All Posts Tagged With: "food allergies"

Dr. Gordon’s Comments – germline variants & sialic acid in autoimmunity

A relatively common defect involving Sialic acid –sets the stage for patients to develop autoimmune related illnesses! I continue to discuss my FIGHT program, as the best way to approach any autoimmune related

Possibly, in the future, with evidence this strong, genetic testing for this variant could lead to patients being advised to go on my FIGHT program before they have the symptoms of one of the over 100 different autoimmune related conditions. The best statistics today indicate that over 40% of us have difficulty with either dairy or gluten. So, before we start seeing auto-antibodies to our tissues, those with this variant might want to eliminate those foods and do the rest of the FIGHT program too.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

Full article:,f1000m,isrctn


Functionally defective germline variants of sialic acid acetylesterase in autoimmunity.
Surolia I, Pirnie SP, Chellappa V, Taylor KN, Cariappa A, Moya J, Liu H, Bell DW, Driscoll DR, Diederichs S, Haider K, Netravali I, Le S, Elia R, Dow E, Lee A, Freudenberg J, De Jager PL, Chretien Y, Varki A, Macdonald ME, Gillis T, Behrens TW, Bloch D, Collier D, Korzenik J, Podolsky DK, Hafler D, Murali M, Sands B, Stone JH, Gregersen PK, Pillai S.
Cancer Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02114, USA.

Sialic acid acetylesterase (SIAE) is an enzyme that negatively regulates B lymphocyte antigen receptor signalling and is required for the maintenance of immunological tolerance in mice. Heterozygous loss-of-function germline rare variants and a homozygous defective polymorphic variant of SIAE were identified in 24/923 subjects of European origin with relatively common autoimmune disorders and in 2/648 controls of European origin. All heterozygous loss-of-function SIAE mutations tested were capable of functioning in a dominant negative manner. A homozygous secretion-defective polymorphic variant of SIAE was catalytically active, lacked the ability to function in a dominant negative manner, and was seen in eight autoimmune subjects but in no control subjects. The odds ratio for inheriting defective SIAE alleles was 8.6 in all autoimmune subjects, 8.3 in subjects with rheumatoid arthritis, and 7.9 in subjects with type I diabetes. Functionally defective SIAE rare and polymorphic variants represent a strong genetic link to susceptibility in relatively common human autoimmune disorders.

Alert of the Week: We Need Labels on GM Foods Now

Full article:


Gen-M, the first Monsanto Generation of humans force-fed genetically modified foods hasn’t reached reproductive age yet (they were born in the late 1990s). But, if a critical mass of animal feeding studies are any indication, the millennial generation, reared on Food Inc.’s unlabeled “Frankenfoods” can look forward to a long-term epidemic of cancer, food allergies, learning disabilities, sterility, and birth defects.

Corn (85% of U.S. production is GM), soy (91% GM), cotton (88% GM), canola (85% GM) and sugar beets (95% GM) are all genetically engineered by Monsanto to withstand massive doses of the company’s glyphosate herbicide RoundUp, or else to exude their own pesticide, Bacillus Thuriengensis (Bt). RoundUp, the favorite weedkiller poison of non-organic farmers and gardeners, causes brain, intestinal and heart defects in fetuses. And scientists warn that RoundUp, the most extensively used herbicide in the history of agriculture, “may have dire consequences for agriculture such as rendering soils infertile, crops non-productive, and plants less nutritious.” In addition, hundreds of thousands of US dairy cows are injected with genetically engineered Bovine Growth Hormone (developed by Monsanto) in spite of studies linking BGH with cancer, and longstanding bans on the drug in the EU, Japan, Canada, and most industrialized nations.

With genetically modified foods and crops threatening public health and the environment, not to mention the next generation’s reproductive capacity, why isn’t there a massive consumer outcry to restrain Monsanto’s biotech bullying and ban genetically engineered foods and agriculture?

The answer is disturbingly simple. Collusion between Monsanto and elected public officials (including the current Obama Administration) has obscured the fact that almost all non-organic foods in the US contain GMOs. Despite poll after poll indicating that 85-95% of US consumers want mandatory labels on foods containing GMOs, Congress has heretofore listened to Monsanto and corporate agribusiness, rather than their own constituents. In the European Union, Japan, or South Korea, where GM foods must be labeled, there are no GM foods on grocery story shelves (and little or none served in restaurants), since most consumers would not buy them and a significant number would complain if they saw GMO labels on products. Consequently there are very few GM crops being cultivated in the EU (mainly a small amount of corn in Spain for animal feed).

