Archive for July, 2010

USDA finds guinea pigs are more valuable than humans

**********I personally take one heaping teaspoon FOUR to FIVE TIMES daily of the BioEn’r-G’y C…..This RDA Dr Gordon is speaking of is totally WRONG.  My intake of this C is 4000 mg, 5 times daily.  For those of us with Chronic Illness, like Lyme disease and Cancers, taking this amount is a MUST, IMHO.  I can feel it when I cut down.  Of course, you will need to work up to the dosing I do, so that your bowels can reach tolerance, but will notice the difference in your health and especially allergies quickly.  I have Tom Levy MD’s book Curing the Incurable and it is an excellent read.  It truly helps you to connect the dots that the government doesn’t want you to connect.  I totally agree with Dr Gordon, we need to be ready to lobby to get equal rights with guinea pigs. Are we not already guinea pigs with the toxic drugs they force upon us??
USDA finds guinea pigs are more valuable than humans so they set their RDA of Vit C at 10-25 mg per KGM so that means if humans were as valuable they would have an RDA of  820 to 2000 mg a day instead of the current 75  mg for women and 90 for men.

If we get this new health care plan let’s plan to lobby for us to get equal rights with guinea pigs. 

This higher level of vitamin C going in all humans would save billions each year in needless healthcare costs. See Tom Levy MD’s book CURING THE INCURABLE; you need a copy in your office today. The 1200 references make your recommending BioEn’R-G’y C at one slightly heaping tsp no less than twice a day (providing 8 grams a day) something that there is a reference for in this useful compendium of vitamin C research papers by him.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, February 04, 2010

RDA for Vitamin C is 10% of USDA Standard for Guinea Pigs

Are You Healthier than a Lab Animal?
Comment by Andrew W. Saul
Editor-In-Chief, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service

(OMNS, Feb 4, 2010) The US RDA for vitamin C for humans is only 10% of the government’s vitamin C standards for Guinea pigs.

Wait a minute; that cannot possibly be true.

Can it?

The US Department of Agriculture states that “the Guinea pig’s vitamin C requirement is 10-15 mg per day under normal conditions and 15-25 mg per day if pregnant, lactating, or growing.” (1)

Ultimate Freedom….A MUST listen….

This is beautiful !!!   If you have a speaker on your computer use it ok.  (First click on the site watch and listen .  I know others would love to hear and see this so send it out .   Amazing!!!!!!    A Real Blessing!


May have to play twice. Once to listen and once to read. Goose Bump
time.  Even if you aren’t a country music fan I think you’ll agree that Alan
Jackson ‘s rendition of this hymn is beautiful as is the slide show
reminding us of the reason this country became the greatest nation in
the history of mankind.   It also reminds us that if we don’t return
to God we will lose it all.



Mimicry of lyme arthritis by synovial hemangioma


To report on the differential diagnosis of lyme arthritis and synovial hemangioma due to similar clinical and radiological signs and symptoms. A 15-year-old boy presented at the age of 9 with recurrent rather painless swelling of the right knee. Altogether four episodes lasting for 1-2 weeks each occurred over a period of 18 months before medical advice was sought. Physical examination revealed only a slightly limited range of motion. Living in an endemic area of borreliosis, he reported a tick bite 6 months prior to onset of his symptoms with erythema migrans and was treated for 10 days with amoxicillin. Serology revealed two positive unspecific bands in IgG immunoblot (p41 and 66) with slight positivity for ELISA. Ultrasound revealed synovial thickening and increased fluid. Despite the weak positive serology a diagnosis of lyme arthritis could not be excluded and intravenous antibiotic treatment with ceftriaxone was started. After two further relapses antiinflammatory therapy including intraarticular steroids were introduced with no long lasting effect. A chronical disease developed with alternate periods of swelling and almost complete remission. Ultrasound as well as MRI demonstrated ongoing signs of synovitis, therefore after further progression, a diagnostic arthroscopy was performed showing an inconspicuous knee joint. A second MRI showed focal suprapatellar enhancement and was followed by open arthrotomy revealing a histopathological proven synovial cavernous juxtaarticular hemangioma. To our knowledge, the differential diagnosis of lyme arthritis and synovial hemangioma has not yet been reported despite obvious clinical similarities. In conclusion, in children and adolescents synovial hemangioma has to be considered in differential diagnosis of recurrent knee swelling. Early diagnosis is important to prevent prolonged suffering from chronic joint swelling with probable joint damages, unnecessary treatment procedures and as well school and sports absenteeism.

