All Posts Tagged With: "F.I.G.H.T."

Maternal Nutrition & Other Issues Tied to Autism

Linda’s comment:  For years Dr Gordon has said that if you are going to plan a pregnancy, then it is a MUST to go on a good detox protocol.  The unborn fetus is considered the toxic dump for the mom.  When a mom eats the wrong foods, or eats foods with pesticides/herbicides, etc., etc. etc., it all goes to the unborn fetus.

Dr. Gordon’s Comments:

Maternal nutrition ties to autism?  My plan for healthy babies takes on a new sense of urgency with this latest research!! Please read if you have anyone that might go through a pregnancy this year; they need to know this.

This new study about children born less than 1 year after the last child having three times the incidence of autism suggests to me that maternal nutrition is compromised after one child. The second pregnancy following too closely does not give the needed time to
replete nutrients lost during the last pregnancy.

I point out that all planned pregnancies ideally need to be preceded by ideally a year of detoxification. But, now we can see that also we need to build expectant mothers up nutritionally with far higher levels of nutrients found in today’s totally outmoded prenatal supplement formulas.

Just more vitamin D alone would reduce this tragic incidence of autism. My preferred prenatal is Beyond Chelation Improved, as that way we also get the essential fatty acids and the total spectrum of useful minerals while gently chelating out toxins with things like garlic and dl methione and oral EDTA, which alone has 507 references about its efficacy in lowering lead levels even in occupationally exposed workers on website.

Ideally I always also recommend my “power drink” using organic greens and Beyond Fiber and Maca and BioEn’R-G’y C, one slightly heaping tsp of each in 10+ ounces of good mineralized water like Pellegrino. And, for those willing, add Quinton Marine Plasma to that program. Then you can expect to have the healthiest possible baby known as Quinton babies, as putting in ultra trace minerals found only in this sea water based nutrient mineral drink has been shown to save lives of very sick babies so let them get it from their mother while in-utero too.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute



•JANUARY 10, 2011, 12:02 A.M. ET 
Closely Spaced Pregnancies Linked to Autism Risk 

WASHINGTON — Closely spaced pregnancies were associated with an increase in the odds of a second child being diagnosed with autism, according to a study involving California children.

The study, which the journal Pediatrics published online Monday, showed the sooner conceptions followed the prior birth of a sibling, the greater the likelihood of the second child having an autism diagnosis. 

The study looked at more than 660,000 second-born children in California between 1992 to 2002. The study measured the time the second child was conceived relative to the first child, and then looked at autism diagnosis of the second sibling. 

The study found that second children who were conceived less than 12 months after the first child’s birth were three times more likely to be diagnosed with autism than children spaced further apart. Second children conceived less than two years after the first had almost twice the odds of receiving an autism diagnosis.

Gluten Sensitivity in the WSJ

Linda’s comments:  It is difficult for me to understand why more doctors don’t understand how bad gluten is?   If they can’t label them with Celiac disease, then what, you can eat gluten….NOT….  Chronically ill patients even healthy patients for that matter, needs to get gluten out of their lives….They also need to stop eating GMO FOODS…..

Dr. Gordon’s Comments:

WSJ says the new epidemic is gluten sensitivity and it is different than celiac disease but is now being blamed for multiple common symptoms. It is not easy to live gluten free since it seems to be everywhere. See The Gluten Connection by Shari Lieberman and others on Amazon.

As this Mayo doctor suggests, something is “triggering” this new epidemic. I believe it could be GMO foods changing bowel flora and leading to leaky gut. I take my Beyond Fiber and a good probiotic like Kyodophilus 9 every day!

This article can add years to your patients lives since unless they have diagnosed celiac disease most have no idea what gluten is doing to their health even the brain!!  This article can wake patients up to the importance of the food in my F.I.G.H.T. program, as most patients have one or more foods that are blocking their recovery and dairy and wheat avoidance are at the top of my suggested dietary changes in any chronically ill patient. But, without this kind of documentation, most patients will not comply.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute



Gluten: What You Don’t Know Might Kill You
Dr Mark Hyman

SOMETHING YOU’RE EATING may be killing you, and you probably don’t even know it! If you eat cheeseburgers or French fries all the time or drink six sodas a day, you likely know you are shortening your life. But eating a nice dark, crunchy slice of whole wheat bread–how could that be bad for you? Well, bread contains gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, spelt, kamut, and oats. It is hidden in pizza, pasta, bread, wraps, rolls, and most processed foods. Clearly, gluten is a staple of the American diet. What most people don’t know is that gluten can cause serious health complications for many. You may be at risk even if you don’t have full blown celiac disease. I want to reveal the truth about gluten, explain the dangers, and provide you with a simple system that will help you determine whether or not gluten is a problem for you.


