All Posts Tagged With: "detoxification"

Toxins in umbilical cord blood

Linda’s comments:  I don’t know about you but I hold guilt for not educating myself before I began my family.  Unborn fetus’s are the toxic garbage can for the mom’s.  If that is not enough then we jab our babies with more toxins from vaccines, feed them processed foods and junk and we wonder why there is childhood obesity and illness.  We have got to stop thi run away train…..Mom’s can begin a detox protocol prior to getting pregnant and continue cleaning up their bodies after they get pregnant, to protect the unborn babies.  Dr Gordon is right, we MUST focus on lowering our total body burden of pathogens and toxins.  This is an on going battle and we MUST began a program to help protect our health..
Please go to and click on Webinars and listen to the Webinars that say FIGHT. Yes it takes some time, but it just might save your life….
Attached please find a couple of links that will stop you cold. The first is the toxins found in umbilical cord blood so this shows how babies are born toxic. And it is downhill for all of us after that unless you take detoxification seriously everyday of your life.

This is from  There is no one that can refute these facts so watch part one, learn the facts and go their website for the rest of the story.

We cannot hope to know much about the over 3000 high-volume chemicals we are all increasingly carrying in our bodies.

I suggest that we stick with lowering known toxins, like lead and mercury and dioxins and PCB’s in everyone that chooses to optimize their health and/or improve their response to other treatment for their condition. That way we will be helping everyone, since if those toxins, which for lead and mercury have NO safe levels and are provably present in everyone today, are significantly reduced, our body’s natural defenses will be better able to handle the other toxins we know very little about and cannot even measure.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

1. 10 Americans

2: Children’s Diseases

Autism link to power lines and mercury

Linda’s comment:  This is one of the easiest protocols to follow….I have been on the program for 1 1/2 years now and all I can say is don’t waste one more minute….go to and click on Webinars…then look for FIGHT….yes it takes some time, but the education and awareness you will gleam is well worth the time you will spend…
There is no escaping Mercury from coal burning power plants so what do we tell patients since we are all being adversely affected. We sound unscientific if we suggest that everyone needs to get the lead and mercury out yet that is the truth. But, we need new ways to monitor the severity and the response, such as markers of oxidative stress.

If we try to tease out the increased risk from a local power plant while distant plants in China are polluting everyone, this research will be as difficult as studies on cigarette smoking have been. We now know that second hand smoke is possibly even more toxic.

So with that in mind, if we pollute everyone on the planet with lead and mercury, it will be very difficult to tease out just how much worse the pollution effect if from your local coal burning power plant since environmental factors working through Epigenetics play such a major part of which illnesses you express from YOUR mercury exposure.  From the dramatic responses in Parkinson’s patients treated with mercury removal therapy including OSR from Boyd Haley’s research, we can begin to recognize that Mercury exposures express differently in different people at different ages.

The good news is that stopping the excess exposures by restricting mercury containing fish and removing amalgams all seem to show real benefits. Enhanced removal of heavy metals is possible with long-term use of Zeolite, Fiber, High Dose Ascorbic Acid, OSR, etc. Amazingly enough some children recover full speech and many see their tremors stop.

The issue is we cannot stop breathing and since the air always contains toxic metal particulates, everyone on earth today needs lifetime protection.

The problem is to move away from relying primarily on enhanced post provocative chelation studies on urine and into a more unifying concept that recognizes we must lower our exposures to all OXIDATIVE STRESSORS. Moving in that direction will eliminate the tendency to under treat children who may have a block in their ability to excrete heavy metals or have excessive inflammation that is holding the metals in involved tissues despite the use of otherwise normally useful detoxing methods.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

SAN ANTONIO (April 24, 2008)—How do mercury emissions affect pregnant mothers, the unborn and toddlers? Do the level of emissions impact autism rates? Does it matter whether a mercury-emitting source is 10 miles away from families versus 20 miles? Is the risk of autism greater for children who live closer to the pollution source?

A newly published study of Texas school district data and industrial mercury-release data, conducted by researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, indeed shows a statistically significant link between pounds of industrial release of mercury and increased autism rates. It also shows—for the first time in scientific literature—a statistically significant association between autism risk and distance from the mercury source.

“This is not a definitive study, but just one more that furthers the association between environmental mercury and autism,” said lead author Raymond F. Palmer, Ph.D., associate professor of family and community medicine at the UT Health Science Center San Antonio. The article is in the journal Health & Place.

Dr. Palmer, Stephen Blanchard, Ph.D., of Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio and Robert Wood of the UT Health Science Center found that community autism prevalence is reduced by 1 percent to 2 percent with each 10 miles of distance from the pollution source.

