All Posts Tagged With: "obesity"

Aspartame dangers

Linda’s comment:  Were you aware that formaldehyde converted from the free methyl alcohol embalms living tissue and damages DNA??  Most people don’t realize how dangerous that Aspartame can be.  There has been a rise in brain cancers, which we know according to Dr Russell Blaylock, MD, a renowned neuro surgeon.  Yet the food industry continue to poison people.  However, all the blame can’t be put on the food industry. WE the people need to take the responsibility for buying this deadly neuro poison.  If people would stop purchasing the products that contain Aspartame then the industry would change, after all they are in it to make money and don’t give a damn about our health.

I’m as aspartame survivor and trust me people it was UGLY…Listen up and start doing research.  Yes we can thank Rumsfeld  for making sure this deadly toxin came to market.  Right after he slammed it through the FDA, he went to work for Searle….<shaking head>….AND WE T HE PEOPLE let it happen.  STOP PURCHASING PRODUCTS WITH THIS DEADLY POISON IN IT…This will get the industry attention.  Get into their pocketbook and they will make changes.
The good news is the FIGHT protocol will help you to detox this deadly poison and restore your body back to healthy.  I have had tremendous success with the FIGHT protocol and continue to have great results.  Don’t delay, start today and you too can enjoy good health again.
What comes to mind is the scripture in Jeremiah that the wicked will
sleep a perpetual sleep and never awaken.  Aspartame Disease is now a
heinous global plague causing sickness and death throughout the
world.  The history and toxicity of aspartame has reached critical
mass as consumers avoid it like the plague it is.  For this reason,
and to erase history, Ajinomoto has changed the name to AminoSweet.
This itself is deceiving since it’s the deadly free methyl alcohol
that sweetens, not the amino acids. Be warned!

TEN food ingredients to avoid to feel better and look better


TEN  food ingredients to avoid to feel better and look better

Reported by: Jennifer Harrington
Email: <>
Last Update: 7/10 12:41 pm

<>Paula Owens the author
of <>“The
Power of 4” says avoiding these 10 things will
change your body dramatically. Owens has a
master’s degree in holistic nutrition and a bachelors degree in kinesiology.

1. HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP: HFCS is the number one source of calories for most Americans and causes obesity.

You’ll find high-fructose corn syrup (GMO) in processed food, fast food, sodas, syrup that goes into your Latte, etc.

HFCS is extremely toxic to your liver, increases inflammation, causes obesity, oxidative stress and creates an aggressive insulin response.

Partially hydrogenated oils are found in thousands of processed foods (breakfast cereals, cookies, chips).

Trans fats are proven to cause heart disease and contribute to obesity.

Restaurant food, especially from fast food chains, often serve food loaded with trans fats.

Consequences of a diet high in trans fats include:
* increased inflammation
* decreased immune function
* decreased testosterone
* Arthritis
* Cancer
* Decrease IQ – learning disabilities.
American IQ has dropped 20 points in the past 20 years.
* Diabetes
* Elevated blood pressure
* Free radical production
* Heart Disease
* Interferes with neurological & visual development of fetus
* Liver damage
* Obesity
* Osteoporosis
* Type II diabetes
3. MSG: Monosodium glutamate is a chemical that has been associated with reproductive disorders, migraine headaches, permanent damage to the endocrine system leading to obesity and other serious disorders.

MSG is used in many foods as a taste enhancer. It is linked to reduced fertility.

4. SODIUM NITRATE: This is a preservative, coloring, and flavoring commonly added to bacon, ham, hot dogs, luncheon meats, smoked fish and corned beef.

Studies have linked eating it to various types of cancer. Continued

We Are All ‘Living In A Sea Of Toxins’

Mark Hyman MD has done an excellent job at the 13th Annual Functional Medicine Conference of organizing thoughts about the EFFECTS of environmental and exogenous chemicals on our health, and why blood testing underestimates the extent of the problem.

I draw your attention to a few paragraphs from his extensive presentation, which discusses some of the impact of chemicals and toxins on our health. Click the link to view the entire 13th annual conference proceedings ‘Managing Biotransformation: The Metabolic, Genomic, and Detoxification Balance Points’.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute


The Proceedings From the 13th International Symposium of The Institute for Functional Medicine

(Excerpt from presentation article by Mark Hyman, MD entitled ‘Systems Biology, Toxins, Obesity, and Functional Medicine’)


Why should we worry about toxins unless we work with toxic chemicals or spray pesticides for a living? Isn’t exposure minimal? Unfortunately, risks of exposure are substantial, pose significant public health risks, and can no longer be ignored. Continued