All Posts Tagged With: "aspartame"

3 die of GliOBLASTOMA – Aspartame brain tumors.

Linda’s comment:  This is so heart breaking…what is even more sad is people will not listen.  We have worked for years trying to educate people on the dangers of ingesting Aspartame and the other chemical sweeteners, but the addiction that people have to these is worse.  YES, you get addicted to Aspartame….I know as I was once addicted to this toxic poison….the withdrawals were horrific,,,,I lost part of my lung because of Aspartame….
I even have a doctor friend and I can and I can not get her off this addictive poison….she has all kinds of aches and pains, but will not believe it is caused by her addiction…she would literally fight you for a can of diet coke….so shameful and deadly…
I hope my readers listenUP and learn from this….it isn’t worth the suffering and/or death.

IDear Tom,

I’m so sorry.  Aspartame breaks down to diketopiperazine, a brain tumor agent, and triggered brain tumors in original studies.  I remember when a mother lost her two  teenage daughters of glioblastomas, they were addicted to Diet Coke.  A physician at John Hopkins was having a meeting with the family and I was asked to send information.  The physician came in drinking a Diet Coke.  Kelli Motlock with a head full of glioblastomas cried I want to live, I want to live but if I die let the world know Monsanto murdered me. She lost her life.  Even my hairdresser who used aspartame had a brain tumor and when I brought information she said, “So many people have brain tumors we wondered where they were coming from.”  In Florida there is a whole area of people with brain tumors and the water was checked.   Dr. H. J. Roberts who wrote about the increase in brain tumors, especially lymphoma, said they didn’t check what the people were consuming and tried to get information out to consider aspartame.  His paper is on – doctors speak out.  What state are you in?  There are attorneys interested in class action of brain tumors but only in New York and New Jersey. 

It use to be almost 20 years ago when I got started warning the world off aspartame that people were always calling about somebody dying from it, and death is on the FDA list of 92 symptoms on web.    Today they call about several people dying on aspartame.  Incidentally, aspartame causes an irregular heart rhythm, and interacts with all cardiac medication, damages the cardiac conduction system and causes sudden death.  Click on the button  at the top of the page on on aspartame and sudden death and you’ll see all the reports by the experts.  

Here is the Bressler Report and discusses how the FDA caught Searle excising brain tumors from the rats.  They would put them back in the study and when they died they would resurrect them on paper.  

I met a pathologist who worked for EPA on  the aspartame  issue, and he told me in the early 1990’s that he told his superiors that aspartame was killing so many people he couldn’t understand how it could be on the market.  He was told that FDA would have to remove it eventually.    He reminded me it was almost two decades ago and that nothing has been done.  I flew to Barcelona to speak to Dr. Maria Alemany who did the Trocho Study showing aspartame embalms living tissue and damages DNA and the first thing he said was that aspartame would kill 200 million.  It probably already has.  Dr Morando Soffritti of the Ramazzini Institute has done three independent peer reviewed studies showing aspartame is a multipotential carcinogen causing everything from lymphoma and leukemia to mammary and kidney cancer. His last recent study showed aspartame causes lung and liver disease.  The FDA and CDC have always known aspartame causes cancer.  The FDA’s own toxicologist, Dr. Adrian Gross testified against them to Congress  in 1985 stating aspartame violated the Delaney Amendment because it caused brain tumors and brain cancer, and therefore FDA should never have been allowed to set an allowable daily intake.  His last words were:  “If the FDA violates its own laws who is left to protect the public?”  That’s why we’re here, to educate the public  and warn them to save their life because the FDA is simply Big Pharma’s Washington Branch Office and has betrayed the public trust.  They are very good at violating the law.  That was Dr. Adrian Gross who made the statement and Dr. Jacqueline Verrett, another FDA toxicologist also testified against the FDA in 1987 to Congress  and said even then aspartame had never been proven safe.  It had been on the market for years.   World experts have alerted the public but a global volunteer force was needed to get their material throughout the planet. 