Excerpt: Wall Street Journal
•MARCH 16, 2011 
Gluten sensitive? Here’s why 
By Melinda Beck

Lisa Rayburn felt dizzy, bloated and exhausted. Wynn Avocette suffered migraines and body aches. Stephanie Meade’s 4-year-old daughter had constipation and threw temper tantrums. 

All three tested negative for celiac disease, a severe intolerance to gluten, a protein found in wheat and other grains. 

But after their doctors ruled out other causes, all three adults did their own research and cut gluten—and saw the symptoms subside. A new study in the journal BMC Medicine may shed some light on why. It shows gluten can set off a distinct reaction in the intestines and the immune system, even in people who don’t have celiac disease.

Lyme Disease & Coagulation Problems – Linda’s Comments

Linda’s Comments:

As far as Lyme disease it has been Boluoke and Wobenzyme that got control of the coagulation problems that  I suffered with.  BTW all Lyme patients suffer with thick blood… thighs ached so bad that I could not lift my legs on my own.  The aching did not let up so that made it difficult to sleep….The FIGHT protocol is giving me back my life.
As far as chest pain, please allow me to tell you a brief story….The Monday before Christmas, my daughter (31 yrs) was working a night shift and she called me with the clinical symptoms of having a heart attack….I told her to go in the ambulance, which her employer had already called….I told her to only take ONE aspirin that the paramedics would probably give her and let them start saline, as I would arrive at the hospital at the same time as her…
She arrived, they put her on a monitor immediately and ran an EKG (normal)…her blood pressure, which is always normal, was 210/180…..I stayed quiet UNTIL the doctor and nurse left the room…I shoved 2 boluoke, 12 wobenzyme, 2 tubes of Hypertonic, and 20 sprays of ACS200 and ACZnano Zeolite, one right behind the other before the nurse could return to draw blood….WITHIN 8 minutes her blood pressure dropped to 128/55…of course the nurse flew back into the room….she looked at my daughter and ask her if she did anything…I was standing back shaking my head no….the reason I did that is I didn’t want to negate her insurance….I did tell the nurse after we had discharge papers in hand….
Her blood work was normal, enzymes, everything….the “young” ER doc told us, “it just must have been the stress of standing in one position at her job”……I could hardly keep from laughing…however, when we were leaving, the nurse chased us out the ER door and directed her question at me….”Ok mom, tell me what you did”….she knew I was into holistic alternatives….I smile and told her she might never have had to have her quadruple bypass, had she been taking the products I gave me daughter…she wanted my email addy and has since communicated with me down a new path of learning how to stay healthy…
I wouldn’t suggest you tell your patients this (or they will be cheating all the time), BUT, if I cheat and eat something I should not or if I eat in a restaurant and it is not guaranteed organic or GMO free….I swallow at least 12 Wobenzyme so I can begin eating up the garbage I’m eating….


Dangers of Potassium Iodide – from Dr. Gordon

These are selected from official FDA answers to dosages of potassium iodide. I again point out that I do not believe the current crisis in Japan will reach the levels of exposure for the USA that would require this protocol.

However, I believe that we all need more iodine every day (see page 14 of the Scott Forsgren review of my FIGHT program. 

Note: I do recommend lifelong use of iodine for entirely different reasons, namely the high levels of largely unavoidable exposures to fluorine and bromine. That is what has convinced me that iodine is needed in higher levels than we can get from our usual dietary sources unless you are eating kelp and seaweed daily. We need more iodine, as a supplement if we want to maintain an optimally functioning thyroid gland.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute



Should Your Patients Be Taking Potassium Iodide?

The effectiveness of KI as a specific blocker of thyroid radioiodine uptake is well established. When administered in the recommended dose, KI is effective in reducing the risk of thyroid cancer in individuals or populations at risk for inhalation or ingestion of radio iodines. KI floods the thyroid with non-radioactive iodine and prevents the uptake of the radioactive molecules, which are subsequently excreted in the urine. 

Potassium Iodide Q&A

READ NOW: Radiation Update from Linda, Dr. Gordon

Linda’s comments:  Lots of information on the Internet about Radiation poisoning, but I trust these two people with my children….

Dr. Gordon’s Comments: How safe is iodine supplementation and at what level? My FIGHT program synopsis by Scott Forsgren on page 14 ( recommends iodine and explains why and what dose. It is available free on my website.

