All Posts Tagged With: "herbicides"

non-GMO shopping Guide website

Linda’s Comment:  This is the “NEW” non-GMO shopping Guide website….you can learn and help us ALL teach your families, friends, colleagues, DOCTORS and yourselves about the dangers of GMO foods.  GMO foods FEED the Lyme critters, parasites and bacteria.  When you eat GMO foods, you are swallowing pesticides, herbicides and  much more.  We are blessed to have more and more organic, “pick our own” farms sprouting up across the USA….There have been two here in Arizona in the last few months, or at least ones that I have discovered.  You will find that your pricing for pick our own organics is the same price you pay in the stores….it could very well save you from medical bills, sickness and help to keep your children safe and healthy……   Then scoot on over the Home – Seeds of Deception ( ) and join the newsletter group and you will receive the “Spilling the Beans” newsletter as it comes out.  Jeffery Smith has worked for years and years to fight the Monsanto’s of the world who are “killing” us….The concept of GMO foods was not thought out well, or they just didn’t care….Cancer is on the rise, so we ask Why?  Is it because of the deadly GMO foods?  All five of the Cancers I dealt with were environmental chemicals and foods.  Yes, I learned a hard lesson and have now turned into a preacher against these deadly foods.   Regards, Linda


Spirochetes in cardiac biopsies

Linda’s comment:  This report was posted in 1989 but it still is true today.  Many of us Lymies have/had Lyme Carditis.  It can be frightening to say the least.  I was never one to do antibiotics, but I did plenty of anti microbial’s, herbals, supplements and later the FIGHT lifelong daily detox and don’t have those problems today.  Reducing heavy metals and reducing my total body burden of pathogens and toxins has been God sent to me.  You don’t have to use the brands that I chose, but I know the products I used worked, and are still working for me.   I have battled (5) Cancers, (2) Lyme infections, COPD, Arthritis, CHF, Varestrongylus Klapowi worm, and several other health woes, however once I woke up and made the right lifestyle changes, the battles I fought became much easier.  Giving up GMO foods, removing all the toxins,chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, and toxic cleaning supplies from my home made this healing and detox journey much easier. Being a southern cook, it wasn’t as hard as I anticipated to make cooking changes.  My recipes have become just as delicious.  Did I complain when making these changes, you betcha I did.  However, when I begin my research on all the no no’s in my life and finding out the Cancers were environmental Cancers, threw me right into the mission of making changes.  Once I stopped complaining to my self it was much easier.  It became a challenge to prove to myself I could make these changes.  In the beginning I never told my family that they were eating gluten free or Buffalo meat.  When they began to tell me that they knew something was different, but it tasted good to them, I finally admitted about the gluten free and Buffalo. Regards, Linda

Cardiac involvement occurring early in Borrelia burgdorferi infection is a clinical manifestation of human Lyme disease. Therefore, two patients with acute complete atrioventricular heart blocks and unexplained recurrent dizziness were studied. Both patients had significantly elevated serum titers of IgM and IgG antibodies to B. burgdorferi. Right ventricular subendocardial biopsies showed dense infiltrates consisting of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Silver staining revealed spirochetes characteristic of B. burgdorferi near and in the infiltrates, between the muscle fibers, and in the endocardium. One patient responded to penicillin; the other did not, necessitating installation of a pacemaker. Thus, permanent heart damage may result from cardiac involvement in Lyme disease. Continued

Kids Should Play in the Dirt

Linda’s comment:  This was true several years ago, but today it can be dangerous.  Yes children need to build immunities, BUT playing is pesticides, herbicides, Round-UP, etc., etc., can be VERY toxic for our children.  Look what happened in the Lake of the Ozark.  Children were playing in a very toxic creek and didn’t know it!!  Our rivers are dirty from toxic waste dumping, even our fish are becoming Frankenstein Fish, with many unable to lay eggs.  Our tap waters, river waters, creek waters are full of the drugs many folks take.  I live in Arizona and I have a friend that works for Game and Fish, and he tells me when they test the waters around the state, they find birth control, plaxil, antibiotics, etc., etc., etc.  The local water departments can not remove these drugs, so we play, bath, cook and drink this toxic water.

Dirt today can be dangerous.  Finding a good spa that can give us great mud baths is God sent.  But, to let our children enjoy the days we had as children is all but gone.  Just be careful when letting your children play in dirt and mud, as it could also be giving them new disease.  Who know?  Just be safe and do some research to find your own answers. Continued

worst fears about Chinese drywall confirmed…

Linda’s comment’s:  It isn’t just Chinese drywall, drywall in general contains formaldehyde and that is just as dangerous.  There are companies that have what we call “clean” drywall.  If you can’t find one, let your drywall sit outside in the hottest sun for several days, and/or rent an Ozone machine to outgas the drywall.  You would of course have to leave your home while the Ozone machine is running.

Don’t forget that kitchen cabinets also are full of Formaldehyde.  Be careful of grout fillings, glue, and carpets.  Many are not chemical sensitive and your body might not react to these chemicals, but that is not good either, as you have NO warning.  At least if you are chemical sensitivity your body lets you know pretty quickly.  I personally am like a Canary.  I can walk into a building, room, new construction, even retail stores and sense these dangerous chemicals.  Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Target and most clothing stores are full of pesticides from the clothing they are selling.  Remember to wash clothes, etc., etc., at least 3 times before wearing.  Please don’t look at your body reaction as a burden, be thankful that your body reacts, so that you can remove yourself.  When I buy new tires for my car I react to the tires.  Bicycle shops are out.

Just remember that these are very harmful chemicals and be thankful that you react.  Being an informed person could very well save your life.  Why now and not previous years?  The chemicals that are used are made with cheap materials, that were not used years ago.  Be careful of stores like Lowe’s and Home Depot, they are full of pesticides,herbicides,paints, treated woods and more.

They say that 85% of Cancers today are environmental.  I provide my body with the right detox methods, so I am neutralizing these chemical assaults, while replenishing my body with the right herbals, supplements and nutrients.  Buyer Beware!!


Linda Continued

Mercola comments on Monsanto

Linda’s comment….Thank you Dr Mercola for speaking up.  I had and still do have toxic reactions when around Roundup or around an area that has used Roundup.  It is criminal in my opinion that the government has allowed Monsanto to produce this deadly toxin.  Why you ask does our government allow this to happen…..easy answer….FOLLOW THE MONEY….yep, money is more important.
There are a few things you can do to neutralize the toxins your body absorbs from these toxins and that is to get on a good detox program/protocol.  I have found that FIGHT is an excellent lifelong daily detox protocol….
We are hit by 500 to 600 toxins from our environment on a daily basis….then you have them shoving GMO foods and vaccines at you….Our bodies can’t handle these daily assault’s and therefore it is left up to US, YOU and ME to began a good daily detox programs to help neutralize these toxins that we are being slammed with….
BTW, if you want to get rid of weeds there is a simple NON-toxic answer…..I make it up by the gallon….take one gallon of Heinz white vinegar, pour a cup of Morton’s toxic salt in the bottle then add 2 tablespoons of  Dawn dishwashing detergent…shake well and pour or use a squirt bottle on the weed and it will die within a few days….safe, non-toxic and you can pound your chest that you did not contribute to our toxic world….<big smile>
Again, I want to thank Dr Mercola for being so out-spoken ….now let us all start speaking up.  We consumers can begin to control this toxic world by STOP BUYING THE TOXIC PRODUCTS…

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France Finds Monsanto Guilty of Lying
Posted by: Dr. Mercola
November 21 2009 | 36,068 views

France’s highest court has ruled that U.S. agrochemical giant Monsanto had not told the truth about the safety of its best-selling weed-killer, Roundup. The court confirmed an earlier judgment that Monsanto had falsely advertised its herbicide as “biodegradable” and claimed it “left the soil clean.” Roundup is the world’s best-selling herbicide. Continued

Suzanne Somers’s Cancer Book “Knockout”

Linda’s Comment:  I’m in the process of reading this book and so far it ROCKS.  Having battled (5) Cancers myself and beaten them on using ONLY alternative medicine and adjuncts, I can relate to much of what Suzanne has to say.  Cancer is preventable, but many of us don’t pay attention until we hear those words,”You have Cancer”….Yes, it certainly gets your attention.  Many forget to stop and think about how they ended up with Cancer?  These are things you don’t think of ,UNTIL you hear those words, and then it is usually the last thing you even think about.  Once I got over the shock of hearing those words and had my treatment protocol laid out, I wanted to know how and why? No, I didn’t question God, but I questioned myself.  Thanks to my alternative doctors and friends I stepped back and began looking at what I ate. Yep, I ate a lot of GMO foods, sugar, the wrong fats and used a microwave.  I began looking under my cabinets and in my medicine cabinets, as well as my laundry room.  Boy was I shocked.  My friends, doctors and research lead me to start removing all the toxins and chemicals I had around me.  It actually isn’t hard to do, but it is a shocker that the FDA would allow the industry to sells these DEADLY products.

The chemical toxins that we use to clean and wash our clothes with are scary when you begin to read labels.  The chemicals we put on our bodies and the cosmetics that are toxic and loaded with chemicals will make you angry, as they did me.  How could the industry approve them?  How could the industry in good faith shove these chemicals at us?  I had no idea what perfume and body creams were putting into my blood stream, much less in my lungs, breasts and ovaries!!  The plug-in air-fresheners and aerosol sprays are DEADLY.  The good news is there are cleaning products, laundry products, body creams, shampoos that are not toxic and filling our bodies with additional toxins.  Oh yea, let’s not forget the pesticides and herbicides that are giving us our toxic world!!

I only wish I had known about the FIGHT program, that I began over a year ago.  Thank you Dr Gordon for developing this lifelong daily detox protocol.  IT WORKS….They talk about the FIGHT program in the 16th chapter of Suzanne’s book.  The FIGHT protocol has helped me begin to dissolve biofilms and reduce my total body burden of pathogens and toxins.  The great thing about this program is it is lifelong.  Yes, I said lifelong, but we are living in a very toxic world and are being slammed daily with hundreds of toxins from our environment. Continued