Aspartame comments – Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum

Dear Xxxxxxx,

Were you on aspartame before you started using Splenda?  Before
Splenda we thought never could anyone ever create another poison like
aspartame that is so toxic it destroys the brain, the central nervous
system, the optic nerve and the immune system, and ravages every
organ in the body.  From taking the case histories for 19 years I
can’t imagine anything more poisonous.  Even with testing on
aspartame the FDA wanted them indicted for fraud because there was no
way to show safety and its a carcinogen.  But when Splenda came along
consumers were aghast they had made something else that poisons the
system.  To make matters worse, Dr. James Bowen says that
if  consumers go from aspartame to Splenda they will maintain the
reactions from aspartame and pick up those from Splenda.

Using Splenda is like drinking bleach and today reactions and severe
ones are showing up on Splenda.    You might want to read
this: and
In today’s society with companies poisoning our food supply you have
to become a label reader.  The FDA doesn’t care about the food supply
being safe.  So you must be responsible for what you put in your mouth.

One thing we know is that Splenda interacts.  The company admitted to
Marianne Lamar that  Splenda does cause headaches and seizures.  That
means you are using a deadly drug, its not inert.  This came directly
from the company itself although there are many reactions to Splenda
from rashes to cardiac problems.  As to joint pain, yes it has been
reported with Splenda.  Read this report:

Also, Citizens for Health and James Turner, DC attorney filed a
petition to ban Splenda and they haven’t received an answer although
there is a time limit on the FDA answering citizens petitions which
is 180 days.  They haven’t answered my petition for ban of aspartame
in almost 7 years.  So you know the FDA is serving above the law and
giving their loyalty to Big Pharma and the chemical industry.  This
is something Congress needs to deal with.  In fact, I’ve petitioned
the FDA to ban aspartame based on an imminent health hazard and they
only have a week or ten days to answer that.  That was over two years
ago.   So you have an FDA way out of control who is ignoring
consumers  and scientists.  Dr. Stoller also petitioned the FDA to
ban aspartame and its not been answered.  In fact, twelve
toxicologists have written the FDA to ban aspartame, and I doubt that
they have heard either.

The email for Citizens for Health is and I’m
sending a copy of this to James Turner.  On the Aspartame Resource
Guide I sent you the physicians have detoxification help.  Then you
could have prolotherapy which cures chronic pain.

Here are some symptoms reported on Splenda:

Sucralose aka Splenda Can Cause Pain & Tension

Sucralose Can Cause These Symptoms

Abdominal pain, achiness, back pain, chest tightness, dizziness, eye
pain, fibromyalgia, headache, joint pain, leg cramps, loss of
equilibrium, migraine, numbness & tingling of hands & feet, shooting
pains in extremities, swallowing pain, tingling, unsteady gait, weakness, more.

You can subscribe to the Aspartame Information List on   (scroll down to banners) as we also take Splenda
reactions and its discussed.

Just Like Sugar ( is safe and can be gotten
in most Whole Foods.

I would definitely fill out the MedWatch form on the FDA to have your
complaints on record. Do send me a copy. Remember that Sucralose has
already been found in drinking
Read about detoxification using distilled water.

All my best,

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
770 242-2599,,
Aspartame Toxicity Center,

What causes autism? Exploring the environmental contribution

Linda’s comments:  What many folks don’t realize is the unborn child is a toxic waste dump for the mom.  So what she eats and is exposed to that is unhealthy goes direct to the unborn child.  The safest way is for the mom and dad to detox their bodies for a year prior to getting pregnant, then stay on a program light FIGHT, which is a daily lifelong detox.
I’m on the FIGHT program for over 1 1/2 years now and IT WORKS….To learn more about the fight program and how it was designed go to and click on Webinar’s and listen to the whole series….you will be happy you did….I guarantee you…
Dr. Gordon’s Comments: This abstract is must reading; this is letting the cat out of the bag. Now we can start to change the paradigm and really talk about body burden of toxins with credibility. Finally mainstream medical literature considers the possibility that toxins are behind Autism, which will soon extend to include any degenerative neurological condition.

No one can question Dr Landigan’s authority on this topic, as the head at Mt Sinai Medical Center in NYC. He has the lab in his facility that does the $4900 panel of toxins, the test NO ONE HAS EVER PASSED, and all kids average 6 times higher levels than their parents.

Please search Google for the video Ten Americans that will convince you to start every suggestion I have made now for years. Please DETOX NOW; use whatever you believe in and this involves your pregnant daughter. You will be facing the 25% chance that her child
will have a lifelong health problem when born unless you learn serious detoxification. BioEn’R-G’y C, Total Body Detox, ZeoGold, Beyond Fiber, EDTA baths, Beyond Chelation-Improved, the list is long that I use but the rewards are published and are all available in my PowerPoint presentations. References are available from Longevity Plus from my latest article on chelation and health.