Most Americans simply do not understand that 80% of non-organic supermarket processed foods (basically every product containing soy, corn, canola, cottonseed oil, or sugar beet derivatives) are contaminated with GMOs. While nearly everyone in North America has eaten genetically modified foods, only 26% believe that they have.

Dairy and wheat

Linda’s comment’s:  Don’t you just love reporters who don’t have a clue??!!  This Gina Kolata has obviously NOT done her homework, but then again we have to look at who she works for.  Her comment that there are “Many who think they have food allergies actually do not”…. she doesn’t mention anything about “food sensitivities”?? My question IS?  Who paid for this article??  Would you think that the food industry had anything to do with this BS article?  I don’t know about you, but I take it as a grain of salt and investigate further what the NY Times puts in print. 
Eliminating dairy and wheat makes a proven difference in many illnesses so NY Times headline by Gina Kolata suggesting food allergies are rare will confuse our patients. Maybe we all need to clean up our language and tell people we are concerned about possible food intolerances.

People will only see this headline and their compliance with restricting foods will plummet. You need to know your patients will not have time to read the entire article where food intolerances are explained and where the technical fact that food allergy involves IMMUNE mediated reactions.

This is a disservice to our efforts to help our patient’s health using my FIGHT program. I repeat that patients can do everything, drink best food, raise organic food picked ripe from balanced soil, exercise, detox, etc, and yet sabotage their results by ignoring the need to avoid certain foods. I admit that it is difficult to identify all food intolerances and no test is perfect. But, irresponsible reporting to sell newspapers where the full story is not told does serious disservice to the millions whose health is being adversely impacted by a food they lack the enzymes to metabolize, like lactose intolerance, which admittedly is not a food allergy but clearly is adversely affected the health of millions.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

May 11, 2010
Doubt Is Cast on Many Reports of Food Allergies

Many who think they have food allergies actually do not.

A new report, commissioned by the federal government, finds the field is rife with poorly done studies, misdiagnoses and tests that can give misleading results.

While there is no doubt that people can be allergic to certain foods, with reproducible responses ranging from a rash to a severe life-threatening reaction, the true incidence of food allergies is only about 8 percent for children and less than 5 percent for adults, said Dr. Marc Riedl, an author of the new paper and an allergist and immunologist at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Yet about 30 percent of the population believe they have food allergies. And, Dr. Riedl said, about half the patients coming to his clinic because they had been told they had a food allergy did not really have one.

Dr. Riedl does not dismiss the seriousness of some people’s responses to foods. But, he says, “That accounts for a small percentage of what people term ‘food allergies.’ ”
Even people who had food allergies as children may not have them as adults. People often shed allergies, though no one knows why. And sometimes people develop food allergies as adults, again for unknown reasons.

For their report, Dr. Riedl and his colleagues reviewed all the papers they could find on food allergies published between January 1988 and September 2009 — more than 12,000 articles. In the end, only 72 met their criteria, which included having sufficient data for analysis and using more rigorous tests for allergic responses.

“Everyone has a different definition” of a food allergy, said Dr. Jennifer J. Schneider Chafen of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Palo Alto Health Care System in California and Stanford’s Center for Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research, who was the lead author of the new report. People who receive a diagnosis after one of the two tests most often used — pricking the skin and injecting a tiny amount of the suspect food and looking in blood for IgE antibodies, the type associated with allergies — have less than a 50 percent chance of actually having a food allergy, the investigators found.

One way to see such a reaction is with what is called a food challenge, giving people a suspect food disguised so they do not know if they are eating it or a placebo food. If the disguised food causes a reaction, the person has an allergy.

But in practice, most doctors are reluctant to use food challenges, Dr. Riedl said. They believe the test to be time consuming, and worry about asking people to consume a food, like peanuts, that can elicit a frightening response.

The paper, to be published Wednesday in The Journal of the American Medical Association, is part of a large project organized by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to try to impose order on the chaos of food allergy testing. An expert panel will provide guidelines defining food allergies and giving criteria to diagnose and manage patients. They hope to have a final draft by the end of June.