I just sent you the Aspartame Resource Guide in another email and the doctor’s medical texts have information on aspartame and brain tumors.  Also, in the movie mentioned, Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World,  there are two victims of aspartame brain tumors.   It’s very common.  They ought to feed the FDA nasty aspartame since they have full knowledge of how deadly it is and yet tell the public its safe.  Maybe then they would tell the truth and take it off the market.  After all, it was FDA themselves who tried to have the manufacturer indicted for fraud, and their Board of Inquiry who revoked the petition for approval.  Unfortunately, it was then marketed through the political chicanery of Don Rumsfeld, the history on the Aspartame Resource Guide and in the movie as told by James Turner, Attorney.  Be sure to get your copy as it explains everything, and in that movie I hold up the CDC investigation and tell what they did.  

The Center for Disease Control knows all about aspartame and the brain tumors and did a damning investigation.  You will find it on .  Yet, they allowed someone to add a summary that contradicted the investigation.  So on the above web site you have it all but on the CDC site they just have the summary that contradicted the investigation.  They are shameful.  So many coverups.   I did send them a note about it and their only excuse was that the doctor who wrote the phony summary was now retired.  Reminds me that a top journalist one day wondered why we had the investigation showing how damning aspartame is, while the CDC web site made out like their investigation only showed mild findings.  I sent him their entire investigation and he said:  “People put faith in the CDC and they lie to the public.  This is despicable.  People die from misinformation.”  All I could say was “Tell me about it!!”  They are dying everywhere as you realize. 

I remember back in 1999 a post I wrote about lecturing for the World Environmental Conference made world news while the industry tried to say it was all a hoax.  Today everything I lectured on is in Dr. Roberts medical text, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic.  So many people had the problems I mentioned, MS, lupus and other horrors that they were calling the CDC.  Someone wrote me and said there was mass hysteria.  I told the CDC and still have the letter that it was their fault for not telling the public the truth, and letting Mission Possible Intl do their work.  They should be alerting the public instead of covering up the issue.  Besides,  mass hysteria is a whole lot better than death.  Thousands because of the post got off aspartame and saved their life.  Many walked out of wheelchairs diagnosed with MS because of it.  Cori Brackett who produced Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World, was one who was diagnosed with MS and was in a wheelchair, hardly able to walk or talk.  She’s fine now and had the courage to make the documentary that gave the world the facts. 

First, I would like to know what state you’re in, and how else can I help you?

 All my best,
Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
770 242-2599,,
Apartame Toxicity Center, 

 At 12:45 AM 12/13/2010, Tom S wrote:

I lost 3 younger brothers within 10 years to glioblastoma. All were heavy diet drink consumers. The CDC blew me off and said to contact mental health.
Tom S

Aspartame Dangers — Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.

Dear Jan and Laurel,

First regarding comments about Dr. John Olney, here is the Report For 
These are articles by the experts and toward the end you will see Dr. 
Olney’s original study which showed that aspartic acid, 40% of the 
aspartame molecule, caused holes in the brains of mice.  This is why 
Dr. Olney tried to prevent approval. Continued

Aspartame in All Soda?

Dear Harry,

I haven’t heard this although Dr. James Bowen once told me every once 
in awhile they add it in some markets to see if people an tell.  Dr. 
Bowen has ALS from aspartame and like most aspartame victims is 
chemically hypersensitive for life.  An aspartame victim can always 
tell when aspartame is in a product, labeled or not.

The problem is the manufacturers know aspartame is addictive.  Like 
in the case of Mars I called them and asked if aspartame were in 
their products and they told me “yes, in Mars Bars”.  I said, “But 
its not labeled,” and they said, its under natural flavors.  I tried 
one and sure enough immediately got a headache. Continued

Truvia Reactions


Dear Sherrel,

Thank you for your note.  As I told you by phone we have been getting 
quite a few reactions from Truvia.  Pure stevia is fine but Truvia is 
made by Coke, and has chemicals.  It is sweetened with Erythritol and 
has added an ingredient of stevia only.  In fact, I did an expose on 
it which was shown in France.   You can be sure if Coke and Pepsi 
have anything to do with sweeteners we have no way of assuring 
safety.  Here is an email I wrote about 
it: and an 
investigation by Arthur Evangelista who use to work for the FDA.

Also, what worries me is aspartame and MSG are hidden in artificial 
and natural flavors.  As a heart patient you have  to be absolutely 
sure you never get aspartame.  It even damages the cardiac conduction 
system and causes sudden death: and  They know that aspartame 
is addictive and sells lots of pop.  So unless somebody analyzes 
Truvia we have no idea what is causing people to have all these 
reactions from it.  The reactions you describe are exactly like 
aspartame which causes chemical hypersensitization.  One man got off 
it and got well, and then later was given a cookie sweetened with 
aspartame and had tachycardia, fast heart rate, so bad they had to 
stop his heart to save his life.