The Archives Of Internal Medicine published that ALL CAUSES OF MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY are tied to  how LOW your BLOOD LEAD LEVEL are throughout life and there is no safe level for lead mercury etc. This article points out that we finally will need to start measuring these toxins in patients, as otherwise everyone has a favorite whipping boy to attack, as the cause. Of course that is like saying that you can restore a 1930 Duisenberg with just new battery and new paint job.

There is no substitute for my FIGHT program. Every thing other than trauma must be multifactorial but based on the doctor’s experience and or beliefs, he calls everything Psychiatric or metabolic or neoplastic or genetic or a tooth must come out, or sell the house, or divorce the mate. Everything is MULTIFACTORIAL but no one wants multifactorial and clearly health insurance cannot handle it, as it is too hard to fight a war on several fronts. So we do not stress eating organically or exercising. We all need a magic potion.

This abstract may help change that paradigm; all standard diagnoses today for insurance purposes are too narrow and ignore all the obvious contributors to suboptimal health. No wonder we have an epidemic of poor health. I keep getting healthier by the day and my total program in on my website. Of course, no one will do all that I do but I suffered ill health long enough that I do not have time to visit it again.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

Full article:


 Purpose of review: Autism is a biologically based disorder of brain development. Genetic factors – mutations, deletions, and copy number variants – are clearly implicated in causation of autism. However, they account for only a small fraction of cases, and do not easily explain key clinical and epidemiological features. This suggests that early environmental exposures also contribute. This review explores this hypothesis.
Recent findings: Indirect evidence for an environmental contribution to autism comes from studies demonstrating the sensitivity of the developing brain to external exposures such as lead, ethyl alcohol and methyl mercury. But the most powerful proof-of-concept evidence derives from studies specifically linking autism to exposures in early pregnancy – thalidomide, misoprostol, and valproic acid; maternal rubella infection; and the organophosphate insecticide, chlorpyrifos. There is no credible evidence that vaccines cause autism.

Developmental neurotoxicity of industrial chemicals

One in six children today suffer from a neurodevelopmental disorder. This well referenced article from Lancet contains valuable information to enable you to educate yourselves in regard our need today for continual detoxification. 

Institute of Public University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark (Prof P Grandjean MD); Department of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA (P Grandjean); Department of Community Medicine (Prof PJ Landrigan MD); and Department of Pediatrics, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA
Neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism, attention deficit disorder, mental retardation, and cerebral palsy are common, costly, and can cause lifelong disability. Their causes are mostly unknown. A few industrial chemicals (eg, lead, methylmercury, polychlorinated biphenyls [PCBs], arsenic, and toluene) are recognised causes of neuro-developmental disorders and subclinical brain dysfunction. Exposure to these chemicals during early fetal development can cause brain injury at doses much lower than those affecting adult brain function. Recognition of these risks has led to evidence-based programmes of prevention, such as elimination of lead additives in petrol. Although these prevention campaigns are highly successful, most were initiated only after substantial delays. Another 200 chemicals are known to cause clinical neurotoxic effects in adults. Despite an absence of systematic testing, many additional chemicals have been shown to be neurotoxic in laboratory models. The toxic effects of such chemicals in the developing human brain are not known and they are not regulated to protect children. The two main impediments to prevention of neurodevelopmental deficits of chemical origin are the great gaps in testing chemicals for developmental neurotoxicity and the high level of proof required for regulation. New, precautionary approaches that recognise the unique vulnerability of the developing brain are needed for testing and control of chemicals

Unraveling How to Best Treat the Disease

“The focus of the hearing is science and that’s what Dr. Eugene Shapiro, a Yale pediatrician who served on previous IDSA guidelines panels, plans to talk about. Many patients who have received diagnoses of chronic Lyme disease do not even have the condition, Shapiro says. And the ongoing symptoms they struggle with are simply unexplained and unrelated.”

::::quote from Posted Thursday, July 30, 2009 11:25 AM – Lyme Time in D.C.

Unraveling How to Best Treat the Disease – Newsweek – By Claudia Kalb :::::

It is sad to say the least that doctors from Yale, like Dr Shapiro, have not been able to look beyond his findings, and instead of saying “unexplained and unrelated”, he would look further in “our toxic world”. It is hard for me to understand how doctors with his training have not written about the over burden of pathogens and toxins that are slamming our bodies on a daily basis, not just from our environment, but from our foods, drinks and conventional medicines that are given to these very sick people as a “band-aid” ???? Continued