“We were approached as in a sense the honest broker who could get parties together to look at this question,” said Dr. Matthew J. Fenton, who oversees the guidelines project for the allergy institute.

Authors of the new report — and experts on the guidelines panel — say even accepted dogma, like the idea that breast-fed babies have fewer allergies or that babies should not eat certain foods like eggs for the first year of life, have little evidence behind them.
Part of the confusion is over what is a food allergy and what is a food intolerance, Dr. Fenton said. Allergies involve the immune system, while intolerances generally do not. For example, a headache from sulfites in wine is not a food allergy. It is an intolerance. The same is true for lactose intolerance, caused by the lack of an enzyme needed to digest sugar in milk.

And other medical conditions can make people think they have food allergies, Dr. Fenton said. For example, people sometimes interpret acid reflux symptoms after eating a particular food as an allergy.

The chairman of the guidelines project, Dr. Joshua Boyce, an associate professor of medicine at Harvard and an allergist and pediatric pulmonologist, said one of the biggest misconceptions some doctors and patients have is that a positive test for IgE antibodies to a food means a person is allergic to that food. It is not necessarily so, he said.

During development, he said, the immune system tends to react to certain food proteins, producing IgE antibodies. But, Dr. Boyce said, “these antibodies can be transient and even inconsequential.”

“There are plenty of individuals with IgE antibodies to various foods who don’t react to those foods at all,” Dr. Boyce said.

The higher the levels of IgE antibodies to a particular food, the greater the likelihood the person will react in an allergic way. But even then, the antibodies do not necessarily portend a severe reaction, Dr. Boyce said. Antibodies to some foods, like peanuts, are much more likely to produce a reaction than ones to other foods, like wheat or corn or rice. No one understands why.

The guidelines panel hopes its report will lead to new research as well as clarify the definition and testing for food allergies.

But for now, Dr. Fenton said, doctors should not use either the skin-prick test or the antibody test as the sole reason for thinking their patients have a food allergy.
“By themselves they are not sufficient,” Dr. Fenton said.

Lyme and Infection Control with ACS 200

[Originally posted to FACT forum on Wed May 27, 2009 11:51 am]

Lyme seems suddenly to be everywhere and now we learn that most of us have Cytomegalic Virus too. This new research helps explain the sudden increase in Lyme world wide!

This information combined with the CMV research should be enough that, when considered altogether, leads me to believe that soon infections might overtake all other challenges including toxins, heavy metals, food sensitivities etcetera, as the key missing culprit that must be dealt with in all chronic disease patients if you are to see real lasting results! Continued

We Are All ‘Living In A Sea Of Toxins’

Mark Hyman MD has done an excellent job at the 13th Annual Functional Medicine Conference of organizing thoughts about the EFFECTS of environmental and exogenous chemicals on our health, and why blood testing underestimates the extent of the problem.

I draw your attention to a few paragraphs from his extensive presentation, which discusses some of the impact of chemicals and toxins on our health. Click the link to view the entire 13th annual conference proceedings ‘Managing Biotransformation: The Metabolic, Genomic, and Detoxification Balance Points’.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute


The Proceedings From the 13th International Symposium of The Institute for Functional Medicine

(Excerpt from presentation article by Mark Hyman, MD entitled ‘Systems Biology, Toxins, Obesity, and Functional Medicine’)


Why should we worry about toxins unless we work with toxic chemicals or spray pesticides for a living? Isn’t exposure minimal? Unfortunately, risks of exposure are substantial, pose significant public health risks, and can no longer be ignored. Continued

F.I.G.H.T. Environmental Toxins and Epigenetic Changes for Optimum Healing and Anti-aging in Every Patient

These are my thoughts on how to more effectively help EVERY patient better by using my F.I.G.H.T. for Health Program. F.I.G.H.T. is an acronym that stands for: Food allergies/sensitivities and leaky gut syndrome, Infections and pathogens, Genetics and epigenetics, and methylation issues needed for detoxing, Heavy Metals and Hormones, and Toxins that every person is exposed to everyday, everywhere. Regardless of the condition or disease your patient is suffering from, you will have better results by addressing each of these categories in every patient. Continued