All Posts Tagged With: "inflammation"

Study Shows Soluble Fiber Boosts Immune System

Linda’s comments:  Finally a university does a study and admits they find that Fiber boosts our immune systems.  AND yes, a good Fiber can reduce inflammation associated with obesity related diseases.  The BEYOND FIBER I take has more than just fiber….please go here and read about the fiber I take twice daily… <BEYOND FIBER>  This Beyond Fiber is part of the FIGHT protocol that I have been on for over 1 1/2 years.   I had tried over 15 different fibers before Beyond FIber.  I will never go back.  Healing our cells helps us to recover faster from different infections. 

Join the FIGHT team and get healthy!!  Go to and find the Webinar’s on the F.I.G.H.T. protocol.  I do believe you will be pleasantly surprised what you learn there.  By reducing our total body burden of pathogens and toxins leads us to a healthier life and a happier YOU.
A new University of Illinois study touts the benefits of soluble fiber – found in oats, apples, and nuts, for starters – saying that it reduces the inflammation associated with obesity-related diseases and strengthens the immune system. Continued

Monsanto plans to unleash its latest Frankenfood experiment

Linda’s comments:  THIS is criminal in my book.  Do they think we have stupid stamped on our foreheads?  We can stop this or at least make enough noise that Monsanto will think twice.  The main thing we can do is JUST SAY NO TO GMO and DO NOT PURCHASE THESE DEADLY FOODS.  The consumers are in control and need to take a stand.  We need to put our feet down and stand against these companies that have NO regard for our health and safety.  Cancers and autoimmune diseases are on the rise.  You can bet that GMO foods are part of the problem.  Think of your children and grand-children.  Don’t you want them to lead a healthy life and live to teach their grand-children??  How many more lives have to be lost to these DEADLY foods?  Stop and think about this, when your past presidents would not allow the GMO foods to be served to their families how can they allow Monsanto to continue??  Follow the money!!!

Linda or Angel


There can be no question that Vitamin D deficiency is a major factor that must be addressed whenever children are failing to thrive!
Do not fail to read Dr. Cannell’s comments about this case report at the bottom of this report – this is NOT JUST ABOUT AUTISM – this applies to everyone. How much Vitamin D do we need to get levels up in the ideal range?
“ …your pediatrician knows little about Vitamin D other than what committees tell him; your decision to ignore his advice probably saved your son’s brain from further injury” (excerpt of Dr. Cannell’s comments) Continued

Why treat nutritional deficiency with drugs?

Linda’s comments:  Poor nutrition will and does cause many illness in adults and children.  Eating GMO foods, fast foods, junk foods, drinking any kind of soda regular and/or diet you are asking for troble.  For those young women out there who are thinking about having children, you need to think first about cleaning up your body before getting pregnant. An unborn baby is a toxic dump for the mother.  All the toxins and bad things she eats go right to the baby.  If the mother has amalgam fillings all that mercury goes straight to the unborn child. 

While diet/nutrition is one of the hardest things in the world it is one of the most important things for good health.  Today, we have to worry about all the GMO foods.  We have to be concerned about pesticides, herbicides, how it is prepared, packaged and stored before it gets to your mouth.

Using drugs to fix the problems that a poor diet has caused is only adding more problems to the mix.  Why add more toxins to our bodies.  Try cleaning up your lifestyle, and adding vitamins, herbals and supplements to your everyday living. 

Focus on cleaning out the toxins you have packed in and stored by getting on a lifelong daily detox, them supplementing the nutrients using a good quality supplement product.  Using drugs will only compound your problems.


Linda or Angel


(OMNS, November 13, 2008) A recent study suggested that statins might be used to avoid the effects of nutritional deficiency. Writing in the New England Journal of Medicine, the Jupiter group described a study of statin drugs in people with high C-reactive protein and low cholesterol. (1) High C-reactive protein levels are associated with inflammation and heart disease/stroke. The authors concluded that, in apparently healthy persons with elevated C-reactive protein levels, rosuvastatin (Crestor) significantly reduced the incidence of major cardiovascular events. Continued