I would stay away from artificial sweeteners.  Just Like Sugar is 
okay because its food and not additives, just chicory used 70 years 
to improve the health of diabetics.  There have been no reactions to 
it or complaints.  Stevia that you get from a health food store is 
fine as long as it does not  contain additives.  In Brazil they even 
add aspartame to it.  Until aspartame is removed from planet earth we 
can’t be sure where its hidden.  Somebody needs to analyze Truvia 
because there are far too many complaints.  I’m glad you have not 
knowingly used aspartame.  Below my signature is the Aspartame 
Resource Guide with detox and other information.  The knowledge will 
prove useful to you.  The detox is very helpful.

Aspartame Poisoning

Dear Cara,
I’m so sorry about your child.  Aspartame does trigger birth defects 
and especially autism.  In fact, aspartame is not an additive at all 
but a deadly addictive excitoneurotoxic, carcinogenic, genetically 
engineered drug and adjuvant.  An adjuvant is an immune 
stimulator.  The squalene in the Anthrax vaccine that caused so many 
of the troops to have ALS is an adjuvant.  ALS is also caused by 
aspartame:  So its a 
double whammy so to speak.  Adjuvants all cause the same thing, MS, 
lupus, ALS, autism, etc.  Now to make it even worse aspartame damages 
the mitochondria which is the powerhouse of the cell and interacts 
with drugs and vaccines.  Splenda is a chlorocarbon 

Dr. Jim Harrison just did a graph showing autism skyrocketing when 
aspartame was approved.  In fact, I used your case  without your 
name.   Here is a new study 
which showed aspartame jumps premature birth up to 
78%:  Of 
course, the front groups are fighting the evidence:

You actually figured it out for yourself, but now you need help with 
your baby.  I do know somebody who can help you.  Contact Dr. Spice 
Crosby:  In my opinion if there is one person 
in this country who can help you, it would be Spice.  She worked with 
one case where the autism was even cured.

Here is the Aspartame Warning Flyer you can send to others to warm 
them not to make the same mistake and remember that Ajinomoto has 
just changed the name to AminoSweet so be 

Below my signature you will find the Aspartame Resource Guide which 
has detox, the aspawrtame documentary, medical texts and a safe 
sweetener, Just Like Sugar.

All my best,

Helpful Links:,,
Aspartame Toxicity Center,
Aspartame Information List,  scroll down to banners

  Aspartame Resource Guide Continued

ublic Relations Campaign Deception: Aspartame & Formaldehyde

Full article:


I have recently been sent some information about aspartame and formaldehyde that looks like it might be part of one last public relations campaign to claim the chemical is ‘safe’. The formaldehyde exposure number cited in the text is off by a factor of over 400,000 and would not be taken seriously by knowledgeable scientists. The scientific literature cited has clearly not been read by the author. However, since a few consumers might inadvertently take the text seriously, I have chosen to point out some of the more obvious problems with the text.

> A simple MEDLINE search reveals that the levels of 
> formaldehyde they are talking about (30 micrograms after the 
> ingestion of 200 mg/kg/day of aspartame for 11 days) are 
> well within ‘safe’ levels, even though 200 mg/kg is equal to 
> about 60 Diet Cokes per day(!). 

The truth is that there is no MEDLINE summary showing an exposure to or an accumulation of 30 micrograms (ug) of formaldehyde in humans after ingestion of 200 mg/kg/day of aspartame. This figure appears to be either fabricated or caused by some serious math errors. The actual figure can be calculated quite easily and is approximately 61.3 milligrams (mg) for ingestion of one liter of diet soda.

The actual measured amount of aspartame in one liter of diet soda is approximately 600 mg. [Ref. 1]. If a 60 kg (132 lbs) woman ingested one liter of diet soda, she would be ingesting 10 mg/kg of aspartame:

    600 mg aspartame / 60 kg body weight = 10 mg/kg

Aspartame breaks down into 10.9% methanol by weight [Ref. 2]. So that the amount of methanol obtained from 600 mg of aspartame is:

    600 mg aspartame * 10.9% = 65.4 mg of methanol

Articifical sweeteners and their toxicity.