Biofilms treated with tea tree oil


Linda’s comment:  I have used tea tree oil on toe nails for fungus, but wouldn’t think about it for dissolving biofilms.  I have been successfully been dissolving biofilms with the FIGHT protocol.  People ask me how I can tell.  (For those who have weak stomachs stop reading here)….You can find them splattered on the sides of your toilet, like spider webs….it takes a strong brush to wash them away.  I also take at least 2 Boluoke capsules a day, and at least 8 to 10 Wobenzyme 3 times daily on empty stomach.  I did use a loading dose of one Boluoke 3 times daily and took the 10 Wobenzyme 4 to 5 times daily for the first 90 days.  At that time is when I added a teaspoon of the ZeoGold along with my ACZnano Zeolite. 
Biofilms are not just Lyme disease, but other diseases, but a good daily detox is a MUST if you have Lyme disease.  Reducing your total body burden of pathogens and toxins is vital for getting control of Lyme disease.  We have a lot to deal with today with the Gulf Oil spill, which BTW, is effecting our health and is going to get worse, but we are having to fight the GMO foods and exposures to pesticides and herbicides.  With a good daily detox we can help to neutralize the hits we are taking daily from our environmental toxins.
Go to the Webinar’s I have posted on this blog and learn about the FIGHT protocol.  You will also learn what you need to do to FIGHT these problems to help protect your health.

Objective: This study aimed to investigate antimicrobial treatment of an infected cochlear implant, undertaken in an attempt to salvage the infected device.

Methods: We used the broth microdilution method to assess the susceptibility of meticillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus isolate, cultured from an infected cochlear implant, to common antimicrobial agents as well as to novel agents such as tea tree oil. To better simulate in vivo conditions, where bacteria grow as microcolonies encased in glycocalyx, the bactericidal activity of selected antimicrobial agents against the isolate growing in biofilm were also compared.

Results: When grown planktonically, the S aureus isolate was susceptible to 17 of the 18 antimicrobials tested. However, when grown in biofilm, it was resistant to all conventional antimicrobials. In contrast, 5 per cent tea tree oil completely eradicated the biofilm following exposure for 1 hour.

Subway Sandwich: Lettuce, Tomato, High-Fructose Corn Syrup?

Linda’s comment:  Corn Syrup in Subway sandwich’s ????????????  WHAT ARE THEY THINKING…I guess my days with Subway are over…..for those of us with chronic illness corn syrup gets in our joints, muscles and tissues and causes us PAIN….Bottom-line they are chasing us away from every business that resembles “fast foods”….Some will not care…..Some will continue to be in pain….Some won’t even believe that corn syrup has no ill effect on our bodies!!  I guess more and more are going to have to die and suffer before “joe public” wakes up and change their lifestyle…..
OK, so you insist on eating garbage foods!!??  Then what are you doing do to try and neutralize these toxins out of your bodies???  People hear about detox all the time, but now we are getting serious and need to realize that if we don’t reduce our total body burden of pathogens and toxins, we are going to continue to suffer AND to create more Cancers, obesity, diabetes and heart disease not to speak of feeding the Lyme critters to continue to increase inflammation.  Don’t delay begin your lifelong daily detox today…
When it comes to fast food, Subway is supposed to be the healthy choice – we all feel a little bit angelic when we skip high-fat burgers and fries in favor of a six-inch sub loaded with veggies and lean meats. And while the sandwiches are a better bet when it comes to calories and fat, Subway has a hidden dark side: The “healthy” 9-grain bread is a nutritional wasteland packed with high-fructose corn syrup.

David Zinczenko, author of the “Eat This, Not That” series, exposes the truth in his series The Truth About Your Food. While the bread does technically have nine grains, he says that you might as well choose white. Eight of those nine grains are basically trace amounts, listed at the bottom of the ingredient list under “contains 2% or less.” The number one ingredient is regular white flour.

Neuroinflammation in Lyme neuroborreliosis & Amyloid Metabolism

Full article:


ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The metabolism of amyloid precursor protein
(APP) and beta-amyloid (Abeta) is widely studied in Alzheimer’s
disease, where Abeta deposition and plaque development are
essential components of the pathogenesis.
However, the physiological role of amyloid in the adult nervous
system remains largely unknown. We have previously found altered
cerebral amyloid metabolism in other neuroinflammatory
conditions. To further elucidate this, we investigated amyloid
metabolism in patients with Lyme neuroborreliosis (LNB).

first part of the study was a cross-sectional cohort study in 61
patients with acute facial palsy (19 with LNB and 42 with
idiopathic facial paresis, Bell’s
palsy) and 22 healthy controls. CSF was analysed for the
beta-amyloid peptides Abeta38, Abeta40 and Abeta42, and the
amyloid precursor protein (APP) isoforms alpha-sAPP and
beta-sAPP. CSF total-tau (T-tau), phosphorylated tau (P-tau) and
neurofilament protein (NFL) were measured to monitor neural cell
damage. The second part of the study was a prospective
cohort-study in 26 LNB patients undergoing consecutive lumbar
punctures before and after antibiotic treatment to study
time-dependent dynamics of the biomarkers.

RESULTS: In the cross-sectional
study, LNB patients had lower levels of CSF alpha-sAPP, beta-sAPP
and P-tau, and higher levels of CSF NFL than healthy controls and
patients with Bell’s palsy.
In the prospective study, LNB patients had low levels of CSF
alpha-sAPP, beta-sAPP and P-tau at baseline, which all increased
towards normal at follow-up.

Acute neuroborreliosis with CNS involvement

Full article:


RESULTS: Eleven patients who presented with acute central nervous
system (CNS) syndrome fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for
neuroborreliosis. In the CSF studies, lymphocytic pleocytosis
with elevation of total protein and normal glucose was noted in 9
patients. The clinical syndromes were confirmed by magnetic
resonance imaging and electrophysiological studies. Ten of 11
patients were found to have brain stem or spinal cord lesions on
neuroimaging studies, and 8 patients had concomitant peripheral
nervous system involvement with electrophysiological evidence of
multiple root lesions with an acute or subacute course.
CONCLUSIONS: Lyme neuroborreliosis presenting as acute CNS
syndrome with peripheral nervous system involvement
simultaneously in the disease course, especially acute
myelopolyradiculitis, in Taiwan is different from Lyme
neuroborreliosis seen in Europe and North America. The treatment
outcome is variable and based on the severity of initial
neurological deficits, early diagnosis, and early management.
Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Detection of spirochetes in ticks


