All Posts Tagged With: "hopkinton drug"

Liposomal supplements … a breakthrough you need to know about!

Many people have heard of “liposomal” supplements but wonder if they are hype, or for real. They are for real. Liposomal vitamin C has been shown to be absorbed up to 5x as effectively as any other type of vitamin c. Liposomal products are encapsulated in a fatty matrix which makes them much more fat-soluble and readily absorbed from the intestinal tract. One of my favorite liposomal vitamin c brands is Liv-On Laboratories Liposomal Vitamin C, which can be purchased from or

Researched Nutritionals* also makes a liposomal glutathione product. Glutathione is the body’s “master antioxidant” and the liposomal form of this product gets the substance where you need it, faster, bypassing the process of digestion.

Recently, Hopkinton Drug* released a liposomal artemisinin product which appears to be highly promising. Hopkinton Drug is also one of the only suppliers in the country which, at the present time, has in stock the important anti-parasitic herb known as Mimosa Pudica and recommended by Dr. K. Remember: these antiparasite treatments aren’t just for helping deworm the gut, they also help break down biofilm throughout the body and can lead to dramatic symptom improvement. In fact, one well-known Lyme doctor has documented worm DNA in Lyme biofilms, indicating that the action of these antiparasitic herbs and drugs reaches far beyond the gut.

Hopkinton Drug’s Mimosa Pudica and Liposomal Artemisinin are over-the-counter and can be ordered by calling: (800) 439-4441.

Also, don’t miss this flyer from Hopkinton Drug with more information on their products. Don’t miss the back side of the flyer, page 2, with information on Mimosa Pudica and Liposomal Artemisinin.

* Disclosure: is sponsored by Hopkinton Drug.

* Disclosure: is sponsored by Researched Nutritionals.

Mimosa Pudica, herb described by Dr. Klinghardt, is back in stock!

Mimosa PudicaMany people are now aware of Mimosa Pudica, an ayurvedic herb recommended by Dr. Klinghardt for parasites and possibly Babeisa.

According to Scott Forsgren’s notes on the Deep Look Beyond Lyme conference which took place in 2011, Dr. Klinghardt says that Mimosa Pudica is 30 times stronger than the best pharmaceutical drug.

The problem has been getting the stuff. Various reports across the web indicate that some sources may be low-quality and cause side effects or sickness. The most reliable source, according to some, is Hopkinton Drug, a compounding pharmacy in Massachusetts. However, due to high demand, this pharmacy had been out of stock for several months. Yesterday I spoke with someone at the pharmacy and I am pleased to report that the product is back in stock. Furthermore, it is available OTC (over the counter) at a price which is much lower than I’ve previously seen. You can contact Hopkinton Drug at (508) 435-4441 ext. 117 or ext. 118, or email them at

Related: Don’t miss Hopkinton Drug’s Top 3 Lyme Disease Formulations (PDF flyer).

There have been various studies done on this species of plant and its various effects, including studies on antimicrobial effects, and anti-anxiety effects.  Please note, though, that this product is still experimental and that conclusive results about its usefulness and safety are still being evaluated by LLMDs.

Does the herb work? I’m in touch with one person who says they feel much better when taking it. However, I think it is too early to draw conclusions. I hope people report their results on this blog, so we can compile some user experiences.

If you use this product, please report your results here on this blog, so that others can learn from your experience. Also, please only use this product under the supervision of a licensed physician. For dosing information, please consult a physician who is experienced with using Mimosa Pudica. DISCLOSURE: Hopkington Drug is an advertising partner with BioMed Publishing Group, the publisher of this blog.


CCSVI information + “VIP” hormone supplementation

Hi everyone,

I thought I would share the following email I got from a friend on CCSVI, a blood flow disorder to the brain that many people are finding relief after treating (people who suffer from a broad range of problems, including Lyme and MS). Another colleague noted, though, that results from the treatment of CCSVI appear to be short lived, so personally I don’t think the treatment is ready for prime time, yet. Anyway, very interesting discussion.  If you want to learn more, here it is on Wikipedia:

Also, the below email conversation has some other useful info about hormone treatments and Shoemaker neurotoxin treatments.