Kids Should Play in the Dirt

Linda’s comment:  This was true several years ago, but today it can be dangerous.  Yes children need to build immunities, BUT playing is pesticides, herbicides, Round-UP, etc., etc., can be VERY toxic for our children.  Look what happened in the Lake of the Ozark.  Children were playing in a very toxic creek and didn’t know it!!  Our rivers are dirty from toxic waste dumping, even our fish are becoming Frankenstein Fish, with many unable to lay eggs.  Our tap waters, river waters, creek waters are full of the drugs many folks take.  I live in Arizona and I have a friend that works for Game and Fish, and he tells me when they test the waters around the state, they find birth control, plaxil, antibiotics, etc., etc., etc.  The local water departments can not remove these drugs, so we play, bath, cook and drink this toxic water.

Dirt today can be dangerous.  Finding a good spa that can give us great mud baths is God sent.  But, to let our children enjoy the days we had as children is all but gone.  Just be careful when letting your children play in dirt and mud, as it could also be giving them new disease.  Who know?  Just be safe and do some research to find your own answers. Continued

Almonds May Boost Immune Function, Reduce Inflammation

Linda’s comment:  FINALLY, they are acknowledging that Almonds may boost your immune function and reduce inflammation.  The alternative arena has known this for years.  Almond milk is delicious.  Buddy Butter, which is an Almond butter that tastes like Jiff peanut butter.

From Reuters Health Information

By Megan Rauscher

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) May 19 – Almonds have the potential to boost immune health and reduce inflammation, according to research reported Tuesday at the 109th annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in Philadelphia. Continued

Zona Plus for Blood Pressure

You really can lower blood pressure with this device, The Zona Plus, and we still have no reports of anyone having a fatal heart attack while on Beyond Chelation Improved. Looks like a perfect combination,  but when there is a history of prior blood clots, Boluoke  should be added at least for a time. Continued

Vitamin D and Multiple Sclerosis

Read below for new developments with Vitamin D and Multiple Sclerosis. Let’s reduce the incidence of MS by making sure Vitamin D levels are supplemented vigorously.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute


Dear Reader,

You don’t hear much about multiple sclerosis — mostly because it’s a disease that continues to stump doctors and researchers. While there are a handful of treatments that can alleviate some of the symptoms, there’s no cure for it. But last month, researchers from the UK and Canada did even better. They made a discovery that may prevent it from occurring in the first place. Continued

Lyme disease: A Challenging Diagnosis

[Originally posted to FACT forum on Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:03 pm]

This article in the NY TIMES changes everything for Lyme disease patients.

Finally our doctors may not have to fight to keep their medical licenses when they are brave enough to become LYME LITERATE DOCTORS.

This article will clearly change the terrain, as it states that the diagnosis is complex and that antibiotic treatment is warranted in spite of negative test results since there are so many false negative and false positive results. It quotes the May issue of the Mayo Clinic proceedings that says patients are best diagnosed by SYMPTOMS. Continued

Inflammation Linked to Increased Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer’s Disease

It would have been nice to test these patients for environmental toxins and also to see how high their heavy metals were??  Simple way to regulate and determine if metal toxicity has an effect on the cognitive decline?

Perhaps someday the conventional docs will get on the band wagon with the alternative world and begin searching for the “cause” and stop treating symptoms??!!

Angel Huggzz


Inflammation Linked to Increased Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer’s Disease
Susan Jeffrey
Find out about a head-to-head comparison of MS treatment options
Dr. Daniel Mikol discusses the findings from the multicenter REGARD study.Click here.September 11, 2009 — A new study finds a link between systemic inflammation and increased cognitive decline in patients with established Alzheimer’s disease (AD).
In this study, both acute and chronic inflammation, which were in turn associated with increased serum levels of proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), were associated with an increase in the rate of cognitive decline in patients with mild to severe AD.
“The role of TNF-α within the brain is controversial, with evidence supportive of both deleterious and protective effects,” the authors, led by Clive Holmes, MRCPsych, PhD, from the University of Southampton, United Kingdom, conclude. “However, if systemic inflammation has different [central nervous system] consequences depending on the existing relative activation state of the central innate immune system, dampening down systemic TNF-α may prove to be beneficial in AD.”
Their report is published in the September 8 issue of Neurology.
Inflammation and Cognitive Decline Continued