You need to be aware that this excellent attorney Mark Ullman defends nutritional companies from FDA but the attached blog reveals his serious reservations about the hype surround iodine today based on media hype about radiation exposure from Japan. In my estimation this is such a small problem next to the pollution from lead, mercury and organic chemicals found in everyone today. I try to use this hysteria to focus everyone on the need for appropriate responses: start lifetime detoxification now!

Don’t wait for something to happen. Watch the eight+ hours of webinars found on my website that I have produced to support the value of my Fight for Your Health program. 

The article linked below will hopefully cause you to consider the potential for harm when we prescribe iodine, as there are people that are very sensitive. Those may need to start with the recommended microgram doses widely available  from kelp in health food stores and work up gradually but I only use 50 mg a day for a month or so and for long-term I use 12.5 mg, as found in the Japanese diet.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute



Grappling with the safety of potassium iodide supplements

To me, marketing of dietary supplements with doses in the milligram level rather than in micrograms, much less at levels matching the 130mg found in FDA-approved drugs, has the potential for serious ramifications in terms of an adverse effect on public health.
As the Japanese continue to struggle to bring the already disastrous situation under control at the Fukushima nuclear power facility, and reports surface of radiation spikes in the Tokyo water supply, FDA has reacted swiftly to issue an import alert on all food coming into the United States from areas that have potentially suffered from excessive radiation exposure. This seems to be an important and prudent reaction to the situation designed to protect the health of the American public.

At the same time, we are seeing a proliferation of dietary supplement products purporting to offer protection from radiation poisoning. One company marketing such a product proudly issued a press release announcing that its resveratrol “provides resistance before and after exposure to hazardous radiation.” FDA, again acting appropriately, has also warned the public to be wary of these products and their claims.


Most folks will say no to this question.  Many complain of being fatigued, sluggish and wanting to take several naps a day. Have you ever work up in the morning and felt like you didn’t really sleep? When we take care of ourselves we can reach the energetic levels we desire.  However, being energized comes from eating healthy, getting ample sleep, and doing exercise that we can handle.  Exercise can be difficult for those who are chronically ill, however there are exercises you can do while in bed.  Begin with 5 minutes a day and everyday add a couple of minutes.  Before long you will be out of that bed and able to exercise more.  You can use a one pound can of green beans.  Lie on your back and stretch out your arm, lifting the can slowly, at least 10 times. Then switch to the other arm.
Stress management is key to keep from zapping our bodies of energy.  Many have children and are caregivers of relatives and managing a busy household.  Many work and have demanding jobs and financial worries.  So how do we make changes to change our lifestyles, by eating good, cutting out the party life, and developing good sleep habits.
Changes should begin with the diet.  Because we are busy, people turn to processed foods, junk foods and this just adds to the problems.  Much of your energy goes into digesting these foods and creating more inflammation for our bodies.  Way to many folks consume GMO foods, Gluten, Sugars, Soda’s Coffee and many will reach for that afternoon candy bar to give them a new supply of energy.  WRONG…that candy bar only serves to cause a sugar crash later.  You need to put good snacks in your bodies, NOT sugar, and processed foods.  Eating NON-GMO foods of fresh veggies and fruits help to give you the kind of energy to get you through the day.
Think of your body energy supply as a bank.  When you use things like “energy drinks”, coffee, soda’s,  and candy bars this triggers the release of what our bodies have stored when it comes to energy.  This is why it is important to take a variety of supplements and herbals to put back into our body banks, what we need to protect our adrenals, organs, and immune systems, which burn out quickly, when you are feeding them junk.  Inflammation in our bodies creates fatigue, adrenal burn-out, which also relates to chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia and continues on until we get a Cancer diagnosis.  Just think of this.  For every teaspoon of sugar that you eat, takes your immune 5 hours to recover from, which creating more inflammation for your bodies.
I turned to a good diet, by eating organic and NON-GMO foods, including no gluten, no sugars, and processed foods.  I also contribute my wellness program to the F.I.G.H.T protocol, which you can view the webinar’s by Dr. Garry Gordon, MD, DO, MD(h) on just how the FIGHT protocol works and can work for you. I strongly encourage for you to listen to the F.I.G.H.T. webinar’s before beginning your FIGHT protocol.
The FIGHT protocol also helps to protect us from the environmental toxins that are slamming our bodies daily.  I get my FIGHT protocol products… My health coach at Longevity Plus is Sandy Taft.  You can go to Longevity Plus and call the 800 number and ask for Sandy Taft.  Tell her that Linda Heming sent you.  Sandy is a “peach” and can guide you to the products you need to buy to get on your way to a life-long daily detox.  Makes sure you view all 6 webinars on the FIGHT protocol right here on my blog, so that you have a full understanding of what each product does for you in your wellness journey. I will also be happy to help guide you through this process.