Dear Catherine,

I’m pasting in a good article on High Fructose Corn Syrup.  You say “can you explain HFCS with regards to aspartame?”  HFCS is not good for you but it won’t instantly kill you.  Actually aspartame can.  As you’ve heard me say its masquerading as an additive but its a chemical poison – literally an addictive,  excitoneurotoxic, carcinogenic, genetically engineered drug and adjuvant that damages the mitochondria and interacts with drugs and vaccines…


Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed

Linda’s comment:  People listenUP and listen to this u-tube over and over until you have it memorized.  This is the TRUTH.  Many of you have listened to me complain for years and years about the toxins we are ingesting into our bodies.  Plastic, Aspartame, Sodium Fluoride, GMO, food additives, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.  On your margarine you will find 49% plastic, but they tell you that organic raw butter is not good for you.  Even hospitals serve these things to people who are already sick with autoimmune diseases caused from BAD toxic foods. 

 I’m hoping that this U-tube will open your eyes ….save it and share it….it could save the lives of your children and grand-children, not just yourselves.  Hello Houston, WE HAVE A PROBLEM, yet most consumers are ignoring the education out there.  <sigh>

Choosing healthy foods now called a “mental disorder”


Linda’s comment:  “Now choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder???”…..WHO  IS NUTS HERE???  It appears as though MonSATAN is spending a lot of money opposing what those of us, who have a clue have figured out!!  We are TIRED of being poisoned…
It is very simple….find an organic farmer (check them out make sure they are truly organic), or begin your own garden, which can be done on your patio, and DO NOT BUY GMO FOODS…We are lucky here in Arizona that we have lots of organic foods that we can find at several dozen Farmer’s Market’s……It isn’t a mental disease to NOT want to eat the poisons??!!!
However, “nervous about eating correctly” is something that the entire world needs to think about.  Yes, making those right choices in food is NOT a disease but a SMART shopper.    How insulting that they are calling my good choices a “disease”….<looking in the mirror> Do they see STUPID stamped on my forehead? 
This kind of BS about mental disease is proving one thing to me, WE ARE WINNING the battle by demanding that the food industry STOP poisoning us…Again, I remind you that you can have a garden on your small patio’s….they now have hanging veggie plants, or you can use a big clay pot, and now many are buying organic hay bales to plant food in….all of these things fit nicely on your own patios, even if you live in apartments.
To those that are forced to eat the GMO foods, you need to consider getting on a lifelong daily detox program to help neutralize the GMO, pesticides, herbicides and toxins you are eating.  I try and find as many organic restaurants as I can find (and the Phoenix area is growing big time for organic restaurants), but when I can’t eat organically, I make sure I am taking my FIGHT protocol to help neutralize the garbage I am forced to eat……I have been on this program for over 1 1/2 years and I will stay on it.  It allows me to eat in public restaurants that are not organic. 
Bottom-line, DO NOT FALL FOR THIS IDEA OF A NEW DISEASE….it is just another way to get you to continue to eat the garbage they are forcing on us….just remember this, IF YOU DON’T BUY IT, THEN THIS WILL FORCE THE FOOD INDUSTRY TO MAKE CHANGES…..Don’t let them DUMB you down!!
Here’s to HEALTHY EATING….Linda
In its never-ending attempt to fabricate “mental disorders” out of every human activity, the psychiatric industry is now pushing the most ridiculous disease they’ve invented yet: Healthy eating disorder.

This is no joke: If you focus on eating healthy foods, you’re “mentally diseased” and probably need some sort of chemical treatment involving powerful psychotropic drugs. The Guardian newspaper reports, “Fixation with healthy eating can be sign of serious psychological disorder” and goes on to claim this “disease” is called orthorexia nervosa — which is basically just Latin for “nervous about correct eating.”

But they can’t just called it “nervous healthy eating disorder” because that doesn’t sound like they know what they’re talking about. So they translate it into Latin where it sounds smart (even though it isn’t). That’s where most disease names come from: Doctors just describe the symptoms they see with a name like osteoporosis (which means “bones with holes in them”).

Getting back to this fabricated “orthorexia” disease, the Guardian goes on to report, “Orthorexics commonly have rigid rules around eating. Refusing to touch sugar, salt, caffeine, alcohol, wheat, gluten, yeast, soya, corn and dairy foods is just the start of their diet restrictions. Any foods that have come into contact with pesticides, herbicides or contain artificial additives are also out.”