Email #1:

Hey Bryan,   I had the treatment in the beginning of Nov. last year and it was a real leap forward.  My legs became much stronger, I started doing some light hiking almost every day, my balance improved(didn’t realize how wobbly i was), and I felt better mentally, including less mental fatigue.  Also I was able to handle twice the antimicrobials as before.  Unfortunately over the last few months all of those old symptoms returned again.  I wish I knew why it happened.  I heard a stat among MS patients that 43% suffer a restenosis within two years of the procedure.  I was hoping that since I have mostly eliminated my infections(per muscle testing results) that maybe I wouldn’t have a relapse.  Guess I was wrong.  I’m considering having it done again sometime this year and hopefully it sticks, because I dont know if it’s good to have the veins stretched out too many times.  There is also the option of stents but i’m not sure I want to go my whole life with stents in my neck either. Particularly because stents are designed for arteries, not veins, and so they dont tend to work as well. 

I did recently experience some improvement from following some of Dr. Shoemakers stuff.   Basically he’s discovered that many people with a biotoxin illness develop hypothalamic dysfunction.  The hypothalamus produces two important hormones, VIP and MSH which control inflammation in the body.  If the hypo has been damaged from something like lyme it cant produce enough of these hormones resulting in runaway inflammation in the body from sometimes just teeny amounts of toxin or infection.  I jumped through all the appropriate hoops, got prescribed some VIP nasal spray from Dr. Klinghardt, and within fifteen minutes of my first spray i could feel new blood rushing into my head, my hands became warm, felt better, etc..  then I herxed for a few days, and since have been tolerating treatment better than before.  Im still dealing with these frustrating cognitive issues, but adding VIP spray has moved me one step closer to wellness.

Now i’m following a biotoxin removal protocol by Patricia Kane Phd which is focused on loading with high doses of Omega 6’s and 3’s at a 4:1 ratio and taking large doses of phosphatidylCholine for repairing and rebuilding cell membranes, as well as getting the cells to dump their accumulated toxins.  I dont know if its going to make me feel better yet but these two weeks i’ve been on the protocol i’ve been releasing a ton of toxins.  So that can only be good.  

Never in my wildest imagination did I think there could be this many different pieces to our puzzle. 

Email #2:

VIP stands for Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide.  As far as I know only one pharmacy has it, Hopkinton Drug    Here’s Shoemaker’s new website that he’s still building out  He speaks about almost everything in reference to mold, but you can replace the word Mold with Lyme because they’re both biotoxins that trigger the same inflammatory cascade.  If you look at this link  you will see all the steps Shoemaker says need to be addressed before VIP is used.  I dont think its very relevant to your case because you’re doing so well and most of your inflammatory biomarkers are probably in range.  I guess if any of these biomarkers are far out of the ‘normal’ range the VIP wont work, and in some cases can even make you worse.  The usual dose of the VIP is four sprays into the nose a day, alternating nostrils.  Some people scale back on the dose over the course of a few months, some people go off it completely after a few months, and some people stay at the full dose.  Basically use as needed.  The only information about the VIP spray I have is that it’s strength is 500MCG/ML  You know how different we all are but for some people in the mold community VIP spray has been a life saver. I suspect some of the veteran lyme patients have mostly eliminated their infections and are dealing with a dysfunctional hypothalamus that makes them feel like they have a raging lyme infection when really its a raging inflammatory response to a few lingering bugs and toxins. 

Shoemaker also mentions MARCoNS(multiple antibiotic resistant coagulase negative staph) which is showing up in the sinuses of nearly all chronic biotoxin sufferers.  That might be something worth looking into as well.  Because of the sinuses proximity to the hypothalamus and pituitary a sinus staph constantly poisons those glands with biotoxins.  Shoemaker uses a pharmaceutical called BEG nasal spray to eliminate it but many people develop an allergic reaction to it and so there’s a natural remedy that’s been a great alternative called Nasal Wash from 

Have you addressed parasites? When you say the infections seem to keep coming back it makes me wonder if they could be living inside some parasites. I know MMS is helpful against parasites, and there are many other parasite treatments available but Dr. Klinghardt believes that to properly eliminate parasites we need to go on some strong anti-parasitics like Alinia, Albendazol, Ivermectin, etc..    Klinghardt also recently said that he’s finding if he first treats for parasites the rest of the lyme treatment goes much more quickly.  I guess Ivermectin can be obtained over the counter as a treatment for horses lol  Might be helpful to know.