it is left up to US, YOU and ME to began a good daily detox programs to help neutralize these toxins that we are being slammed with….
BTW, if you want to get rid of weeds there is a simple NON-toxic answer…..I make it up by the gallon….take one gallon of Heinz white vinegar, pour a cup of Morton’s toxic salt in the bottle then add 2 tablespoons of  Dawn dishwashing detergent…shake well and pour or use a squirt bottle on the weed and it will die within a few days….safe, non-toxic and you can pound your chest that you did not contribute to our toxic world….<big smile>
Again, I want to thank Dr Mercola for being so out-spoken ….now let us all start speaking up.  We consumers can begin to control this toxic world by STOP BUYING THE TOXIC PRODUCTS…

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France Finds Monsanto Guilty of Lying
Posted by: Dr. Mercola
November 21 2009 | 36,068 views

France’s highest court has ruled that U.S. agrochemical giant Monsanto had not told the truth about the safety of its best-selling weed-killer, Roundup. The court confirmed an earlier judgment that Monsanto had falsely advertised its herbicide as “biodegradable” and claimed it “left the soil clean.” Roundup is the world’s best-selling herbicide. Continued

Womens’ products and toxins

Linda’s comment:  Yikes….the Brits are as careless as the Americans!!??  I’m hoping that everyone will read this article closely, and I mean close….facial moisturizers, perfumes, deodorants and various other make-up products are made up of hundreds of chemicals that we are putting on our bodies daily…this must stop and each and everyone of us needs to make a pack with yourself to try and get at least one person a day to stop dosing their bodies with these toxic chemicals….Ladies need to think about their lungs, breast and ovaries, while men need to think about their lungs and prostate.  This isn’t to say that these chemicals will not attack other places in our bodies, but those seem to stand out in the news today when talking about Cancers.
“Moisturizer can contain over 30 different chemicals and perfume up to 400,it added.”  This is a scary statement but TRUE….then you walk out your door in the morning and proceed to get slammed with hundreds more environmental chemicals and toxins….how much can our bodies take…well sorry to say not much folks,  However, we CAN neutralize these assults as I have done by using the lifelong daily detox program called FIGHT.  You can use anything you choose, but I found after trying many many different protocols and programs the FIGHT program was the best for me.  I know the products are balanced and not full of garbage….you can find the FIGHT webinar on …It will open up your eyes and might scare some of you….although I don’t like scare tactics, I’m hoping that your toxic bodies are paying attention.  Give it 90 days and you will be as grateful as I am for finally finding something that worked for me…
Learn to READ labels and BEWARE and very CAUTIOUS when purchasing these toxic products…

Thur Nov 19, 2009 10:46am EST
LONDON (Reuters Life!) – The average British woman “hosts” 515 chemicals on
her body every day, according to a new study.

The poll of 2,016 women by deodorant-maker Bionsen said most of the
pollutants are self-inflicted by women who sprayed on deodorant, slapped on
body moisturizer and applied lipstick each morning. Continued

Vicks Sinex Nasal Spray – Recall

Linda’s comments:  I’m so sorry people are finding out the hard way about the over the counter products.  Forget the bacteria found, think about your poor sinus getting slammed with these chemicals and toxins.  There are plenty of things you can do for your sinus and to keep your nasal passage clean and free from infection. 
Using a neti-pot is fabulous here is a great u-tube example….
I use the ACS200 ppm silver and the Quinton Marine Plasma “isotonic” for my washing.  Your sinus’ will be doing a happy dance….PLUS, it knocks out the infection.  I would suggest NOT using a plastic neti-pot….you can find them all over the Internet or at your local Holistic stores.    Enjoy!!
Angel Huggzz
Linda or Angel

Audience: Consumers
Procter & Gamble and FDA notified consumers of a voluntary recall of three lots of Vicks Sinex Nasal Spray in the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom. The bacteria B. cepacia was found in a small amount of product made at its plant in Gross Gerau, Germany. There have been no reports of illness. However, the bacteria could cause serious infections for individuals with a compromised immune system, or those with chronic lung conditions, such as cystic fibrosis. Consumers should simply discard the affected product as they would any over the counter medicine. Customers who have the affected lots can call P&G for a replacement coupon or refund.
Read the complete MedWatch 2009 Safety summary, including a link to the firm press release, at:

Mercury dental fillings as an emerging Toxic Tort

Linda’s Comment:  I had 14 amalgams removed last year and thank goodness I took the ACSnano Zeolite, and then added the ZeoGold at I also bathed in Beyond Clean AND took a teaspoon of the Beyond Clean once a day.  It will take me years to get all the mecury out of my body because of those amalgams.  I didn’t have a problem of mercury bouncing back, as Beyond Fiber is also a part of the FIGHT protocol and it helped to carry out the mercury toxins at a much quicker pace.  While I have had to deal with what I call “mercury” brain fog, thrown in with the Lyme brain fog, I have the FIGHT protocol to thank.