Lyme disease is reported across Canada, but pinpointing the source of infection has been problematic. In this three-year, bird-tick-pathogen study (2004–2006), 366 ticks representing 12 species were collected from 151 songbirds (31 passerine species/subspecies) at 16 locations Canada-wide. Of the 167 ticks/pools tested, 19 (11.4%) were infected with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.). Sequencing of the rrf-rrl intergenic spacer gene revealed four Borrelia genotypes: B. burgdorferi sensu stricto (s.s.) and three novel genotypes (BC genotype 1, BC genotype 2, BC genotype 3). All four genotypes were detected in spirochete-infected Ixodes auritulus (females, nymphs, larvae) suggesting this tick species is a vector for B. burgdorferi s.l. We provide first-time records for: ticks in the Yukon (north of 60° latitude), northernmost collection of Amblyomma americanum in North America, and Amblyomma imitator in Canada. First reports of bird-derived ticks infected with B. burgdorferi s.l. include: live culture of spirochetes from Ixodes pacificus (nymph) plus detection in I. auritulus nymphs, Ixodes scapularis in New Brunswick, and an I. scapularis larva in Canada. We provide the first account of B. burgdorferi s. l. in an Ixodes muris tick collected from a songbird anywhere. Congruent with previous data for the American Robin, we suggest that the Common Yellowthroat, Golden-crowned Sparrow, Song Sparrow, and Swainson’s Thrush are reservoir-competent hosts. Song Sparrows, the predominant hosts, were parasitized by I. auritulus harboring all four Borrelia genotypes. Our results show that songbirds import B. burgdorferi s.l.-infected ticks into Canada. Bird-feeding I. scapularis subadults were infected with Lyme spirochetes during both spring and fall migration in eastern Canada. Because songbirds disperse millions of infected ticks across Canada, people and domestic animals contract Lyme disease outside of the known and expected range.

Alert of the Week: We Need Labels on GM Foods Now

Full article:


Gen-M, the first Monsanto Generation of humans force-fed genetically modified foods hasn’t reached reproductive age yet (they were born in the late 1990s). But, if a critical mass of animal feeding studies are any indication, the millennial generation, reared on Food Inc.’s unlabeled “Frankenfoods” can look forward to a long-term epidemic of cancer, food allergies, learning disabilities, sterility, and birth defects.

Corn (85% of U.S. production is GM), soy (91% GM), cotton (88% GM), canola (85% GM) and sugar beets (95% GM) are all genetically engineered by Monsanto to withstand massive doses of the company’s glyphosate herbicide RoundUp, or else to exude their own pesticide, Bacillus Thuriengensis (Bt). RoundUp, the favorite weedkiller poison of non-organic farmers and gardeners, causes brain, intestinal and heart defects in fetuses. And scientists warn that RoundUp, the most extensively used herbicide in the history of agriculture, “may have dire consequences for agriculture such as rendering soils infertile, crops non-productive, and plants less nutritious.” In addition, hundreds of thousands of US dairy cows are injected with genetically engineered Bovine Growth Hormone (developed by Monsanto) in spite of studies linking BGH with cancer, and longstanding bans on the drug in the EU, Japan, Canada, and most industrialized nations.

With genetically modified foods and crops threatening public health and the environment, not to mention the next generation’s reproductive capacity, why isn’t there a massive consumer outcry to restrain Monsanto’s biotech bullying and ban genetically engineered foods and agriculture?

The answer is disturbingly simple. Collusion between Monsanto and elected public officials (including the current Obama Administration) has obscured the fact that almost all non-organic foods in the US contain GMOs. Despite poll after poll indicating that 85-95% of US consumers want mandatory labels on foods containing GMOs, Congress has heretofore listened to Monsanto and corporate agribusiness, rather than their own constituents. In the European Union, Japan, or South Korea, where GM foods must be labeled, there are no GM foods on grocery story shelves (and little or none served in restaurants), since most consumers would not buy them and a significant number would complain if they saw GMO labels on products. Consequently there are very few GM crops being cultivated in the EU (mainly a small amount of corn in Spain for animal feed).

Most Americans simply do not understand that 80% of non-organic supermarket processed foods (basically every product containing soy, corn, canola, cottonseed oil, or sugar beet derivatives) are contaminated with GMOs. While nearly everyone in North America has eaten genetically modified foods, only 26% believe that they have.

Suzanne Somers – Lifetime achievement award

Suzanne Somers Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
For more information on Suzanne Somers, vist her homepage: