All Posts Tagged With: "heart disease"

Are you sick and tired? My FIGHT4YOURHEALTH program can change your life!

Are you sick and tired?  My FIGHT4YOURHEALTH program can change your life even if you think LYME is your only problem. Learn more and become vibrantly healthy again.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

Full article:


Most people battling chronic Lyme disease think of the illness as an infection caused by a bacterium known commonly as Borrelia Burgdorferi, generally transmitted via the bite of an infected tick.  What many don’t recognize, however, is that recovery from chronic Lyme disease requires a recognition that the disease is truly a much more complex illness.  Recovery often challenges one to consider more than just infection as the single causative agent involved in the disease process.  It is through looking beyond the infectious component of Lyme disease and understanding the equally important aspects of damaging heavy metals and other toxic insults that a more full and lasting recovery may be realized.

Garry F. Gordon MD, DO, MD (H) co-founded the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) and serves as the President of Gordon Research Institute.  Dr. Gordon graciously spent a couple of hours with me sharing his views on chronic Lyme disease and those factors that are important in recovering from chronic illness. 

Dr. Gordon acknowledges Lyme disease as a serious infection which can lead to a wide-variety of health challenges.  He does not, however, hyperfocus on the specific tick-borne pathogens which cause the disease.  He instead believes that a multitude of infections are prevalent in anyone with chronic ill health.  In addition to these numerous infections, our state of health is closely tied to our total body burden of endogenous and exogenous toxins.  When looking at why illness is present, it is important to look at a number of factors including genetics, chronic infections, and total body burden of heavy metals and other toxins.

Peering into one’s genetic makeup can be quite helpful when establishing the proper course of action and considering what factors may have contributed to one’s state of health.  The more precisely a practitioner can understand the genetic contributors, the more accurately a treatment protocol can be outlined to fit a person’s unique needs.  As an example, a specific gene mutation can suggest an inability of the body to remove toxic heavy metals.  Thus, even tests performed to determine whether or not one is heavy metal toxic can be incorrect if the metals are not being released due to this specific genetic profile.  Where many doctors may miss a heavy metal toxicity issue in these patients, a practitioner incorporating a genetic review into their diagnostic workup is much better equipped to evaluate the potential impact of toxic metals on the overall state of health.

Exposure to electromagnetic fields from cell phones

Linda’s comments:..This is a very important subject for all folks, especially those with chronic illness.  It is very hard to get well when you are being blasted by EMF/EMR.  One of the things I have noticed is the more I detox the more sensitive I am to EMF/EMR.  I’m GRATEFUL for this, as it is a sure sign that I am being blasted more than what I ever imagined.
I am being treated by a new technology called Energy Enhancement System and you can read more at ……These treatments are helping me to eliminate the EMF/EMR’s from my body.  The exciting thing about these treatments is I take my lifelong daily detox protocol FIGHT before I enter the room for a 2 hour session….the system ENHANCES the protects I am taking for the FIGHT program.
There are many who are buying these systems for their homes….I wish I could afford a system.
Please read all the information below regarding EMF/EMR and learn.  When a chronically ill person is getting too much EMF/EMR they can will not reach the wellness level they want to reach.
A report that cited more than 2,000 studies found that chronic exposure to even low-level radiation (like that from cell phones) can cause a variety of cancers, impair immunity, and contribute to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, heart disease, and many other ailments. One likely way: EMFs open the blood-brain barrier, causing blood vessels to leak fluid into the brain and damage neurons.

What’s more, a less–well known kind of EMF, known as “dirty” or transient electricity #, may play an even more damaging role. Transients are largely by-products of modern energy-efficient electronics and appliances—from computers, refrigerators, and plasma TVs to compact fluorescent light bulbs and dimmer switches—which tamp down the electricity they use. This manipulation of current creates a wildly fluctuating and potentially dangerous electromagnetic field that essentially charges up the electrons in every cell of your body. Some research suggests that by overlapping the body’s signaling mechanisms, transients may interfere with the secretion of insulin, drown out the call and response of the immune system, and cause other physical havoc.

Study Shows Soluble Fiber Boosts Immune System

Linda’s comments:  Finally a university does a study and admits they find that Fiber boosts our immune systems.  AND yes, a good Fiber can reduce inflammation associated with obesity related diseases.  The BEYOND FIBER I take has more than just fiber….please go here and read about the fiber I take twice daily… <BEYOND FIBER>  This Beyond Fiber is part of the FIGHT protocol that I have been on for over 1 1/2 years.   I had tried over 15 different fibers before Beyond FIber.  I will never go back.  Healing our cells helps us to recover faster from different infections. 

Join the FIGHT team and get healthy!!  Go to and find the Webinar’s on the F.I.G.H.T. protocol.  I do believe you will be pleasantly surprised what you learn there.  By reducing our total body burden of pathogens and toxins leads us to a healthier life and a happier YOU.
A new University of Illinois study touts the benefits of soluble fiber – found in oats, apples, and nuts, for starters – saying that it reduces the inflammation associated with obesity-related diseases and strengthens the immune system. Continued

BPA May Be Linked to Heart Disease Risk

Linda’s comments:  May be linked to heart disease??  Yikessssssssssssss….wake up folks, BPA is a deadly chemical that we are ingesting and having shoved at us for the sake of money.  This is why I preach to drink from glass bottles and not from cans or plastic bottles.  When they say “no significant association between BPA and diabetes or liver enzymes”, by whose standards???

Do I trust what they say when they say “May Be linked” very simple NO, I do not trust them…

Bottom-line BPA is NOT safe and we need to start standing up and say NO…when we stop purchasing products with BPA in them, then and only then will the industry listen…


Linda Continued



(OMNS, December 8, 2009) Vitamin C is commonly taken in large quantities to improve health and prevent asthma, allergies, viral infection, and heart disease [1,2]. It is non-toxic and non-immunogenic, and does not irritate the stomach as drugs like aspirin can. Yet vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is acidic. So, a common question is, what are the effects from taking large quantities?

Ascorbic acid is a weak acid (pKa= 4.2) [3], only slightly stronger than vinegar. When dissolved in water, vitamin C is sour but less so than citric acid found in lemons and limes. Can large quantities of a weak acid such as ascorbate cause problems in the body? The answer is, sometimes, in some situations. However, with some simple precautions they can be avoided.

Acid in the Mouth
First of all, any acid can etch the surfaces of your teeth. This is the reason the dentist cleans your teeth and warns about plaque, for acid generated by bacteria in the mouth can etch your teeth to cause cavities. Cola soft drinks contain phosphoric acid, actually used by dentists to etch teeth before tooth sealants are applied. Like soft drinks, ascorbic acid will not cause etching of teeth if only briefly present. Often, vitamin C tablets are coated with a tableting ingredient such as magnesium stearate which prevents the ascorbate from dissolving immediately. Swallowing a vitamin C tablet without chewing it prevents its acid from harming tooth enamel.

Full article:

Learning about Lyme disease the hard way

Linda’s comment:  Excuse me but this is very common AND TRAGIC!!  I don’t know what it is going to take to get treatments for those suffering from Lyme.  I personally treated both Lyme infections with alternatives, BUT then again I live in a state that has many licensing boards so doctors don’t have to FEAR the authorities.  The AMA can’t touch the method of treatment that alternative doctor prescribe.  The tragic part of this is insurance companies will NOT pay for alternatives…unless of course, you live in Alaska and there many of the insurance companies are paying for alternative treatments and modalities….

What happened to this man IS common and very TRAGIC!!!  I talk to dozens of patients on a daily basis searching for something that will help them get well.  I guide them to the FIGHT program for a beginning, THEN after reducing the total body burden of pathogens and toxins we can guide and direct folks to the right antimicrobials….Just breaks my heart that so many are suffering needlessly….
Linda or Angel

A month ago, Bart Fenolio was told he had Lou Gehrig’s disease and had two months to live. Doctors advised his wife, Heidi, to take him home and call a hospice. Continued

Why treat nutritional deficiency with drugs?

Linda’s comments:  Poor nutrition will and does cause many illness in adults and children.  Eating GMO foods, fast foods, junk foods, drinking any kind of soda regular and/or diet you are asking for troble.  For those young women out there who are thinking about having children, you need to think first about cleaning up your body before getting pregnant. An unborn baby is a toxic dump for the mother.  All the toxins and bad things she eats go right to the baby.  If the mother has amalgam fillings all that mercury goes straight to the unborn child. 

While diet/nutrition is one of the hardest things in the world it is one of the most important things for good health.  Today, we have to worry about all the GMO foods.  We have to be concerned about pesticides, herbicides, how it is prepared, packaged and stored before it gets to your mouth.

Using drugs to fix the problems that a poor diet has caused is only adding more problems to the mix.  Why add more toxins to our bodies.  Try cleaning up your lifestyle, and adding vitamins, herbals and supplements to your everyday living. 

Focus on cleaning out the toxins you have packed in and stored by getting on a lifelong daily detox, them supplementing the nutrients using a good quality supplement product.  Using drugs will only compound your problems.


Linda or Angel


(OMNS, November 13, 2008) A recent study suggested that statins might be used to avoid the effects of nutritional deficiency. Writing in the New England Journal of Medicine, the Jupiter group described a study of statin drugs in people with high C-reactive protein and low cholesterol. (1) High C-reactive protein levels are associated with inflammation and heart disease/stroke. The authors concluded that, in apparently healthy persons with elevated C-reactive protein levels, rosuvastatin (Crestor) significantly reduced the incidence of major cardiovascular events. Continued

Concern Over Canned Foods

Linda’s comment.  All the more reason why you don’t eat GMO and moving into the world of organics is the safest way to save your health.   We must begin to make the move to cook only FRESH foods.  Soups are best is home-made and we all know that.  As consumers, WE CAN control the industry.  If consumers just STOP BUYING, then the industry will change.  It happened with baby bottles, so why can’t it happen with canned foods??  JUST SAY NO to canned foods. Continued

Heart Disease A ‘Silent Killer’ In Patients With Severe Mental Illness

A large new study confirms that people with severe mental disorders – such as schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders – are 25 percent to 40 percent more prone to die from heart disease than people without mental illness are.

Moreover, smoking and physical inactivity – behaviors that individuals potentially can change – significantly contribute to this increased risk of death, found researchers led by Amy Kilbourne, Ph.D. Continued

CHRONIC Low Level Lead Toxicity and our Health

Linda’s Comment:  Dr Garry Gordon has had a great deal of anxiety over the amounts of heavy metal toxins that we are being exposed to on a daily basis….Dr Gordon developed the FIGHT program to help reduce our load of heavy metals and become more healthy.  Don’t wait until you are a dead person walking.  Do your research and find your own answers.

I personally have been on the FIGHT program for over a year and very happy I did.  For those of us with chronic illness like Lyme disease, we must do everything we can from diet, exercise and finding the protocol that will help us to reduce our load of pathogens and toxins.

Come join the discussion and learn how you too can reduce your total body burden of pathogens and toxins.


CHRONIC Low Level Lead Toxicity and our Health

It seems from this new report that my concerns about chronic lead toxicity are destined to become the concerns of mainstream medicine. All I have to do is live to over 100 and my approach to health problems might become mainstream so perhaps I need to keep working hard to stay ahead of mainstream medicine. Continued