All Posts Tagged With: "environmental toxins"

Yikesssss a shot of mercury is soon to be coming your way!!!

Folks what we have here is very valuable! I have been taking the ACZ nano Zeolite for over a year, and recently graduated to the Zeo-Gold. AWESOME results!
For those of us with Lyme disease and/or compromised immune systems, you will need to begin very slowly. Our bodies are FILLED to the brim with heavy metals and other toxins, and you can have a “herx” (herxheimer) reaction.
I will be happy to walk this journey with you… as you begin your “lifelong” detox journey. You won’t regret it!
I received the following email and want to share it with those who are thinking about beginning a new journey of reducing your total body burden of pathogens and toxins. Continued

Unraveling How to Best Treat the Disease

“The focus of the hearing is science and that’s what Dr. Eugene Shapiro, a Yale pediatrician who served on previous IDSA guidelines panels, plans to talk about. Many patients who have received diagnoses of chronic Lyme disease do not even have the condition, Shapiro says. And the ongoing symptoms they struggle with are simply unexplained and unrelated.”

::::quote from Posted Thursday, July 30, 2009 11:25 AM – Lyme Time in D.C.

Unraveling How to Best Treat the Disease – Newsweek – By Claudia Kalb :::::

It is sad to say the least that doctors from Yale, like Dr Shapiro, have not been able to look beyond his findings, and instead of saying “unexplained and unrelated”, he would look further in “our toxic world”. It is hard for me to understand how doctors with his training have not written about the over burden of pathogens and toxins that are slamming our bodies on a daily basis, not just from our environment, but from our foods, drinks and conventional medicines that are given to these very sick people as a “band-aid” ???? Continued

We Are All ‘Living In A Sea Of Toxins’

Mark Hyman MD has done an excellent job at the 13th Annual Functional Medicine Conference of organizing thoughts about the EFFECTS of environmental and exogenous chemicals on our health, and why blood testing underestimates the extent of the problem.

I draw your attention to a few paragraphs from his extensive presentation, which discusses some of the impact of chemicals and toxins on our health. Click the link to view the entire 13th annual conference proceedings ‘Managing Biotransformation: The Metabolic, Genomic, and Detoxification Balance Points’.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute


The Proceedings From the 13th International Symposium of The Institute for Functional Medicine

(Excerpt from presentation article by Mark Hyman, MD entitled ‘Systems Biology, Toxins, Obesity, and Functional Medicine’)


Why should we worry about toxins unless we work with toxic chemicals or spray pesticides for a living? Isn’t exposure minimal? Unfortunately, risks of exposure are substantial, pose significant public health risks, and can no longer be ignored. Continued


This controversy it too hot for the government to allow the truth to be heard! They have to defend status quo, because to admit there is even a possibility of MMR vaccines contributing (even 1 %) to the development of Autism, means that many parents will never vaccinate their children again.
Yet there is a vaccine recovery act, and without a doubt, some people react very badly to almost any vaccine. Take the Flu shot which clearly has led to the devastating development of disabling paralysis called Guillian-Barre syndrome. Continued

Natural Health Habits: Oral Chelation Therapy for Enhanced and Extended Lifespan

Read below what internationally renowned author, entrepeneur and investment publisher Gary Scott has to say about chelation therapy and healthy living.


Beyond Chelation
by Gary A. Scott

This message outlines how and why, in the 1960’s, due to strict OSHA regulations, the government curtailed a simple (and incredibly low cost) amino acid that can help improve cardiovascular systems, increase memory, improve vision, enhance vitality, expand energy and extend lifespan. Continued

F.I.G.H.T. Environmental Toxins and Epigenetic Changes for Optimum Healing and Anti-aging in Every Patient

These are my thoughts on how to more effectively help EVERY patient better by using my F.I.G.H.T. for Health Program. F.I.G.H.T. is an acronym that stands for: Food allergies/sensitivities and leaky gut syndrome, Infections and pathogens, Genetics and epigenetics, and methylation issues needed for detoxing, Heavy Metals and Hormones, and Toxins that every person is exposed to everyday, everywhere. Regardless of the condition or disease your patient is suffering from, you will have better results by addressing each of these categories in every patient. Continued