For the record, I do NOT make money off the products I talk about.  You could substitute other products, but I have tried many and none of them could meet the expectation of the products from  These products are made with the highest grade, in clean factories and most importantly, I know they are balanced.  You can make your own choice, but make some kind of choice to begin removing and reducing your total body burden of pathogens and toxins.

Our daily environment is continuously pounding our bodies with chemicals, so even if you don’t have amalgams, you are still getting unwanted heavy metals.


What about mercury and amalgams? Good progress continues to be made legally by eliminating amalgam fillings using a multi-pronged approach, as explained here in the article below.

Eventually when the public realizes the danger and that they can not pull all the fillings out in less than 10 years, they will want to know more about some form of protection and or treatment. Continued

Suzanne Somers’s Cancer Book “Knockout”

Linda’s Comment:  I’m in the process of reading this book and so far it ROCKS.  Having battled (5) Cancers myself and beaten them on using ONLY alternative medicine and adjuncts, I can relate to much of what Suzanne has to say.  Cancer is preventable, but many of us don’t pay attention until we hear those words,”You have Cancer”….Yes, it certainly gets your attention.  Many forget to stop and think about how they ended up with Cancer?  These are things you don’t think of ,UNTIL you hear those words, and then it is usually the last thing you even think about.  Once I got over the shock of hearing those words and had my treatment protocol laid out, I wanted to know how and why? No, I didn’t question God, but I questioned myself.  Thanks to my alternative doctors and friends I stepped back and began looking at what I ate. Yep, I ate a lot of GMO foods, sugar, the wrong fats and used a microwave.  I began looking under my cabinets and in my medicine cabinets, as well as my laundry room.  Boy was I shocked.  My friends, doctors and research lead me to start removing all the toxins and chemicals I had around me.  It actually isn’t hard to do, but it is a shocker that the FDA would allow the industry to sells these DEADLY products.

The chemical toxins that we use to clean and wash our clothes with are scary when you begin to read labels.  The chemicals we put on our bodies and the cosmetics that are toxic and loaded with chemicals will make you angry, as they did me.  How could the industry approve them?  How could the industry in good faith shove these chemicals at us?  I had no idea what perfume and body creams were putting into my blood stream, much less in my lungs, breasts and ovaries!!  The plug-in air-fresheners and aerosol sprays are DEADLY.  The good news is there are cleaning products, laundry products, body creams, shampoos that are not toxic and filling our bodies with additional toxins.  Oh yea, let’s not forget the pesticides and herbicides that are giving us our toxic world!!

I only wish I had known about the FIGHT program, that I began over a year ago.  Thank you Dr Gordon for developing this lifelong daily detox protocol.  IT WORKS….They talk about the FIGHT program in the 16th chapter of Suzanne’s book.  The FIGHT protocol has helped me begin to dissolve biofilms and reduce my total body burden of pathogens and toxins.  The great thing about this program is it is lifelong.  Yes, I said lifelong, but we are living in a very toxic world and are being slammed daily with hundreds of toxins from our environment. Continued

Unraveling How to Best Treat the Disease

“The focus of the hearing is science and that’s what Dr. Eugene Shapiro, a Yale pediatrician who served on previous IDSA guidelines panels, plans to talk about. Many patients who have received diagnoses of chronic Lyme disease do not even have the condition, Shapiro says. And the ongoing symptoms they struggle with are simply unexplained and unrelated.”

::::quote from Posted Thursday, July 30, 2009 11:25 AM – Lyme Time in D.C.

Unraveling How to Best Treat the Disease – Newsweek – By Claudia Kalb :::::

It is sad to say the least that doctors from Yale, like Dr Shapiro, have not been able to look beyond his findings, and instead of saying “unexplained and unrelated”, he would look further in “our toxic world”. It is hard for me to understand how doctors with his training have not written about the over burden of pathogens and toxins that are slamming our bodies on a daily basis, not just from our environment, but from our foods, drinks and conventional medicines that are given to these very sick people as a “band-aid” ???? Continued