Wait a second. So attempting to avoid chemicals, dairy, soy and sugar now makes you a mental health patient? Yep. According to these experts. If you actually take special care to avoid pesticides, herbicides and genetically modified ingredients like soy and sugar, there’s something wrong with you.

But did you notice that eating junk food is assumed to be “normal?” If you eat processed junk foods laced with synthetic chemicals, that’s okay with them. The mental patients are the ones who choose organic, natural foods, apparently.

What is “normal” when it comes to foods?
I told you this was coming. Years ago, I warned NaturalNews readers that an attempt might soon be under way to outlaw broccoli because of its anti-cancer phytonutrients. This mental health assault on health-conscious consumers is part of that agenda. It’s an effort to marginalize healthy eaters by declaring them to be mentally unstable and therefore justify carting them off to mental institutions where they will be injected with psychiatric drugs and fed institutional food that’s all processed, dead and full of toxic chemicals.

The Guardian even goes to the ridiculous extreme of saying, “The obsession about which foods are “good” and which are “bad” means orthorexics can end up malnourished.”

Aspartame comments – Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum

Dear Xxxxxxx,

Were you on aspartame before you started using Splenda?  Before
Splenda we thought never could anyone ever create another poison like
aspartame that is so toxic it destroys the brain, the central nervous
system, the optic nerve and the immune system, and ravages every
organ in the body.  From taking the case histories for 19 years I
can’t imagine anything more poisonous.  Even with testing on
aspartame the FDA wanted them indicted for fraud because there was no
way to show safety and its a carcinogen.  But when Splenda came along
consumers were aghast they had made something else that poisons the
system.  To make matters worse, Dr. James Bowen says that
if  consumers go from aspartame to Splenda they will maintain the
reactions from aspartame and pick up those from Splenda.

Using Splenda is like drinking bleach and today reactions and severe
ones are showing up on Splenda.    You might want to read
this: and
In today’s society with companies poisoning our food supply you have
to become a label reader.  The FDA doesn’t care about the food supply
being safe.  So you must be responsible for what you put in your mouth.

One thing we know is that Splenda interacts.  The company admitted to
Marianne Lamar that  Splenda does cause headaches and seizures.  That
means you are using a deadly drug, its not inert.  This came directly
from the company itself although there are many reactions to Splenda
from rashes to cardiac problems.  As to joint pain, yes it has been
reported with Splenda.  Read this report:

Also, Citizens for Health and James Turner, DC attorney filed a
petition to ban Splenda and they haven’t received an answer although
there is a time limit on the FDA answering citizens petitions which
is 180 days.  They haven’t answered my petition for ban of aspartame
in almost 7 years.  So you know the FDA is serving above the law and
giving their loyalty to Big Pharma and the chemical industry.  This
is something Congress needs to deal with.  In fact, I’ve petitioned
the FDA to ban aspartame based on an imminent health hazard and they
only have a week or ten days to answer that.  That was over two years
ago.   So you have an FDA way out of control who is ignoring
consumers  and scientists.  Dr. Stoller also petitioned the FDA to
ban aspartame and its not been answered.  In fact, twelve
toxicologists have written the FDA to ban aspartame, and I doubt that
they have heard either.

The email for Citizens for Health is and I’m
sending a copy of this to James Turner.  On the Aspartame Resource
Guide I sent you the physicians have detoxification help.  Then you
could have prolotherapy which cures chronic pain.

Here are some symptoms reported on Splenda:

Sucralose aka Splenda Can Cause Pain & Tension

Sucralose Can Cause These Symptoms

Abdominal pain, achiness, back pain, chest tightness, dizziness, eye
pain, fibromyalgia, headache, joint pain, leg cramps, loss of
equilibrium, migraine, numbness & tingling of hands & feet, shooting
pains in extremities, swallowing pain, tingling, unsteady gait, weakness, more.

You can subscribe to the Aspartame Information List on   (scroll down to banners) as we also take Splenda
reactions and its discussed.

Just Like Sugar ( is safe and can be gotten
in most Whole Foods.

I would definitely fill out the MedWatch form on the FDA to have your
complaints on record. Do send me a copy. Remember that Sucralose has
already been found in drinking
Read about detoxification using distilled water.

All my best,

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
770 242-2599,,
Aspartame Toxicity Center,