All Posts Tagged With: "arthritis"

Learning about Lyme disease the hard way

Linda’s comment:  Excuse me but this is very common AND TRAGIC!!  I don’t know what it is going to take to get treatments for those suffering from Lyme.  I personally treated both Lyme infections with alternatives, BUT then again I live in a state that has many licensing boards so doctors don’t have to FEAR the authorities.  The AMA can’t touch the method of treatment that alternative doctor prescribe.  The tragic part of this is insurance companies will NOT pay for alternatives…unless of course, you live in Alaska and there many of the insurance companies are paying for alternative treatments and modalities….

What happened to this man IS common and very TRAGIC!!!  I talk to dozens of patients on a daily basis searching for something that will help them get well.  I guide them to the FIGHT program for a beginning, THEN after reducing the total body burden of pathogens and toxins we can guide and direct folks to the right antimicrobials….Just breaks my heart that so many are suffering needlessly….
Linda or Angel

A month ago, Bart Fenolio was told he had Lou Gehrig’s disease and had two months to live. Doctors advised his wife, Heidi, to take him home and call a hospice. Continued

Mercury, new shocking findings

Linda’s comment:  This is a GREAT list compiled by Dr Michael…They are finding moe and more things with Mercury.  Everyone puts focus on vaccines, however Mercury is everywhere, including our foods…..Corn syrup, fish, the list goes on and on…..check out this web site >>>>> <<<<list of 55 brand names containing Mercury!!   Any foods that contain high fructose corn syrup   has mercury in it.  HFCS is found in so many things, including some yogurts, salad dressings, cereals, sodas, and countless sweets favored by children.  Here is another good web site on the dangers of Mercury>>>>….. Here are some human exposures that are important…..… 
How many of you buy your children those cute shoes with flashing lights?  Or those cute clothes with flashing lights.  Every time those lights flash your child is getting a shot of mercury!!  I ask myself,  WHAT IS THE INDUSTRY THINKING WHEN THEY LOAD OUR CHILDREN’S CLOTHES WITH MERCURY????  Is money that important?? We the consumer need to stand up and SAY NO MORE!!
When you read information like I have supplied you above and below, it should scare you enough to focus on detoxing these toxins from your body.  Everyday you walk out your front door you are getting slammed with 500 to 600 environmental toxins.  A lifelong daily detox is vital to your health and well being.
I have been on the FIGHT program for 1 1/2 years now and I thank God daily that I have had this experience.  Those of us with chronic illness need to detox daily or we will never get well.
Linda or Angel Continued

Birds Play an Important Role in the Spread of Lyme Disease -Yale Study Finds

*********They had to spend thousands perhaps, even more to find that Birds are playing an important role in the spread of Lyme Disease??  What???   Are you telling me that birds stop at each border and request the right to fly over your state??  What a big waste of money….why doesn’t Yale and the Infectious Disease docs and other specialists at Yale, who say there is NO chronic Lyme, spend money finding a cure for Lyme disease instead of finding out what we patient’s already know.  Give me a break!!

*********It is time that patient’s start standing up and pushing back….sitting back and doing nothing is getting us no where.

*********We need to stop “fearing” city hall, when we can be city hall in these Lyme wars.

*********Just remember folks, Lyme isn’t just carried by ticks….look to birds, rodents, mice, we need to understand that it is up to us Lymie’s to take a stand.



Article Excerpt:

New Haven, Conn. – The range of Lyme disease is spreading in North America and it appears that birds play a significant role by transporting the Lyme disease bacterium over long distances, a new study by the Yale School of Public Health has found. The study appears online in the journal Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.

Researchers analyzed published records and concluded that at least 70 species of North American birds are susceptible to infection by black-legged ticks (Ixodes scapularis), the principal vector of the Lyme disease bacterium (Borrelia burgdorferi). The evidence also suggests that these bird species are dispersing infected ticks into areas that had previously been free of the disease, such as Canada.

Lyme disease bacterium is usually associated with small mammals such as mice and squirrels. Immature ticks (in the larval and nymphal stages) become infected with the bacterium when they feed on these mammals. During subsequent blood meals, an infected tick transmits the infection to other hosts, including humans. White-tailed deer-while playing an important role in maintaining and spreading tick populations-are a biological dead end for the bacterium because its blood is immune to infection.

Birds, however, are not immune and numerous species get infected and are capable of transmitting the pathogen onto ticks, the researchers found. What remains to be seen is whether the B. burgdorferi strains that can infect birds can also cause disease in humans. If so, the role of birds in the epidemiology of Lyme disease could be profound.

To read the whole article:

Antibody Testing for Early and Late Lyme Disease

Background.Standard 2‐tiered immunoglobulin G (IgG) testing has performed well in late Lyme disease (LD), but IgM testing early in the illness has been problematic. IgG VlsE antibody testing, by itself, improves early sensitivity, but may lower specificity. We studied whether elements of the 2 approaches could be combined to produce a second‐tier IgG blot that performs well throughout the infection. Continued

Borrelia burgdorferi antigens in a mouse model

HLA-DR alleles determine responsiveness to Borrelia burgdorferi antigens in a
mouse model of self-perpetuating arthritis.

Iliopoulou BP, Guerau-De-Arellano M, Huber BT.

Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts.

OBJECTIVE: Arthritis is a prominent manifestation of Lyme disease, which is
caused by infection with Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb). Chronic Lyme arthritis
persisting even after antibiotic treatment is linked to HLA-DRB1*0401 (DR4) and
related alleles. In contrast, patients whose Lyme arthritis resolves within 3
months postinfection show an increased frequency of HLA-DRB1*1101 (DR11). The
aim of this study was to analyze the underlying mechanism by which HLA-DR
alleles confer genetic susceptibility or resistance to antibiotic-refractory
Lyme arthritis. Continued

Chronic Lyme Disease: Myth or Reality?

Linda’s comment:  The FIGHT program is a perfect example of how you can fight Lyme disease.  As Dr Patricia Gerbarg, MD has found out.  She has not experienced the FIGHT program to my knowledge, but the protocols she mentioned are all part of the FIGHT program.  It is a must that we reduce the total body burden of toxins and pathogens to fight the Lyme critters.  Lyme loves heavy metals.  We are slammed every time we walk out our front doors with 500 to 600 environmental toxins.  It is a daily battle, but I found the FIGHT program made this all very easy.  I only wish I had  the knowledge of the FIGHT program with the first Lyme infection.

I have never taken any antibiotics and don’t intend to, but I focused on the lifelong daily detox program FIGHT and cleaned up my lifestyle, home and diet.  I got rid of all the GMO foods, gluten, sugar, caffeine, alcohol and my body shakes if I pass a fast-food restaurant….the smell turns my stomach.  Once you clean  up your diet and clean up your homestead, you begin to feel better….Lifestyle is probably one of the hardest things I have ever done….Yes, I cheat, but at least now I have learned to cheat. and can neutralize a toxic food if I eat it.  Once you begin to feel better it makes the journey of cleaning up much easier. Just give the FIGHT program 90 days and you too will feel the difference.

Regards, Linda Continued

Lyme pericarditis leading to tamponade

We report the case of a 62-yr-old man who presented with Lyme pericarditis leading to cardiac tamponade shortly followed by an arthritis. IgM and IgG antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi were demonstrated in serum by indirect immunofluorescence. Borrelia burgdorferi was demonstrated and identified in pericardial fluid by indirect immunofluorescence using serum from a patient with proven Lyme disease and by a monoclonal antibody immuno-gold silver stain. Spirochetes were also found in synovial biopsies using a silver stain. The tamponade was treated with pericardiocentesis; the arthritis was treated with intravenous ceftriaxone (2 g once daily) for 14 days. The patient recovered completely within days of commencing treatment. This case report demonstrates that borrelial infection may lead to pericarditis and cardiac tamponade. Continued

Clinical Judgment in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Lyme Disease

Clinical practice guidelines are increasing in number. Unfortunately,
when scientific evidence is uncertain, limited, or evolving, as is often
the case, conflict often arises between guideline committees and
practicing physicians, who bear the direct responsibility for the care of
individual patients. The 2006 Infectious Diseases Society of America
guidelines for Lyme disease, which have limited scientific support,
could, if implemented, limit the clinical discretion of treating physicians
and the treatment options available to patients


Clinical practice guidelines are now ubiquitous throughout the
United States. The National Guidelines Clearing House, under the
category “diseases,” currently lists 2,126 separate guidelines on its
web site. Clinical guidelines are intended to assist physicians in
patient care by clearly communicating the results of the guideline
committees’ evaluation of available therapeutic options. However,
the processes by which individual guidelines are constructed may be
less clear, leading to disagreements between the issuing committee
and the physicians who treat patients-physicians who may well be
as experienced and knowledgeable as the guideline committee. Continued

Lyme Encephalopathy

Encephalopathy is like fine art: Most people know it when they see it, but there is very little agreement on how to define it. At the 14th International Lyme Disease Conference, Brian A. Fallon, MD,[1] of Columbia University and the New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY, tried to do just that. More importantly, he described the different ways one can define encephalopathy, the strengths and limitations of each approach, and significantly, what other aspects of life can give the impression of encephalopathy where none exists. First, one must evaluate patients with persistent Lyme encephalopathy by asking the following questions:

Is the diagnosis correct?
Are there comorbid psychiatric disorders that could be treated better? Does the patient have a psychogenic medical illness? What was the patient’s response to prior antibiotics?
Was previous treatment adequate? How long was the course, and what was the route of administration? Was there a subsequent relapse Continued

Lyme Encepalopathy

Encephalopathy is like fine art: Most people know it when they see it, but there is very little agreement on how to define it. At the 14th International Lyme Disease Conference, Brian A. Fallon, MD,[1] of Columbia University and the New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY, tried to do just that. More importantly, he described the different ways one can define encephalopathy, the strengths and limitations of each approach, and significantly, what other aspects of life can give the impression of encephalopathy where none exists.
First, one must evaluate patients with persistent Lyme encephalopathy by asking the following questions:

Is the diagnosis correct?
Are there comorbid psychiatric disorders that could be treated better? Does the patient have a psychogenic medical illness? What was the patient’s response to prior antibiotics?
Was previous treatment adequate? How long was the course, and what was the route of administration? Was there a subsequent relapse Continued