Dear Colleagues,
Next week is the AHIMA, “How to Incorporate Homeopathic and Integrative Medicine into your Practice” conference, as well as Gordon Research Institute’s “Energy Medicine Workshops”. 

It is  no too late to come to Phoenix for these two conferences !  You will come away understanding that when you combine my F.I.G.H.T.  Program with the missing link, healing with Physics, using the modalities you can personally experience at my conference, you will experience amazing healing results!


Watch my webinars on on PEMF AND TESLA and Magnetic Healing to learn how Earth changes are causing  the rapid  decline  of the Earth’s  magnetic field.  Understand that becuase of this  the addition of these modalities are essential for meaningful healing today.



G.F. Gordon MD DO MD(H.)





To anyone interested in Infinite Wellness;

I have found unique synergy combining the biochemistry, like my FIGHT program with the PHYSICS we can no longer ignore. This approach is changing the lives of very ill patients, often almost overnight.

I personally feel younger each day. I am certain that any one of these; PEMF, TESLA based electro muscle stimulation, and correctly designed magnetic pads to sleep on, will improve your life dramatically

You are invited to attend one or more of my 3 workshops being held in Phoenix March 3-7 in conjunction with the great conference offered 3/4/11 by AHIMA. Flyers and registration information are attached. NOTE: Admission is free on 3/6/11 from Noon until 7 PM and only $50 on other dates if you also register for AHIMA conference, $100 if you do not.

Here you will learn that Physics is more important than Biochemistry in determining how you FEEL and how you HEAL! Without a magnetic field there is no life and the experts believe that the earth’s electromagnetic field hasdropped from nearly 30 Gauss at the time of dinosaurs to 0.3 Gauss now. (more)

Register for AHIMA Conference Here

Register for the Energy Workshops Here

Food Allergies, with comments by Dr. Gordon

Food allergy/sensitivities contribute to most chronic diseases to a greater or lesser extent, as explained by my FIGHT program. This review has some new developments from mainstream medicine that you need to be aware of for managing this huge problem for most patients.

“In this review, we will examine the relationship between food hypersensitivity and oral tolerance and explore novel therapeutic approaches to modulate the food allergic response.”

They are moving into mucosally targeted strategies instead of injections for management of this problem.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute         




Purpose of review Recent investigation has resulted in significant advances toward definitive therapeutic options for food allergy. In this review, we will explore novel immunotherapeutic interventions for the active treatment of food allergy.
Recent findings Because the injection route for allergen immunotherapy to foods has been associated with an unacceptable risk of severe anaphylactic reactions, use of mucosally targeted therapeutic strategies is of significant interest for food allergy. Allergen-specific immunotherapeutic approaches such as oral, sublingual, epicutaneous, and peptide immunotherapy have demonstrated efficacy in increasing threshold dose and inducing immunologic changes associated with both desensitization and oral tolerance in animal and human trials. More global immunomodulatory strategies, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and anti-IgE therapy have been shown to effectively target the allergic response, and clinical trials are ongoing to determine the efficacy and safety in human food allergy.

The advent of therapies that target the mucosal immune response to promote oral tolerance have shown great promise in the treatment of food hypersensitivity. However, there is still significant risk of adverse reactions associated with these therapeutic strategies and further study is needed to carefully advance these therapeutic modalities toward general clinical implementation.

Fiber & Cardiovascular Health with Comments from Linda, Dr. Gordon

Linda’s comment:  This is all part of the FIGHT protocol…however, I do take other things added to this like a good probiotic, etc., etc., etc.

Dr. Gordon’s Comments: You are not taking enough fiber to keep your intestinal flora happy unless you are on Beyond Fiber. With the epidemic of food sensitivities today just consuming a great probiotic is not enough, as you must feed the new flora. I hope you will learn more about stabilized rice bran with artichoke and EDTA, as found in Beyond Fiber!

This has the ideal ratio of soluble to insoluble fiber, and since everyone on treat is detoxing heavy metals everyday of their life while on my FIGHT program please learn to stop enterohepatic reuptake of toxins!  You must have active detoxing fiber content in the intestine 24/7. I do that with my Power Drink and Zeolite. My Power Drink includes MACA, which is an ideal GLUCOSINOLATE, doing much more than broccoli does, as this also stabilizes hormone levels in men and women. It also includes Organic Greens, Beyond Fiber and BioEn’R-G’y C along with daily zeolite, ACZ to start then ZeoGold.

I hope you warn patients who are not responding to your programs that the devil is in the details. Without the above they risk just moving the heavy metals from the right eye to the left eye! 

There is no substitute for more fiber but this is not cellulose or psyllium, this is based on the most nutrient dense food you can find, Stabilized Rice Bran. This is providing Beta Sitosterol and nutrients like gamma oryzanol, octocosinol etc, as well as high levels of inositol and other B vitamins, as nutrients while acting to help toxins keep moving out of the body. My patients understand all this because they see the acne and bad skin clear up within weeks so they stay on the Power Drink and will not go without the added fiber.

Let’s remember TOXINS NEED TO BE ESCORTED all the way OUT OF THE BODY,  not just to the liver and then dumped into the intestine! With all the toxins I know I breath and consume daily I will not go more than 12 hours without a slightly heaping tsp of all the above in 12 ounces of fluid to keep me protected from a toxic world.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute



Cardiovascular disease or heart disease is a class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels (arteries and veins). There are several risk factors for cardiovascular disease that are essentially immutable. These are older age, male gender, and a family history of CVD. Additionally, three major risk factors identified include cigarette smoking, dyslipidemia (high cholesterol), and hypertension. Other identified factors associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease include physical inactivity, sleep problems, diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, excessive intake of alcohol, thrombotic and fibrinolytic factors, elevated homocysteine levels, certain infections and inflammation, exogenously administered estrogens and androgens, certain psychosocial factors, increased fasting glucose. and frequency of migraines. The synergism of the presence of multiple risk factors must also be considered.

Dietary fiber is a general term that refers to a wide variety of compounds from plants that are resistant to the digestive enzymes produced by humans. Because dietary fiber is resistant to digestive enzymes, it is not broken down or absorbed, which means it does not provide calories or energy to the body. In general, high fiber diets are associated with significantly reduced risks of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and all cause mortality. It is generally recommended that Americans should strive to achieve a total dietary fiber intake of 25 to 30 grams/day, which should preferentially come from foods, not supplements. However, dietary surveys indicate that dietary fiber intake among adults in the United States averages about 15 grams/day, or approximately half the recommended amount.

Dr. Gordon on his protocol for skin problems

From Garry Gordon, MD:

This PROTOCOL will dramatically improve almost any skin condition for any patient. Always think systemically; always deal with foods that are sensitizing the patient and toxins and infections that are not necessarily just skin infections.

Please get an atomizer from Longevity Plus and fill it 50/50 with Quinton Marine Plasma Hypertonic and ACS 200 and spray often. Alternate that with sprays from ACZ Nano, which if not responding we can make stronger by putting one ZeoGold cap in 2 ounces of good water, let it hydrate and draw off the top 10 cc or two tsp. Use that to “spike” the ACZ Nano after 10 cc have been used or put in water and drank but that way we have POWERFUL HEALING from the stronger Zeolite form in ZeoGold that I find even helps cancer lesions on the skin. 

When using Quinton always take at least 3-4 of the Isotonic orally to maximize effect but spraying it is amazing particularly with the help of the other suggestions. Get two atomizers to use up the 10 cc or simply drink the residual contents.

Longevity Plus also has the strongest topical Aloe Vera used in nursing homes by Carrasyn. Use that lightly on the skin, as it will dry and form a thin film helping the other spray applications become longer acting.

Always top off the program with MY INFECTION PROGRAM. Orally use 5 days of high dose Vit A, 300-500,000 units each day, and always use high dose Vit D, 5000 a day, and Immuni-T2, three bid, and use the ACS 200 orally, 1 ounce to start then 25 sprays tid, which is 1/2 ounce daily, for days or weeks depending on condition. 

But EVERYONE has to learn my FIGHT program and the oral program here will help skin recover by lowering total body burden of pathogens but all skin is an accessory detox organ so soak in tub with Beyond Clean (EDTA) and follow instructions on the jar to alternate with Epsom then vinegar, etc.

Always use my Power Drink (MACA, Beyond Fiber, BIOEN’R-G’Y C and Organic Green) with Beyond Chelation-Improved and ZeoGold, as I can show you that even lifetime disfiguring psoriasis or other impossible eczema etc will always respond to my FIGHT program. Always increase Omega 3 to 4 caps daily for a month in addition to the one cap in each BC-I packet but the primrose in those is essential too. The diet is tough, stop sensitizing foods; listen to my webinars on FOOD and FIGHT and SILVER to learn more. 

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute